Characterisation of porous silicon layers by spectroscopic ellipsometry U. ~ a
H. Münder”, M. Thönissen” and W. Theil3c
Instutur für Festkorperphysik der TU, PN6-1, Hardenbergstr. 36, 10623 Berlin, Germany Inst itul für Schicht- und Jonentechnik der KFA, Posfach 1913, 52425 Jülich, Germany 1. Phvsikalisches Institut der RWTH, Sommerfeldstr. 28, 52074 Aachen, Germany
The influence of the microscopic structure of porous silicon layers on the dielectric function is determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry. The investigated layers were formed on high and low p-type doped substrates. Their microscopic structure was changed by varying the current density in the electrochemical formation process. The measured dielectric function was found to be extremely sensitive on the microscopic structure. New features occur in the measured dielectric function which are characteristic for the silicon skeleton in the porous silicon layers.
advantage of optical investigations of the microscopic structure (here by spectroscopic ellipsometry) compared to electron microscopy is that the samples can be measured as-grown and nondestructively. In this paper, we will discuss the influence of various formation conditions as well as doping levels and therefore different microscopic structures of the layers on the dielectric function.
2. Experimental For the investigations, a spectroscopic ellipsometer of the rotating analyser type [4] was used in the spectral range from 1.8 to 5.5 eV. The measured raw data were directly converted into effective dielectric functions <~> which are also called pseudodielectric functions [4,5]. The investigated PSL were formed electrochemically (50% HF and ethanol (1: 1)) from p-doped substrates with resistivities in the range from 0.01 to 8 ~ cm. For a given substrate doping level, the current density was varied in order to obtain different porosities and therefore different microstructures. The thicknesses of the layers were about 5 pm and hence there is no substrate contribution to the dielectric function above 3 eV. To avoid any
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved
U. Rossow et al.
C’haracterisation of porous silicon layers
~ 23455
ENERCY (eV) Fig. I. The influence of increasing current density and consequently porosity on Im for PSL formed on highly p-type doped silicon substrates (0.01 ~ cm). The used current densities 2 are 9 (30%), 31 (40%), 94 (50%), 141 (60%) and 219 mA/cm (75%). A,B: main features ofthe dielectric function (also the peak or shoulder at —‘4.2 eV).
oxidation, freshly prepared samples were kept in a nitrogen atmosphere until the layers were measured,