Book reviews
sentation of present activities in this field. As in most conference Proceedings, the subject is not completely covered because of limitations in the number and interest of participants. Discussions are reprocuced verbatim, which leads to a certain participation by the reader. Analog computation is based on circulatory models. Most participants of the symposium stressed the fact that much information on physical properties and parameters is still incomplete. The accuracy of mathematical models and the results of computation are limited by a lack of information on physical properties and dynamic behavior of the organ systems involved. The monograph can be recommended to the reader who already possesses familiarity with the subject. He will find the reading stimulating.
DISOKDEKS OF THE HEAKT BEAT. By Samuel Bellet, M.D., Professor of Clinical Cardiology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Ed. 2, Philadelphia, 1963, Lea & Febiger, 1105 pages. Price $28 CLINICAL
This monumental work is presented in seven sections. Section 1, the Introduction, deals with anatomic, physiologic, and hemodynamic considerations in the arrhythmias. Section 2 offers a general discussion of the etiology, classification, clinical findings, and therapy of the rhythm disorders. Section 3 is a detailed discussion of the individual arrhythmias covering almost 500 pages of the text. Section 4 deals with general diagnostic procedures, including methodology in electrocardiographic diagnosis. III Section 5, the various arrhythmias peculiar to certain clinical states are presented in detail. These include such conditions as syncope, exercise, pregnancy, congenital heart disease, rheumatic fever, various metabolic abnormalities, and several others. Section 6 covers the drug therapy of arrhythmias. All important drugs are noted, along with their pharmacologic actions, dosages, and toxic effects. Section 7 deals with means of therapy other than drugs, including carotid sinus pressure, artificial pacemakers, defibrillators, and “cardioverters.” This book is one of the most complete works available on the subject of arrhythmias. It represents a great effort from a single author. The material is well presented, being only occasionally poorly organized in certain sections. Several errors, mostly of a minor nature, were noted. Paper, printing, and the reproduction of illustrations are excellent. Indexing is good. Complete references, including those of both current and historical interest, are included at the end of each chapter. Since publication of this book, rapid advances have continued to be made in the field of the arrhythmias. The most notable of these has been the use of electrical means in the conversion of the rhythm disorders. Dr. Bellet’s book includes a short chapter on these methods, but, understandably, the information provided is incomplete. In general, this is an excellent book which
covers the complex field of the arrhythmias in considerable detail. The reader is rewarded with both basic and practical information. This work can be highly recommended and should be available to all cardiologists.
HEART DISEASE. A Personal, Clinical Study. By Harold Feil, M.D., F.A.C.P., Clinical Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Springfield, Ill., 1961, Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 148 pages. Price $6.50.
This book summarizes the personal experiences and ideas concerning coronary heart disease of an excellent cardiologist. Dr. Feil has devoted most of his life to cardiology and clinical research. He discusses the results of his studies of the case histories of 338 patients with angina pectoris and 1,516 patients with myocardial infarction, as to incidence, survival, diagnosis, significant clinical features, and treatment. This short, well-written book is recommended to medical students and clinicians who are interested in learning Dr. Feil’s opinions and practices.
(Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Kreislaufforschung, Bd. 29). By Prof. Dr. Rudolf Thauer and Priv. Doz. Dr. Claus Albers. Darmstadt, 1963, Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, 348 pages, 113 illustrations. The
main topic of this volume, representing the proceedings of the 29th Annual Meetinn of the ‘DeutscheGesellsrhaft fur Kreislauff&chung (April 19-21, 1963), is arterial and venous occlusion (complete and incomplete). The thirtyfour papers presented at that meeting, and published with discussions, give an excellent and up-to-date cross-section of various occlusive vascular diseases in all important aspects: anatomic, pathologic and biochemical bases, diapno&, and therapy, along with extensive bibliographies. The topic “arterial and venous occlusion” includes a variety of vascular diseases and locations and, consequently, a variety of problems, methods, and clinical applications. A few arbitrarily selected highlights may suffice to convey a general idea of the content of the volume. The first article (I. Staubesand. DD. 1-16) discusses the anatomic &ucture of arteries as a basis for nutritional supply of the arterial wall. In larger arteries, the supply proceeds by diffusion through the intima, and from the periphery through the vasa vasorum (which do not penetrate to the intima). On the basis of electron-microscopic studies, interruptions in the fine structure of the cell membrane are discussed in relation to the molecular size of electrolytes and several organic substances (J. Staubesand, W. Rotter, p.- 27). Thrombus formation is discussed in several articles (A. Studer, p. 17; H. G. Lasch, p. 41;