Colour atlas of oral disease. Clinical and pathologic correlations

Colour atlas of oral disease. Clinical and pathologic correlations

262 J. Dent. 1995; 23: No. 4 tTX3tiOn on construction for prosthetic rehabilitation. However, it deserves to be read by oral surgeons, plastic surge...

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J. Dent. 1995; 23: No. 4

tTX3tiOn on construction for prosthetic rehabilitation. However, it deserves to be read by oral surgeons, plastic surgeons, prosthodontists and dentists who are interested in maxillofacial prostheses. The book, which is well illustrated, falls into three parts: the first part, which is certainly most important, explains the theory and techniques stage by stage in simple terms which the reader can easily understand. The second part entitled ‘case histories and patient support’, which is unique, describes a variety of prostheses with their additional complications. The third part provides a practical guide, with a glossary of terms, notes on skin grafts, flaps, tissue expansion, and index of suppliers and materials. Throughout the book, the reader will recognize the author’s aim at perfecting what has become an art form, always trying and if necessary discarding, new materials and techniques with great enthusiasm. He succeeds in conveying his pleasure in helping patients to rebuild their lives and re-establish their place in society. Y. Akagawa

Dental Implants. Fundamental and advanced laboratory technology. R. Winkelman and K. Orth. Pp. 207. 1994. London, Mosby-Year Book Europe. Hardback, g80.00. ISBN 0 7234 2040 8. This colour atlas describes a range of laboratory techniques which may be employed when using dental implants. As one would expect, the book is lavishly and clearly illustrated. There are 11 chapters spanning a range of topics, including overdentures, single tooth abutments, carbon fibre-reinforced bridges and how to solve aesthetic problems. The authors have attempted to cover a wide range of areas using different implant systems and, in some respects, this proves to be confusing. For example, four methods of fabricating overdentures using different implant systems are described. However, there is little discussion of the clinical advantages and disadvantages between the different techniques. The illustrations are clear and usually well identified. However, there are occasions where a number of components appear in one figure and it is difficult to identify them, for example Figure 9.24. This atlas is not a laboratory manual and technicians would probably experience significant difficulties in following some of the techniques if they were not already familiar with the components. It does, however, serve to introduce some new ideas. The clinical material shown, particularly in the partial and single tooth cases, is quite useful and serves to illustrate some of the difficulties that can be encountered in the laboratory as a result of poor angulation and positioning of implants. Although the layout of the book is extremely comprehensive, there is a lack of technical explanation in some areas. The accuracy of fit of one-piece frameworks has been discussed by a number of workers in other texts. However, this area is dealt with rather superficially; indeed, it is implied that an error in the fit of a casting is solely attributable to a distorted

impression, and this is not correct. This work is well illustrated and does contain a lot of technical information. It may therefore be recommended with some reservation. N. Meredith Colour Atlas of Oral Disease. Clinical and Pathologic Correlations. R. Cawson, W. Binnie, J. Eveson. Pp. XXX. 1994. London, Mosby-Year Book Europe. Hardback, flO3.50. ISBN 1 56375 594 7. It is always a pleasure to be asked to review a new book, but on this occasion the task was exceptionally enjoyable. The high quality of production praised in reviews of the initial text (published in 1987 as Cawson and Eveson, Oral Pathologyand Diagnosis) is equally applicable to this second edition, The original authors have been joined by Professor W. H. Binnie from Dallas, USA, which further establishes the international standing of this highly successful book. The text has been expanded by a quarter and the inclusion of additional clinical illustrations and radiographs increases the emphasis on clinicopathological correlations. The reader is immediately struck by the ubiquitous high quality of reproduction of the photomicrographs, the vast majority of which are accompanied by extremely clear, explanatory line drawings. It is difficult to categorize the diverse spectrum of oral disease into appropriate chapters but the approach used involving 18 chapters works well. The first chapter describes the normal structure and natural variation of the developing dentition, tooth supporting structures, oral mucosa and salivary glands. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 encompass tooth-related pathology, gingivitis and periodontal disease. Cysts, tumours (odontogenic and non-odontogenic), diseases of bone and the temporomandibular joint, major infections, diseases of nerve, muscle and connective tissue, stomatitis, white patches, epithelial tumours, salivary gland disease, pigmented and granulomatous lesions, and diseases of blood vessels and haemopoetic tissues are dealt with in the remaining chapters. Approximately 20 key references are presented at the end of each chapter. This book, which is primarily intended for pathologists, is undoubtedly the best colour atlas of oral histopathology available. However the expansion of the clinical information it contains will make it of interest to all health care workers involved in the management of oral disease. Furthermore, although not intended for undergraduate use, there is little doubt that every dental student would find this text a most enjoyable aid to the study of oral pathology. At a cost of &lo0 most readers will rely on the use of copies held in libraries, but if you can afford it buy it, you will not be disappointed. Finally, the authors should be congratulated on producing such an excellent publication which will remain the premier atlas in the field of oral histopathology until they produce the third edition. M. A. 0. Lewis