Aqueous Lubricant and Surface Conditioner
pound comprising colloidal alumina and a powder of a substance that is harder than the material to be polished; and imparting relative motion to the material to be polished.
U.S. Pafent5,584,944. Dec. 17, 1996 J.P Bershas et al., assignors to Henkel Corp., Plymouth Meeting, Pa. A process comprising steps of cleaning an aluminum can with an aqueous acidic or alkaline cleaning solution, drying the cleaned can, and subsequently conveying the cleaned and dried can via automatic conveying equipment to a location where it is lacquered or decorated by printing or both, wherein the improvement comprises contacting at least one exterior surface of the aluminum can with a lubricant and surface conditioner forming composition consisting essentially of water, a component selected from the group consisting of quaternary ammonium salt and amine oxide surfactants, and including a component of complex fluoride anions.
Electrostatic Spray Device U.S. Patent5,584,931. Dec. 17, 1996 ET: Buhlmann, assignor to Gema Volsfafic AG, St. Gal/en, Switierland An electrostatic spray device for coatingobjects, comprising a spray gun having an outlet
disposed upon a gun axis; means for discharging coating material from the outlet of the spray gun; and a charging electrode for electmstatitally charging the coating material so that it is attracted to an object to be coated.
Cleaning and Surface Conditioning of Aluminum US. Patent 5,584,943. Dec. 17, 1996 RD. Banaszak et al, assignors to Henkel Corp., Plvmoufh Meefina, Pa.
Conversion Coating for Aluminum
A process comprising cleaning an aluminum can with an aqueous acidic cleaning solution comprising a surfactant component and then contacting the aluminum can with an aqueous lubricant and surface conditioner forming composition.
U.S. Patent 5,584,946. Dec. 17, 1996 U. Karmaschek et al., assignors to Henkel KGA, Duesseldom Germany
A process for treatment of surfaces of aluminum and its alloys comprising contacting
them with acidic aqueous treatment solutions, which contain complex fluorides of the elements boron, silicon, titanium, zirconium, or hafnium individually or in admixture with one another in concentrations of the fluoro anions of, in all, 100 to 4,000 mg/L and which have a pH value of 0.3 to 3.5; subjecting the thus treated surfaces to machining, forming, or joining to one another or to parts of steel, galvanized steel, or alloy-galvanized steel by bonding or by welding; and subjecting the machined, formed, or joined surfaces to a permanently corrosion-preventing conversion treatment.
Apparatus for Electrolytic Treatment of Strip U.S. Patent5,584,984. Dec. 17, 1996 EG. Pempera and M. Haentjes, assignors to Mannesmann AG, Dikseldorf, Germany
A method of electrolytically treating the surface of an elongated, continuous metal strip advanced longitudinally along a direction of movement:
Two-Coat, One-Bake Coating Method U.S. Patent 5,585,146. Dec. 17, 1996 A. Uenaka and T Kuwajima, assignors to Nippon
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