I yesterday
says he feels weak when he at.
to walk.
15. The shivering returned at.two o’clock, By THOMAS HEAD, Esq., House-Surgeon and twelve ounces of blood were drawn, by which the shivering was checked ; the hot to the Alnwick Dispensary.
and sweating stages observed their usual country- degree of severity and duration.
man, of dark complexion, and not unhealthy
16. The cold stage commenced more than appearance, was admitted into the medical an hour earlier to-day, was more severe, and ward of the dispensary on the 9th of April; continued longer; the hot stage followed in the cold state had gone off ; he was, when an aggravated degree, and the sweating was visited, suffering from headach, thirst, with much greater than it had ever before been; considerable heat of skin and fever : his says he finds himself much weaker; has pulse was full, and expanded, beating 89 in always been troubled with a short dry cough a minute ; the sweating stage succeeded, during the cold stage, which was before which lasted about two (hours. He gives omitted to be mentioned, and which disap. the following history of his disease; says pears on the accession of the hot stage. 17. Bowels open, skin cool and moist, that he was living as a farm servant in the neighbourhood of North Shields, in a wet pulse quick, small, and feeble, which ren. it apparent that the bleedings could and swampy situation, about three weeks ago ; that he was exposed to rain, and got not with propriety be repeated, and he was his feet wet, in which condition he remained therefore requested to begin at eight o’clock many hours ; the day after, he was attacked the following morning with four grains of with headach, sickness, pain in the back, sulphate quinine every hour until twelve with fever and thirst, for whish he used o’clock, when eight grains were to be ad. some fever medicines without benefit; after ministered ; twenty. four grains of the medi. continuing in this state a few days, he was cine had been taken at half past twelve attacked with shiverings, which were suc- o’clock, the cold stage came on, seemed less ceeded by the hot and sweating stages of than the day preceding ; the subsequent ague, that these at first only recurred every stages were considerably less than they had other day, but that for a week past he has ever been. been seized daily at about two o’clock, p.M. Vespere. Says he feels tolerably well, 10. Heat of skin natural; pulse regular, and has taken some castor oil to obviate soft, and beating 52 in the minute ; tongue costiveness. Ordered to resume the quiclean and moist; bowels moved yesterday; nine at eight o’clock in the morning. has no thirst ; urine rather scanty, and after 18. Vespere. Has had no return of the standing, exhibits a pinky deposit. The disease ; says he feels comfortable, and free cold stage came on at two o’clock, P.M., from all complaint but weakness. when about twelve ounces of blood were 19. The same as yesterday ; has reduced with difficulty drawn from the arm; the the quinine to twenty grains, and taken shivering, although not arrested, appeared some castor oil to move his bowels. to be less severe, and of shorter duration 20. Continues well ; to continue the use than yesterday ; the hot and sweating stages of the quinine and castor oil. were also less urgent, and of shorter con. 24. The same, in all respects, as last reo tinuance. port. Ordered to continue the medicine 11. Has passed a tolerable night, and thrice in the day, in doses of four grains. 28. Says he is perfectly recovered, and says that he feels free from complaint; skin of the natural heat and moist ; tongue wishes to have his discharge, which w93 clean; pulse 86, full and soft; bowels given him ; he was desired to continue the rather confined, for which he has to take use of the remedy for a week longer. 3vi. ol. recini in the evening. The cold May 14, 1829. stage returned at the same time as yesterday, but was certainly less severe, as well ON THE IMPORTANCE OF BOTANY TO THE as the hot and sweating stages ; the shiverMEDICAL PRACTITIONER. inglasted twenty minutes, while the hot By WILLIAM HOWISON, M.D. and sweating stages continued their usual time. WITHIN the last year, botany (under the 1. The attack was much the same as name of medical botany) has been added to the regulations of the Royal College of yesterday. 13. The -cold stage occurred at the usual Surgeons of London, Apothecaries’ Comhour; after it had lasted five minutes, four- pany, &c., in conjunction with materia meteen ounces of blood were abstracted, which, dica. The intention of this paper is to show in a trifling degree, checked the tremour, the impropriety and folly of such a regulaand the consequent, stages were not severe. tion, by proving that botany cannot be, nor 14. Much the same, in every respect, as ever was, properly taught in the above way,