section and reconstruction are considered the theoretical ideal for Type 1 and Type II anomalies. Cyst incision or excision for Type 111 and resection and reconstruction if all the cysts are extra hepatic are best for Type IV.-Neil1 V. Freeman Acute CholecysWis Alexander
in Children.
W. Auldist,
Surg. Gynecol. Obstet.
Raphael Pier&,
140:16 (January),
of Portal
in the Treatment
J. Simon and 6. Geryk. (October), 1974.
were followed
trollable bleeding after his Sengstaken tube was taken out, the second died of cirrhosis of the liver.--E. Pekarovic Problems
of Management
sion in Childhood.
another. Cholecystectomy was performed upon I I patients and the common duct was not explored in any. In four of the I I patients who had a cholecystectomy during the acute stage, there were patches of gangrene in the wall of the gallbladder. In the other seven patients. inflammatory cells had heavily infiltrated the wall. No congenital abnormalities of the biliary tract were demonstrated. Calculi were present in the inflamed gallbladder in only three patients. Associated pancreatitis was found in two patients. Early cholecystectomy is considered the treatment of choice.-George Ho/comb
The children
3 to 5 yr, Out of 16 patients seven had a further hemorrhage (43.7”,,). In all but one case the bleeding was, however, not as severe as before the disconnection. One patient died of uncon-
The authors report their experience with I6 children treated for acute cholecystitis from 1956 to 1971. There were eight males and eight females with an age range of I4 days to I4 yr. All 16 children had variable degrees of localized or diffuse tenderness, guarding, and rebound tenderness. Cholangiography in nine patients revealed a nonfunctioning gallbladder in each. In four patients, this study was not performed as the diagnosis was obvious and based on the finding of a tender mass in the region of the gallbladder. In the remaining three patients, the diagnosis was established at laparotomy. Thirteen patients were operated upon and in ten the correct diagnosis was made before operation. Acute appendicitis was suspected in two patients and volvulus was suspected in
tients rebled.
in Children.
Rozhl. Chir. 51:664-669
The authors report on a series of I6 cases of portal hypertension treated between 1966 and 1971 by azygoportal disconnection as described by Torres and Degni in 1966. Twelve patients had extrahepatic and four intrahepatic obstruction. The youngest was 2 yr old, the oldest was 14. In I I oatients the disconnection was the first operation in the treatment of their esophageal varices, in five it followed a cavomesenterial anastomosis after which the pa-
663 (October)
J. eern);. Rozhl. C&r. 53.657-
The management of portal hypertension is not yet standardized. A long-term therapeutic plan should be worked out with regard to the age of the child, the liver function, the type of portosystemic collateral circulation. and the clinical condition. Based on an experience with 46 cases of portal hypertension criteria for the treatment of acute hemorrhage from esophageal varices, indication for cavomesenterial anastomosis. azygoportal disconnection (primary operation in cases in which cavomesenterial anastomosis is not feasible--or as a secondary operation in cases of recurrent hemorrhage after cavomesenterial anastomosis), sclerotization of the varices via the esophagoscope). transesophageal or submucous ligation of esophageal varices, and colonic replacement of the distal esophagus and proximal stomach are discussed.--E. Pekarovi? Diagnostic Children.
E. Ko/ih&,
H. Bi/ik&,
J. Koutecki,
and M. Venda. Rozhl. Chir. 53:653-656
(October), .n_, W’K Inferior cavography is a simple, safe, and valuable diagnostic method in children, especially with retroperitoneal tumors. To avoid false positive interpretations the method should be performed as follows: (I ) Rapid injection (g-10 ml/set) of the dye in sufficient quantity (2 ml/kg weight) up to a maximum of 50 ml of 70”,, Verografin. (2) Good emptying of the bowel. (3) Sufficient premeditation or in case of small children general anesthesia.V. Ka/ka GENITOURINARY Pediatric and
Cadaver Kidneys.
TRACT Oscar Solvotkrra,
Arch. Surg.
Thirty-two kidneys from donors aged I day to 9 yr have been transplanted into recipients ranging in age from I8 mo to 53 yr.