Courses, workshops & summer schools

Courses, workshops & summer schools

STATISTICAL SOFTWARE NEWSLETTER 270 COURSES, WORKSHOPS & SUMMER SCHOOLS (For cut-, workshops, or summer schools which arc ma&cd witit ‘*’ you can fi...

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COURSES, WORKSHOPS & SUMMER SCHOOLS (For cut-, workshops, or summer schools which arc ma&cd witit ‘*’ you can find mme inf0rmJtiott in this coltmm of fom issues of ti Staiai~ll SOAW~~~Newsletter. New en-

tries are shown in this size.)

22.-25.10.1991, WaUdarjYBaden, t%?JUUly SEH ‘91 - 6. Herbstachule SoftwareErgonemie. Inf: Cl Deutsche Informatik-Akademie Frau Offermanns Ah&r. 45 W-5300 Bonn 2, Germany 30.10.-1.11.1991. Chunnitz.Germany* ISP91: “Interaktive Datmanalyse mit ISP Anwmdungm tmd The&e” snl8i3lich der Helbatagtmg der Gaellschaft fur Klassifiiatiolt. M: Tbomss Hubcr Datavision AG POB 471 CH-72.50Klosters,Switzerland 4.-8.11.1991, Princeton, NJ, USA Empirical Model Building and smfwc3. M: University Associatea P.O.Box 541 F%ncam, NJ. USA Tel: +1(609) 924-5656


10.11.1991, Atkmta, GA, USA Course an Applied Logistic Regression sponsored by Statistics Section of the American Public Health Association Continuiung Education Institute. Inf: James Leeper University of Alabama P.O.Box 870326 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487.0326, USA Tel: +1(205) 348-1390 28.-29.11.1991. Mumhdm. Germany W&shop “Scrzisldatm und berichteasuthmg in tmd flir Europa”. Date of Rcgistwim: October 15.1991 Infz ZUMA Tagtmgsrdcreuriat Post&h 12 21 5.5 W-6800 Mannkim 1, Geamany Email(uxwbimct): 005@DHDURZ2


8-12.12.1991, Leuven,Belgium* “Data mmimring in catxer clinical trials” organized by the Eu~opcnn School of Oncology. M: The Secwariat Europen School of Oncology Via Vmczipn 18 I-20133 Milan. Iuly

Zihich, Switzerkmd “Parallel Problem Solving from ture: Applications in Statistics



Economics” - International Workshop sponsored by DOSES, Statistical Gffke of the European Communities, Luxemburg; Interdlsziplinires Projektzentrum fur Supercomputinb EIHZ Ztirich; Bundesamt fur Bildung und WisKonjunkturforsenschaft, Bern; schungatelle an der EI’HZ, Ztirkh; MasPar Distributor AC, Ztlrkh; InformatikergeaellSchweizerlscbe schaft, Zurich; Schweizerischer Bankverein, Basel. Objectives: Information processing systems for optimization and forecasting are mathematical and computational challenges. Only new aigoritbmk concepts paired with numerkally intensive computing are able to soIve problems in many fields of statistics and economics. These new methods lead to decision support systems whkb will become more and more invaluable tools in fInding the best sohrtions to statistical and economical problems. The range and variety of the underlaying information processing technologies go far beyond traditional techniques. The new aids to making better dedsions are based on techniques as diverse as parallel algorithms, neural networks and optimization concepts like simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. In addition the rapid evdutlou of these algorithmic concepts goes hand in hand with recent developments in parallel computer hardware creating a favorable synergy. On both workshop days will be a series of tutorial presentations by invited speakers. In add&ion there will be a number of contributed presentations on work in progress. At lendance on the Workshop will be lirnifed. Priori?y will be given lo those pcscnfing new results. Inf: Dr. Diethelm Wtlrtz Interdisciplinary Project Center for Super-computing - EfH Zttrich ETH Zentrum, CLU B3 CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +41(l) 252 0185 Tel: +41(l) 256 5567 9.-13.12.1991, Princetw, NJ, USA* Recatt Advances in Data Analysis. Infz University Assaciates P.O.Box 541 F’rincetm. NJ. USA 19.-20.l2.1991, Atlantic City, USA* Two-day short u~tuxes fdlowing the 47th Annual Confon Applied Statistics. Infz WaltcxR Yomg Medicd Research Divisim AmeticanCyammid bldg 60. Roan 203 Pearl River. NY 10965. USA 6.-10.1.1992, Princeton, NJ, USA* Regression: Models, Coquter Analysis. and Diagnostics. Infz Univasity Associated P.O.Box 541 Ptincetm, NJ, USA

24.-26.2.1991, Ulm, Germany “Informationssysteme und Kilnstliche Intelligenz-Modellierung” - Workshop der GI-FG 1.1.4,2.5.1, und 2.52. InE Prof. Dr. Rudi Studer Universitit Karlsruhe Inst. f. Angew. Informatik u. Formale Beschreibungsverfahren Postfach 6980 W-7500 Karlsrube, Germany March 1992, Washington, DC, USA* 1992 Annual R-h Ccmfmce of the U.S. Buruu of the Census. Infz Maxine Andersott-Brown cofelmeoc coordiitor Of&x of the Director Bureau of the Census Washingtm, DC 20233. USA 9,273.1992, K&I, Germany* FtiIbjalussenmar 1992. Infz Karl-Heinz Reuband ikxralarchiv ti empirische SaeiPLforschun8 Univetsitit ztt Kijln Bachanustr. 40 W-5000 Kti 41 20.-2X3.1992, Hong Kong* Workshops following the Symposium cm Multivaiate Analysis and its Applications. Infz ISMAA c/o Department of Mathematics Hong Kong Baptist College 224 Waterloo Road Kowlom. Hong Kong, Dortmund, Germany Einfilhrungskurse zu “Datenanalyse und Clusteranalyse”, “Phylogenetische von molekularen Daten”, Analyse “KlassifIkationssysteme im Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationsbereich” anliilllich der 16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation. InT: Prof. Dr. F. Eicker und Dr. P. Lausen Fachbereich Statistik Universitit Dortmund Postfach 500 500 W-4600 Dortmund 50, Germany E-mail(bitnet): ust027@ddohrzll Tel: +49 (231) 755.3113 Faz: +49 (231) 7553918 13015.4.1992, Alexandria,Egypt* IFlP WG 8.1 Wodcing Colfcxncc on Infozmsticflsystan Concepts. Inf: E&hardD. F&e&erg Dzpalmlat of Infonnatim systmts University of Nijmegen Tounooiveld 1 NL - 6525 ED Nijmegq The Netherlands, Ascona, Switzerland’ “Dam Atulysis md Robusmws” - Wokhop sponscxed by the Ccntro St&no Franscini of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Infz Stefan Morgattwler EPFL-DMA (X-1015 Lusanne, Switzerland E-mail: [email protected]