Cystoscopy and urography

Cystoscopy and urography


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BOOK REVIEWS WILLIAMS OBSTETRICS. A TEXTBOOK FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS. By Henricus J. Stander, M.D., F.A.C.S. Seventh Edition. A revision and enIargement of the text originaIly written by J. Whitridge WiIIiams. Price $10.00. New York, D. AppIeton-Century Company, Inc., 1936. Every physician in the United States, if he pretends to know even the beginnings of medicaI Iiterature, either has a copy of WiIIiams’ textbook, has seen a copy of it, or, at Ieast, has heard others taIk about it. For the past two decades most medica students have poured over the pages of either DeLee’s Obstetrics or WiIIiams’ Obstetrics. Whether you preferred one or the other has been a matter of individua1 choice. It has been generahy agreed, however, that WiIIiams’s Obstetrics is a classic. In October 21, 193 r, a year after he had compIeteIy revised the Sixth Edition of his textbook, Dr. WiIIiams died at the age of sixty-five years. For a number of years his right hand man, and the Associate Professor of Obstetrics at Johns Hopkins, was Henricus Stander. WhiIe at Hopkins, Stander made for himself a nation wide reputation. Therefore, it was not surprising that when the new CorneII MedicaI ColIege unit of buildings was aImost compIeted Dr. Stander was invited to head the department of GynecoIogy and Obstetrics of that institution. NaturaIIy, he Iisted Dr. Williams’ book as obIigatory for his students to use. Then it occurred to him that, again, the work shouId be reedited, revised and brought up to date. It was with a great dea1 of hesitation that Dr. Stander undertook this task as he knew too we11 the difficult, it not impossibIe obstacIes that wouId confront him in the work of this revision. Let us hasten to say, at this point, that Dr. Stander has done a masterIy job. He has compIeteIy revised and rewritten many sections, rearranged certain chapters and added three new chapters. Two years were spent by Miss EIizabeth Broedei in preparing new drawings as we11as retouching earIier ones. To praise this work or Dr. Stander’s editing wouId be akin to painting the IiIy. It suffices to insist that WiIIiams Obstetrics is still a classic, that it has been improved by Dr. Stander’s wise hand, and stiI1 stands in a cIass by itseIf, to many the outstanding textbook on obstetrics in the English Ianguage.

CYSTOSCOPY AND UROGRAPHY. By James B. MacaIpine, F.R.C.S. (Eng.). Second Edition, revised and enIarged. 297 iIIustrations and 14 coIored pIates. Price $9.00. BaItimore, WiIIiam Wood & Co., 1936. The first edition of this work appeared nine years ago and during that time enjoyed a wide popuIarity. The author has thoroughIy revised the text and brought it up to date. Six fresh chapters have been added, three of which dea1 with urography. Of the 181 figures in the previous edition 23 have been omitted but 141 new iIIustrations have been added. The colored pIates have been increased from 12 to 14, This book of 478 pages (indexed) has been accepted as a standard work and this new edition Ieaves nothing to be desired. SURGICAL DISEASES AND INJURIES OF THE GENITO-URINARY ORGANS. By Sir John Thomson-WaIker. Second Edition, revised. Edited by Kenneth Walker. With 25 coIor and 33 bIack and white plates, and 283 iIIustrations in the text. Price $10.00, BaItimore, WiIIiam Wood and Company, ‘936. This work of 974 pages first appeared in 1914 and made a reputation for itseIf in EngIand and abroad. We Iearn that the suppIy became exhausted and the book unattainabIe. Then came the War and afterwards the heavy demands of hospita1 and private practice, which made it impossibIe for the author to give the time necessary for a second edition. From this impasse the work was eventuaIIy rescued by the editor. The editor has tried, and succeeded, to make the book reflect the current opinions of the day. He has added new chapters on renai function tests, transurethra1 operations, obstruction at the bIadder neck, impotence and steriIity, and the chapters on prostatic enIargement, renaI tuberculosis and bIadder tumors have been entireIy rewritten. Due to the importance of x-rays in uroIogy and pyelography, as contrasted with their pIace in uroIogy when the frrst edition appeared, many new pIates have been added. AI1 in aI1, a sound textbook. The ilhrstrations are especiaIIy we11 done and the coIored pIates excellent. The index is adequate.