o u r ~SSOCLXT~ON 4. A n y new concepts resulting from the work should be briefly explained. 5. A n y immediate usefulness of the findings should be emphasized or the possible future importance pointed out. 6. Phases of the problem needing more study might also be noted. 7. The summary should be as brief and as concise as possible to make it. Of course, it is granted that some research reports may be so specifically scientific or so highly statistical that they have no real meaning to anyone other than a scientist or statistician. Nevertheless, the author(s) should be able, at least, to explain to a layman what he was attempting to accomplish, why he wanted to do so, and to what degree he succeeded. No one can prepare, initially, an interpretive sumnmry as well as the writer(s) of a paper. Obviously, he is more familiar with the work, the results, the conclusions to be drawn, and the back~oound of previous knowledge into which the research fits. Afterward, some editing for readability or popularization may be desirable. The author(s) should welcome this if it does not do violence to his statements and if it aids in accomplishing the ultimate object of the summary. DISTINGUISHED
Examples of good summaries are those of Campbell and Phelps (page 286) and of Schmidt (page 291) in the February, 1960, issue of the JOURNAL and those of Day and Lillard (page 691) and of Boyd et al. (page 699) in the May, 1960, issue. The preparation of a good interpretive summ a r y - - o n e which will give the uninitiated a sound idea of the purposes and the accomplishments of a research study--is a challenge and an opportunity and it should be accepted as such. I n the end, the whole idea will stand or fall on the quality of the summaries published in the quarterly. The venture can be made a very worth-while p a r t of the Association's program. The Journal Management Committee hopes that the authors of papers accepted by the JOURNAL will be tolerant of the interpretive summary requirement in the interest of a large segment of the A.D.S.A. membership. It further hopes that they will cooperate with the Editor in carefully writing the summaries and in getting them in on time. Finally, it hopes that the entire membership o£ the Association will give this whole matter careful thought and be prepared to express a meaningful opinion when the membership survey is made.
JUDKINS~ Secretary-Treasurer White Plains, New York
F o r some time the Executive Board has been considering an award for individuals who have rendered distinguished service in the dairy industry, either in production or processing. A committee consisting of J. ttoffman Erb, The Borden Company, Columbus, Ohio; L. C. Moore, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland; It. B. Henderson, University of Georgia, Athens, and H. F. Judkins, exofficio member, have formulated rules for this award which were approved by the Executive Board at the 55th Annual Meeting. I n order that all members may become familiar with the procedures for this award and make nominations, the essential rules are as follows: I. Name Distinguished Service A w a r d of the American Dail=f Science Association. II. Donor
The American Dairy Science Association. I I I . Nature of the award The award consists o f an appropriate certificate. Allowance may be provided for travel expenses to the meeting where the award is made.
IV. Purpose o£ award To recognize distinguished service to and outstanding achievements in the dairy industry. V. Recipients The Distinguished Service Award may be awarded to one person a year~ but it may be awarded to not more than three persons in any one year. The award shall be given only when a worthy candidate(s) is available. As a guide to the areas for which the award may be made, the following are suggested: 1. Leadership and promotion of quality in dairy products. 2. Managerial success in a dairy venture. 3. Development of leadership of people in the industry. 4. Leadership in the organization of state, national or of international dairy organizations. 5. Leadership in developing dairy corporations or cooperatives. 6. Leadership and promotion of legislation of benefit to the industry. 7. Development and dissemination of infor-
marion to the public related to the dairy industry. 8. Promotion of sale of dairy products or dairy cattle. 9. Development of dairy cattle breeds. 10. Promotion of education in the dairy industry. 211. Promotion or development of efficient farm practices related to dairy production. 12. Development of a dairy product or a process which promotes the increased use of milk. 13. Leadership in nutrition education relating to milk and milk products. 14. Development of inventions, equipment, or mechanism procedures in the dairy industry for either the production or manufacturing field. 15. Leadership in promotion and development of special plans affecting the dairy industry, such as marketing dairy products abroad, cow pool, D H I A testing, and artificial insemination. VI. Eligibility for nomination 1. A nominee may be a member or nonmember of the American Dairy Science Association. 2. May be of either sex. 3. May be active in his field of endeavor or may be retired. 4. Must have made an outstanding contribution to the dairy industry, considered in the broadest meaning of service. VII. Selection committee A Distinguished Service Award selection committee shM1 be set up in the same way as the selection committees are organized for the other American Dairy Science Association awards, six members consisting of five voting and the chairman who has no vote.
V I I I . Nomination for the award 1. Any active member in good standing, life member, or honorary member of the American Dairy Science Association may make a nomination, except if such member is an the Selection Committee for the award. 2. A member may nominate no more than one person in any one year for the award. 3. Nominations are to be sent to the Secretary of the Association. 4. Nominations must be in the hands of the Secretary not later than December 15 of the fiscal year in which the award is to be made. 5. Nominations should be accompanied by six copies of complete information on the nominee, as indicated in the nomination blank. 6. I n order that no outstanding candidate is overlooked, the Chairman of the award's Selection Committee may contact the dairy department chairmen of the state universities and colleges with curricula in dairy production and dairy manufacturing. He may contact also other society members known to be in a favorable position to evaluate outstanding leadership in the field of the award, publicizing the award and deadline dates for submission of names and supporting data. The Secretary, in addition, may suggest to potential nominators, candidates who may have been overlooked. All nominations, with six copies of supporting data, must be in the hands of the chairman of the Selection Committee by February 1. IX. Presentation of the award The Distinguished Service Award shall be presented by the President of the Association as a part of the Awards Program held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. X. A copy of the nomination and biographical sketch form to be used by nominators is as follows :
DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD OF T H E AMERICAN DAIRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION (To be furnished in six copies by nominator) 1. Name of nominee ....................................................................................................................... 2. Date and place of birth ............................................................................................................ 3. Present
address ...........................................................................................................................
4. Present position ........................................................................................................................... 5. Education ...................................................................................................................................... Date
College attended
Where degrees obtained
6. Academic and professional honors .........................................................................................
7. Positions held Date
Type of position
8. List of major activities and accomplishments in the dairy industry ............................
9. List of national or community interests and accomplishments ..........................................
Note: Use separate sheet(s) of paper for Items 5 to 9. Date ...................................................
Signed ............................................................................. Address
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notice of this award and nomination forms are being distributed with 1961 dues notices. Members do not need to wait for these. Nominations will be welcomed by the Secretary up to December 15, :1960.