P.N. JOHNSON-LAIRD (MRC Applied Psychology Un#, Cambridge) and BRUNO G. BARA (University o)Milan) Syllogistic inference, 1 DAVID B. PILLEMER (Wellesley College) Flashbulb memories of the assassination attempt on President Reagan, 63 DAVID C. RUBIN and MA!RC KOZIN (Duke University) Vivid memories, 81
Number 2
YOSEF GRODZINSKY (Brandeis University) The syntactic characterization of agrammatizm, 99 GIDEON KEREN (Institute for Perception TNO, So~sierberg) On the importance of identifying the correct pr,!)blern space', 121 6
LOUIS M. HERMAN (Department t~f Psychology and Kewalo Basin Marine Mammal Laboratory, University of Hawaii), DOUGLAS G. RICHARDS and JAMES P. WOLZ (Kewalo Basra Marine Mammal Laboratory, Univer-
sity of Hawaii) Comprehension of sentences by bottlenosed dolphins, 129
Number 3
B A R B A R A LANDAU (Columbia University), ELIZABETH SPELKE and HENRY GLEITMAN (University of Pennsylvania) Spatial knowledge in a young blind child, 225 IRENE M A Z U R K E W I C H and LYDIA WHITE (Concordia University and
McGill University) The acquisition of the dative alternation: Unlearning overgeneralizations, 261 MARY LOUISE SERAFINE and R O B E R T G. C R O W D E R (Yale Univer-