Abstracts from Deutsche Zeitschrifi (Volume 20 Number 3 1996)
fir Mund-Kiefer-und
Surgical correction of the vertical dimension through segmental osteotomy of the maxilla. K. .4. S&c@. (Dtsch Z Mund Kiefer GesichtsChir 1996: 20; 3.)
Correspondence: Dr T. Betz, Klinik Kiefer-. Gcsichtschirurgie, Pleicherwall
The unopposed over eruption of teeth can lead to problems in the prosthetic treatment of the opposing jaw, making it difficult to achieve a satisfying functional and esthetic result. It is possible to reconstruct the occlusal plane prior to prosthodontic treatment either by shortening or orthodontic intrusion of the elongated tooth, or by surgical intervention (segmental osteotomy). Seven cases are presented: 5 patients were treated by intrusion of the dentulous upper jaw segment ( 10 natural teeth in total ), and 2 patients received an osteotomy for the correction of malpositioned osseointegrated endosseous implants. The indications, technique. and result of segmental osteotomy are described.
New instruments for orthognathic surgery: cortical bone splitting chisel (Z-chisel) and chin supporting forceps. H, -A. Mwretr, A. Ludwig. K. G. LYiese. H. G. L&Y. (Dtsch Z Mund Kiefcr GesichtsChir 1996: 20: 3.)
Correspondence: Kieferchirurgieder
Dr K. LMU,
A. Schlegel, Lindwurmstrafie
Correspondence: Universitatsklinik Giittingen.
repair or autologous Z Mund Kiefer
med A. Ludwig, Abteilung Giittingen. Robert-Koch-Str.
Optimised central venous kI’. S&Y,&, J. Rdtkf. GesichtsChir 1996: 20; 3.)
In the recent past the use of various types of bone replacement materials and autologous bone grafts has gained increasing importance in dentistry. Although various heterologous bone graft materials have shown favourable clinical results, the success of autologous bone grafting in surgery is unmatched. Due to the complicated procedure and the risk of nerve lesions, patients must be hospitalized for the harvesting of iliac crest grafts. Harvesting bone from the tibia seems a viable alternative to obtain adequate amounts of autogenous bone for use in dental surgery. To date, the use of this method has been limited to surgical procedures in orthopaedics and traumatology. The surgical technique of harvesting tibia1 head grafts is described. The results of various applications of these grafts are presented and evaluated. The surgical advantages of this method are outlined. Correspondence: Dr Dr Ch. Foitrik. D-64283 Darmstadt.
fiir Mund-. Wiirrburg.
Chin osteotomy and sagittal splitting of the mandible are used for the correction of skeletal malformations or malocclusions. New instruments have been developed specifically for these two surgical procedures: cortical bone splitting chisels (Z-chisel ) for splitting the outer cortical layer during sagittal osteotomy of the mandibular ramus and the chin supporting forceps for exact temporary positioning of the chin during osteotomy. The use of these instruments during surgery is described. and the first clinical results achieved with them are presented.
Klinik und Poliklinik fiir 2A, D-80337 Miinchen.
Bone harvesting from the tibia1 head for defect grafting. C/I. Foif~ik. K. Vieror. (Dtsch GesichtsChir 1996: 20; 3.)
und Poliklinik 2. D-97070.
Kieferchirurgie. 40. D-37075
access in oral-maxilla-facial patients. R. Krtrusc. (Dtsch Z Mund Kicfer
Oral-maxillof~~ciai patients undergoing major tumour or extended plastic-reconstructive surgery often need a central venous cathctcl (CVC) for perioperative nutrition and fluid therapy. However. puncture conditions are often unfavourable and CVC related complications are likely to occur. Insertion sites, factors influencing puncture xwcess and complication rates are reviewed and strategies for optimized central venous access are presented. Experienced operators, choice of the optimal insertion site, ultrasound techniques for vessel localisation and use of suitable material reduce puncture related complications: strict aseptic technique and removal of the catheter when infection is suspected are the main principles to follow in order to reduce morbidity and mortalit) from CVC related infections.
Correspondence: PD Dr W. Schregel. Klinik fiir Antisthesie und operative Intensivtherapie. Knappschaftskrankenhaus-RuhrLJniversitat Bochum. In der Schornau 23-25, D-44892 Bochum.
Choice of the augmentative material for sinus floor elevation: autologous iliac crest or AAA bone. Th. BCC J. Sill, .W. Kiihlw, J. Pdmkr, J. F. Reuthcr. (Dtsch Z Mund Kiefer GesichtsChir 1996: 20; 3.)
Intraoral mucosa expansion prior to oral plastic-reconstructive gery. L. Breirs/~rc~&r. (Dtsch Z Mund Kiefer GesichtsChir 20; 3.)
Elevation of the sinus floor tnakes it possible to place endosseous dental implants in the molar region of the upper jaw even in severely resorbed ridges. A total of 14 patients were treated with 20 sinus lift procedures. Ten sinuses each were augmented using monocortical iliac crest grafts and with autolyzed, antigenextracted, allogeneic bone (AAA bone). Sixty-three endosseous Bone Lock implants (Fa. Leibinger, Freiburg), were inserted either simultaneously (9 X) or in a second stage procedure (5 X) after a 6-month healing period. The incorporation and changes of the bone grafts were documented by radiographic, sinuscopic and histological examinations. Using either AAA bone or autologous iliac bone grafts, sinus floor elevation ensures a highly successful treatment result. In view of the stress to the patient created by the harvesting of the iliac bone graft due to hospitalization, general anaesthesia and conceivable postoperative complications, we prefer the use of AAA bone in the treatment of edentulous patients with severe ridge atrophy.
Skin expanders are widely used in plastic surgery. However. intraoral application to generate oral mucosa flaps is quite uncommon. This case demonstrates an alternative for the closure of alvcolai ridge cleft defects by use of skin expanders. Correspondence: Dr med L. Poliklinik fiir Mund-, KieferOperationen. Sauerbruchstrafje.
Breitsprecher, Univ.-Klinik und und Gesichtschirurgic. Plastische D-17487 Greifswald.
lntratumoural application of interferon-alfa and local re-irradiation: a new way to treat recurrent head and neck tumours? J. Biintzcl, K. Am&, K. Kiittnw, D. Frij/z/i&. (Dtsch Z Mund Kiefer CesichtsChir 1996: 20: 3.) Recurrent to treat. 339
tumours In a pilot
of the head and neck region are very difficult project we studied the efficacy and side-etrects