CT evidence of grey matter calcification secondary to radiation therapy
Iv 215 ca*es ot inirarranlal tumors with rubsmuent his!ologic idetltiiicattan. mmputt iced tr&axial tomography !CTTl. and cerebral swial scintigraphy ...
Iv 215 ca*es ot inirarranlal tumors with rubsmuent his!ologic idetltiiicattan. mmputt iced tr&axial tomography !CTTl. and cerebral swial scintigraphy !CSSl with [~“Tcjperteehnetate we~ carried out to rompwe the efficiency of ewh me?hod in detecting and clnssifying SCE~ tumors. Witl. *1tumor detectio,a rate of 99%, CTT turned oat fo i r superior to CS ; (91%). On the other band, CSS fmd;ngs Fnhanced the CTT rats of carreclly identified tumor type‘s in mer. ingiomas from 85 to 92% end in high-grade gliomrs Ram 82 to 87%. In metast8ses. low grade glioma;. and various other tumors, CSS supported CTT 1y confirming a numba of these turn01 type?. Thertfon:. the most importan? use of CSS in intracrrGal *urnon t.jday is its role ns a supplement to C’IT m order ‘o establkb and confirm type-specific dllgnoser.
results indicate tb: attenuation coefficients of tissues presened by *hwz three methods may be altered and that rke nagnitude of she change will vary according to the preservation techniques, tissue, and duration between *issue death and wuminp. Author’s Abstract
Aut!iw’s Abstract
weis L, Orthop
Sub JH, Compui
‘llwe we four previously reported cases of p:w irradiation calcilicstion in the basal ganglia 8s & monstrated on the wnvention@l skull roentgea~vns, WC have described two additional ca-ees with erw matter calcification, which welie demonstrated 16 and 14 yews after radiation therapy for PI) optic &ma and B meCullr~blastams. respectively. The calcifketion was ckacly demonstrated on CT scp.n. ;rlthougtl it was nv? appanmt on the skull ment~lenogram. Tlw extract pathogencsis of this mndi. lion is no* cielr. It appan, however, to be r&led to rndintio’n vase&is of the small vessels OFthe brain with reaulant hyalinrzation and cslcification. A long ~:erm follnw UI, study would be necasary to wduate Ihe significance and implication of portirradiidlon enlcificatir+n of the ~(ee; matter. CT is the most sat!Gtive method of demonstrating the intracraninl cal,citkation in viw Author’s Abstract
Heelan Kr. 19):2Y. 1976
An rnalysia of :iix wpresentativo cases of *U~IOPI of tbo pelvis and lower extremities &moi&rates the clinical ubel~ulln~s of computerized tomognpby (CT) in urcamrutive traluati-m. CT orovidcs information re&&iig mvcise size of *he I&. its lwation md relationship to muscle bundles and fawial vlawa. defmition ‘of tlw mar&r of the mass, r&w *i neural, vssccular and bony MJt pa* availuble by pla’n film and hy. This in evalertinlj the feasibility of em bks resections tumarr and& planning r&nstnwtivc proerdums. Autbar’r