CURRENT LITERATURE SURVEY MINERALOGY Triclinic liddicoatite and elbaite in growth sectors of tourmaline from Madagascar Akizuri M., Kuribayashi T., Nagase T. & Kitakaze A., American Mineralogist, 2001, 8613 (364-369). Diagenesis of trioctahedral clays in a Miocene to Pleistocene sedimentary-magmatic sequence in the Dead Sea Rift, Israel Sandler A., Nathan Y., Eshet Y. & Raab M., Clay Minerals, 2001, 36/l (29-47).
GEOCHEMISTRY Anorogernic magmatism: Chemical evolution of the Mount El-Sibai A-type complex (Egypt), and implications for the origin of within-plate felsic magmas Abdel-Rahman A.-F.M. & El-Kibbi M.M., Geological Magazine, 2001, 138/l (67-85). Regional hydrological research perspectives in the Niger Delta Abam T.K.S., Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2001,46/l (1325). Antiquity of the biological sulphur cycle: Evidence from sulphur and carbon isotopes in 2700 million-year-old rocks of the Belingwe Belt, Zimbabwe Grassineau N.V., Nisbet E.G., Bickle M.J., Fowler C.M.R., Lowry D., Mattey D.P., Abel1 P. 62 Martin A., Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - Biological Sciences, 2001,268/ 1463 (113-l 19). Evolution fo the Congo rift basin, West Africa: An inorganic geochemical record in lacustrine shales Harris N.B., Basin Research, 2000, 12/3-4 (425-445). Investigation of the impact of salt and sand harvesting activities on the Timboni well field, Gongoni Malindi District, Kenya Opiyo-Akech N., Olago D.O., Dindi E.W., Ndege M.M. & Njue F., Environmental Geology, 2000,40/l-2 (99-110). Basin-internal derivation of hydrocarbons in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: Evidence from bulk and molecular 613 C data Spangenberg J.E. & Frimmel H.E., Chemical Geology, 2001, 173/4 (330-355). Implications of the carbon isotopes and mineral inclusion record for the formation of diamonds in the mantle underlying a mobile belt: Venetia, South Africa Deines P., Viljoen F. 8z Harris J.W., Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2001,65/5 (813-838).
GEOCHRONOLOGY Geochronology in migmatites - a Sm-Nd, U-Pb and Rb-Sr study from the Proterozoic Damara belt (Namibia): Implications for polyphase development of migmatites in high-grade terranes Jung S. & Mezger K., Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 2001, 19/l (77-97). Chronologie K-Ar et TL du volcanisme aux extremites sud du propagateur mer Rouge en Afar depuis 300 ka (K-Ar and TL volcanism chronology of the southern ends of the Red Sea spreading in Afar since 300 ka) Lahitte P., Coulie E., Mercier N., Kidane T. t Gillot P.-Y., Comptes Rendus de I’dcademie de Sciences - Serie Da: Sciences de la Terre et des Planetes. 2001, 332/l (13-20).
Re-0s dating and sulphur isotope composition of molybdenite -from tungsten deposits 61 western Namaqualand, South Africa: Implications for ore genesis and the timing of metamorphism Raith J.G. & Stein H.J., Mineralium Deposita, 2000, 3518 (741-753). The Mushandike granite: Further evidence for 3.4 Ga magmatism in the Zimbabwe craton Dodson M.H., Williams I.S. 62 Kramers J.D., Geological Magazine, 2001, 138/l (31-38). The significance of U-Pb zircon dates in lower crustal xenoliths from the southwestern margin of the Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa Schmitz M.D. & Bowring S.A., Chemical Geology, 2001,172/ l-2 (59-76).
IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY Mantle sources and magma-crust interactions in volcanic rocks from the northern Kenya rift: Geochemical evidence Kabeto K., Sawada Y., Lizumi S. & Wakatsuki T., Lithos, 2001, 56/2-3 (111-139). Decouverte d’une association d’enclaves carbonatitelherzolite dans le volcanisme plio-quarternaire de Foum el Kouss (Jbel Saghro): Mise en evidence d’un manteau carbonate a I’aplomb de I’Anti-Atlas oriental marocain (Exposures of Carbonatite-lherzolite enclaves in the PlioQuarternary Foum El Kouss volcano: evidence for a carbonated mantle in the eastern Anti-Atlas of Morocco) Ibhi A. & Nachit H., Geologie Mediterraneenne, 1999,26/l-2 (19-28). Subsolidus reaction textures in the anorthositic rocks of the southern part of the kunene intrusive complex, NW Namibia Druppel K., von Seckendorff V. St Okrusch M., European Journal of Mineralogy, 2001, 1312 (289-309). Constraints on origin and evolution of Red Sea brines form helium and aruon isotopes Winckler G.,-Aeschbach-Hertig W., Kipfer R., Botz R., Rubel, Bayer R. & Stoffers P., Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2001, 184/3-4 (671-683).
Qasim formation: Ordovician storm-and tide-dominated shallow-marine siliciclastic sequences, Central Saudi Arabia Senalp M. & Al-Duaiji A.A., GeoArabia, 2001,6/2 (233-268). Facies and sequence stratigraphy of an estuarine incisedvalley fill: Lower Aptian Bouzergoun Formation, Agadir Basin, Morocco Nouidar M. & Chellai E.H., Cretaceous Research, 2001,22/l (93-104). Quantification et variabilite temporelles de I’ecoulement solide en zone semi-aride, de I’Algerie du Nord (Temporal quantification and variability of sediment discharge in a semiarid area in northen Algeria) Touaibia B., Aidaoui A., Gomer D. & Achite M., Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2001,46/l (41-53). Origin of giant calcite-cemented concretion, temple member, qasr el sagha formation (eocene), faiyum depression, Egypt Abdel-Wahab A. & McBride E.F., Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section A: Sedimentary Petrology and Processes, 2001, 71/l (70-81).
Determination des coefficients de compaction pour les facies silico-clastiques et carbonates du Bassio d’E1 Jadida-Agadir (Maroc) (Determination of the compaction rates in the sllicielastic and carbonate rocks of the El Jadida- Agadir Basin (Morocco)) Labbassi K., Geologic Mediterraneenne, 1999, 26/l-2 (103112). A survey of multi-stage diagenesis and dolomitlzation of Jurassic limestones along a regional shelf-to-basin transect in the Ziz Vallev. Central Hieh Atlas Mountains. Morocco Railsback L.B.“& Hood E.Cy, Sedimentary Geology, 2001,
Magnetostratigraphy susceptibiity of the PridolianLochkovian (Silurian-Devonian) GSSP (Klonk, Czech Republic) and a coeval sequence in anti-atlas Morocco Crick R.E., Ellwood B.B., Hladil J., El Hassani A., Hrouda F. Br.Chlupac I., Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2001, 167/l-2
Integrated biostratigraphy and inter-regional correlation of the Cenomanian-Turonian deposits of Wadi Feiran, Sinai, Egypt Kassab A.S. t Obaidalla N.A., Cretaceous Research, 2001, 22/l (105-114).
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Formation of llthified micritic laminae modern marine stromatolites: From study of Red Sea stromatolites: Perspective Friedman G.M., Carbonates and Evaporites, 2000,15/2 (165168).
Controls on turbidite sand deposition during gravity-driven extension of a passive margin: Examples from Miocene sediments in Block 4, Angola Anderson J.E., Cartwright J., Drysdall S.J. & Vivian N., Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2000, 17/10 (11651203). La sedimentation gravitaire carbonatee synrift des formations du Sinemurien-Toarcien de la Chaine Calcaire externe des Bokoya (Rif, Maroc): Relation avec le rifting tethysien (Synrift carbonate gravity flow deposits of Sinemurian-Toarcian from the external “Chaine Calcaire” of Bokoya (Rif, Morocco): Relationships with the Liassic Tethyian rifting) Mouhssine M., El Hatimi N. & Hervouet Y., Geologic Mediterraneenne, 1999,26/l-2 (89-102). Calcite cement sucessions in middle Devonian (Givetian) carbonate mud buildups of the southern Ahnet Basin (Algeria Sahara) Kaufmann B. & Wendt J., Carbonates and Evaporites. 2000, 15/2 (149-161).
Mode of formation and sedimentary association of the reefal sediments, Ras Abu el Darag, Gulf of Suez, Egypt El-Sammak A.A., El-Sayed M.Kh. & El-Sabrouti M.A., Carbonates and Evuporites, 2000,15/2
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The geological history of Pliocene-pleistoceue evaporites in mount sedom (Israel) and how strontium and sulfur isotopes relate to their origin Raab M., Friedman G.M., Spiro B., Starinsky A. & Zak I., Carbonates and Evaporites, 2000, 1512 (93-l 14). Determination et speciation chimique du plomb et du chrome dans les sediments superficiels du Sebou, Maroc (Concentration and chemical speciation of lead and chromium in the superficial sediments of the Sebou River, Morocco) Azaoui S., El Hanbali M., Ieblanc M., El Abdellaoui A. Jr Srhiri A., Geologie Mediterruneenne, 1999,26/l-2 (113-l 19). Metal pollution in carbonate sediments of main basin of Mariute Lake, Alexandria, Egypt El-Masry K.I. L Friedman G.M., Carbonates and Evaporites, 2000, 15/2 (169-194).
STRATIGRAPHY Precambrian basement character of Yemen and correlations with Saudi Arabia and Somalia Whitehouse M.J., Windley B.F., Stoeser D.B., Al-Khirbash S., Ba-Bttat M.A.O. t Haider A., Precambrian Research, 2001, 105/2-4 (357-369).
THE QUATERNARY Luminescence chronology of aeolianites from the section at Givat Olga - Coastal Plain of Israel Frechen M., Dermann B., Boenigk W. & Ronen A., Quaternary Science Reviews, 2001,20/5-9
Palaeoclimate records from 01s 80.64 recorded in loesspalaeosol sequence on the Matmata Plateau, southern Tunisia, based on mineral magnetism and new luminescence dating Dearing J.A., Livingstone I.P., Bateman M.D. & White K., Quaternary International,
Pollen-based biome reconstruction for southern Europe and Africa 18,000 yr BP Elenga H.. Pevron 0.. Bonnefllle R.. Jollv D., Cheddadi R., Gui& J., Andrieu V., Rottema S., Buchetb., De Beaulieu J.: L.. Hamilton A.C.. Malev J.. Marchant R.. Perez-Obiol R.. Rdille M., Riollet G., Scott ‘L., Straka H.,’ Taylor D., Van Campo E., Vincens A., Laarif F. & Jonson H., Journal of Biogeography,
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Late Quaternary environmental changes from a pollen and diatom record in the southern tropics (Lake Tritrlvakely, Madagascar) Gasse F. & Van Campo E., Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Puhzeoecology,
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Palaeovegetation at the last glacial maximum in the western Cape, South Africa: Wood charcoal and pollen evidence from Elands Bay Cave Parkington J., Cartwright C., Cowling R.M., Baxter A. & Meadows M., South African Journal of Science, 2000,96/1112 (543-546). The significance of yardangs and ventifacted rock outcrops in the reconstruction of changes in the Late Quaternary wind regime in the western desert of Egypt Donner J. & Embabi N.S., Quaternaire, 2000, 11/3-4 (179186). A preliminary 3000-year regional temperature reconstruction for South Africa Holmgren K., Tyson P.D., Moberg A. & Svanered O., South African Journal of Science, 2001,97/l-2 (49-51). Climatological signals of the paleogroundwater in Jordan Bajjali W. 8z Abu-Jaber N., Journal of Hydrology, 2001,243/ 1-2 (133-147).
III Mid-Holocene and glacial-maximum vegetation geography of the northern continents and Africa Prentice I.C. & Jolly D., Journal ofdiogeography, 2000,27/3 (507-519).
Paleoenviroamental reconstruction of middle Miocene paleosols bearing Kenyapitbecus and Victoriapithecos, Nyakach formation, southwestern Kenya Wynn J.G. & Retallack G.J., Journal of Human Evolution, 2001,40/4
Characterising the namaqualand Mudbelt of Southern Africa: Chronology, palynoiogy and palaeoenvironments Gray C.E.D., Meadows M.E., Lee-Thorp J.A. & Rogers J., South African Geographical
Residual ages of modern sediments in an hyperarid region, Israel Porat N., Zilberman E., Amit R. & Enzel Y., Quaternary Science Reviews, 2001,20/5-9
The Twin Rivers Kopje, Zambia: Stratigraphy, fauna, and artefact assemblages-&km the 1954 and i95b dxcavations Clark J.D. & Brown KS.. Journal of Archaeoloaical Science. _ 2001,28/3
Holocene sea-level changes along the Mediterranean coast of Israel, based on archaeological observations and numerical model Sivan D., Wdowinski S., Lambeck K., Galili E. & Raban A., Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology. 167/l-2 (101-117).
Woodworking activities by early humans: A plant residue analysis on Acbeulian stone tools from Peninj (Tanzania) Dominguez-Rodrigo M., Serrallonga J., Juan-Tresserras J., Alcala L. & Luque L., Journalof Human Evolution, 2001,40/4 (289-299).
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Deux nouvelles especes de Suini (Mammalia, Suidae) du continent Africain (Ethiopie; Tchad) (Two new Suin species (Mammalia, Suidae) from Africa (Chad, Ethiopia)) Brunet M. & White T.D., Comptes Rendus de I’Academie de Sciences - Serie Ha: Sciences de la Terre et des Planetes, 2001, 332/l (51-57).
The effects of the final stages of the Late Ordovician glaciation on marine p~lynomorphs (cbitinozoans, acritarchs. leiosuheresl in well Nl-2 INE Algerian Sahara) Paris F., iourairouh k. & Herisse A.L., R&ew of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2001, 113/l-3 (87-104).
PALAEONTOLOGY Carbonaceous substances associated with the paleoproterozoic natural nuclear fission reactors of Oklo, Gabon: Paragenesis, thermal maturation and carbon isotopic and trace element compositions Mossman D.J., Gauthier-Lafaye F. &Jackson S.E., Precambrian Research,
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Eine neue rugose Stockkoralle der Gattung Phillipsastrea Roemer, 1883 aus dem Devon von Marokko (A new Devonian rugose coral Phillipsastrea Roemer, 1883 from Morocco) Schroder S. & Werner W., Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung fur Palaontologie 2000, -/40 (229-236).
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Eine neue unterart von phacops (Phacops) sparsinodosus STRUVE 1970 aus dem Mittel-Devon von Marokko (A new subspecies of Phacops (Phacops) sparsinodosus STRUVE 1970 from the Middle Devonian of Morocco) Schraut G., Senckenbergiana Lethaea, 2000,80/2 (525-535). Bohmische Lochkovjum-Bivalven vom ostlichen Anti-Atlas (Unter- Devon, Marokko) (Lochkovian bivalves of Bohemian type from the Eastern Anti-Atlas (Lower Devonian-Morocco)) Kriz J., Senckenbergiana Lethuea, 2000,80/2 (485-523). First record of a late cretaceous-palaeocene tenebrionid from southern Africa Geertsema H. & Van den Heever J.A.. South African Journal of Science, 2000,96/11-12 (553-555). ’
STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND TECTONICS Superposed deformation straddling the continental-oceanic transition in deep-water Angola Cramez C. & Jackson M.P.A., Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2000, 17/10 (1095-1109).
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Age and tectonic evolution of Neoproterozoic ductile shear zones in southwestern madagascar, with implications for goodwana studies de Wit M.J., Bowring S.A., Ashwal L.D., Randrianasolo L.G., Morel V.P.I. & Rambeloson R.A., Tectonics, 2001, 20/l (l-45).
Meditterranean extension and the Africa-Eurasia collision Jolivet L. & Faccenna C., Tectonics, 2000, 19/6 (1095-l 106). Numerical modelling of tsunami generation and propagation from submarine slumps: The 1998 Papua New Guinea event Heinrich Ph., Piatanesi A. & Hebert H., Geophysical Journal International, 2001, 145/l (97-l 11). Les corps permeables plio-quaternaires de la Mamora (Maroc). Geometrie et influence structurale (The PlioQuaternary permeable bodies of the Mamora (Morocco), Geometry and structural influences) Zouhri L., Lamouroux C., Vachard D. & Pique A., Comptes Rendus de I’Academie de Sciences - Serie Ha: Sciences Terre et des Planetes. 2001, 332/l (l-4).
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The structure of the Africa-Anatolia plate boundary in the Eastern Mediterranean Vidal N., Alvarez-Marron J. & Klaeschen D., Tectonics, 2000, 19/4 (723-739).
Diets fo fossil primates from the fayum depression of Egypt: A quantitative analysis of molar shearing Kirk E.C. & Simons E.L., Journal of Human Evolution, 2001,
The Triassic palaeogeographic transition between the Alpujarride and Malaguide complexes. Betic-Rif Internal Zone (S Spain, N Morocco) Sanz de Galdeano C., Andre0 B., Garcia-Tortosa F.J. & Lopez-Garrido A.C., Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
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IV Distribution of crustal extension and regional basin architecture of the Albertine rift systems. East Africa Karner G.D., Byamungu B.R., Ebinger C.J., Kampunzu A.B.. Mukasa R.K.. Nvakaana J.. Rubondo E.N.T. & Uncott N.M:, Marine and’Pe&oleum Geology, 2000, 17/10 (i1311150). Fault propagation and climatic control of sedimentation on the Ghoubbet Rift Floor: Insights from the Tadjouraden cruise in the Western Gulf of Aden Audin L.. Maniehetti I.. TaDDonnier P.. Metivier F.. Jacaues E. & HuchonP.,cGeoph;sicaijournatInternational. 2i)Ol, i44/ 2 (391-413). Structure and metamorphism of the granitic basement around Antananarivo: A key to the Pan-African history of central Madagascar and its Gondwana connections Nedelec A., Ralison B., Bouchez J.L. & Gregoire V., Tectonics, 2000, 19/5 (997-1020).
GEOPHYSICS Subsurface geologic set up as inferred from magnetic data at ras el hekma, western desert-Egypt El Said El-Bohoty M., Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, 2000,30/3
Fotogeologiczna anliza zdjee satelitarnych Landsat ETM + w rejonie Abu Simbel-Tushka (Egipt) (Preliminary photogeological analysis of the Landsat ETM + imagenary in theAbu Simbel-Tushka region (Egypt)) _ Granicznv M.. Kowalski Z.. Ibrahim H.A. & Youssef M.M.. Przeglad keol~giczny, 2000; 48/12 (1181-1186).
SEISMOLOGY Modeling errors, bias and error regions in IMS seismic monitoring of Israel Steinberg D.M., Bodor M., Bartal Y., Horin Y.B. &Leonard G., Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2001,123/2-4 (267-281).
Shallow water seismic surveys for site investigation in the Haifa Port extension area, Israel Shtivelman V., Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2001, 4612 (143-158).
Hydcond: A computer program to calculate hydraulic conductivity from grain size data in Saudi Arabia Awad H.S. & Al-Bassam A.M., International Journal of Water Resources
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ECONOMIC GEOLOGY Elemental composition of Sn-Nb-Ta mine tailings of Jos area, Central Nigeria Funtua II., Chemie der Erde, 2001,61/l (45-53). Modelisation de la nappe aquifere d’Annaba (zone des Salines, Est Algerie (Numerical simulation of the aquifer of Annaba (Salines zone- Eastern Algeria)) Saaidia B., Rousset C. & Chaab S., Geologie Mediterraneenne, 1999,26/l-2 (121-125). Development of groundwater modeling for the Azraq Basin, Jordan Abdulla F.A., Al-Khatib M.A. & Al-Ghazzawi Z.D., Environmental Geology, 2000,40/l-2 (11-18). Radon in groundwater as a tracer to assess flow velocities: Two test cases from Israel Kafri U., Environmental Geology, 2001,40/3 (392-398).
ENERGY SOURCES Egypt in the twenty-first century: Petroleum potential in offshore trends Dolson J.C., Shann M.V., Matbouly S.I., Hammouda H. & Rashed R.M., GeoArabia, 2001,6/2 (211-230). South Atlantic geology-l: Geological insights lited into Africa, Brazil deepwater exploration Joyes R., Oil and Gas Journal, 2001,99/13 (30-34). South Atlantic geology -2 deciphering turbidites on seismic key to understanding basins off Africa, Brazil Joyes R., Oil and Gas Journal, 2001, 99/14 (38-44).
Deterministic seismic hazard in Egypt El-Sayed A., Vaccari F. & Panza G.F., Geophysical Journal International,
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ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Subsurface grout barriers for ground stabilization in dolomite areas near Carletonville, South Africa Swart C.J.U. & Van Schalkwyk A., Environmental Geology, 2001,40/4-5
Platinum-groups elements in the structure, South Africa: Evidence for ordinary chondrite projectile at the boundary McDonald I., Andreoli M.A.G., Hart Geochimica et Cosmochimica
Morokweng impact the impact of a large Jurassic-Cretaceous R.J. & Tredoux M.,
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