electrolytic refining, comprising holding the cathode plate on which the metal is electrodeposited; and blowing heated air toward the cathode plate and the electrodeposited metal thereon to separate the electrodeposited metal from the cathode plate; wherein the electrodeposited metal is selected from the group consisting of tin, indium, and lead.
Direct Metallization Process U.S. Patent5,376,248. Dec. 27, 1994 J.8. ConrodandG.R.S&Me, assignors to EnthoneOld/ Inc., Msf Haven, Conn.
A method for making a plastic substrate electrically conductive and electrolytically metal plating thereon comprising contacting with a noble metal-containing solution to activate the substrate; treating the activated substrate at a temperature above 65°C with an alkaline post-activator solution, which is substantially free of a reducing agent and is selected from the group consisting of solutions having a pH greater than 12 comprising an effective amount of metal ions, which undergo a disproportionation reaction during the treatment; and solutions having a pH treatment providing
a substrate resistivity of less than about 250 ohms, and greater than 13 comprising a metal ion selected from the group consisting of copper, silver, and bismuth, said treatment providing a substrate resistivity of less than 250 ohms; and electrolytically metal plating the substrate.
being chosen so as to bring the carbonate content after transferring the residual liquor back to the bath, to a carbonate content of 25-45 g/L.
Process for Recovering Zinc Phosphate U.S.PaM5,376,342. Dec. 27, 1994 M.D.Waite,Sfron9svilIa, Ohio
Method of Removing Carbonates From Plating Baths U.S. Pafenf5,376,256. Dec. 27, 1994 R. Leufwyler, Mgenwil, Swirzerland
A single-stage method for removing carbonates from a cyanide containing bath, comprising removing at least part of the bath liquid; stirring and cooling while in the metastable state until crystallization of carbonates occurs; continuing the cooling until an exothermic reaction, which is caused by the liberation of the heat of crystallization, starts at a set temperature; thereafter holding for 2-4 min at OS-1°C below the set temperature; separating the crystallized carbonates, leaving a residual liquor; and transferring the residual liquor back to the bath, the quantity of the part removed and the moment of removing
A process for recovering zinc and phosphate comprising dissolving a sludge comprising zinc, iron, and phosphate in water and phosphoric acid to form a mixture having a pH between 1.5 and 2.4, precipitating iron phosphate, and recovering a liquid comprising zinc and phosphate.
Method of Coating Ridged Plates
U.S. Patent5,376,404. Dec. 27, 1994 M.B. 7hants, Sromma, Sweden
A method for applying a liquid varnish coating over a raised conductor pattern of a printed circuit board, the method comprising providing a roll press including an applicator roll and two nip rolls forming a roll nip for transferring liquid varnish onto a printed circuit board, coating one of the
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