EACMFS prizes and awards

EACMFS prizes and awards

Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery (1996) 24, 63 © 1996 European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery EACMFS Prizes and Awards T h e C o u...

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Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery (1996) 24, 63 © 1996 European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

EACMFS Prizes and Awards T h e C o u n c i l o f E A C M F S is a n x i o u s to ensure t h a t all m e m b e r s o f the A s s o c i a t i o n are a w a r e o f the a w a r d s a n d prizes t h a t are offered to trainees. These a w a r d s a n d prizes are designed to e n c o u r a g e d trainees to travel to o t h e r U n i t s in o r d e r to b r o a d e n their e d u c a t i o n a n d gain expertise in research o r techniques n o t necessarily a v a i l a b l e at their p r i n c i p a l educ a t i o n a l centre.


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A. The Prizes The prizes of the Association result from the generous sponsorship of the Leibinger Company. These major Educational Prizes will be awarded for meritorious work which is to be submitted to the Prize Award Committee for adjudication. The papers submitted for consideration and the award of the prizes will be governed by the following conditions:


1. They are open to E A C M F S members in training posts in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. 2. Prizes will be awarded on the recommendation of a Prize Award Committee consisting of two active members from each of the English, French and German speaking areas. The Chairman of this Committee will be nominated by Council from among members of the Committee. 3. Prizes will be awarded biennually for original work. To be considered for an award, the content of the paper must represent a significant contribution in the field of cranio-maxillofacial,surgery in the widest sense, scientific, clinical or technical. The substance of the work shall form the basis of a paper to be presented to the forthcoming Conference. It is recognised that this may only represent a portion or a summary of the main paper but the Prize Award Committee will use this opportunity to assess the clarity of delivery of the paper, the quality of the illustrations and competence of the contributor in answering questions from the audience to assist them in their decisions over the awards. The Prize Award Committee need, however, to examine the full paper in advance and to fulfill this, the candidates are required to submit their work, written in English and in the form laid down in the Instructions to Authors of the Journal of CranioMaxiIlofacial Surgery. Such a paper should not exceed 5000 words. 4. Eligible contributors to a Conference who wish to submit their papers for these prestigious prizes are to inform the Secretary General of the Association of their intention not less than six months before the Conference. It is also helpful if they indicate this intention to the Organizing Committee when submitting-their paper for the Conference. They will also be requested to forward 8 copies of their paper including illustrations to the Secretary General not less than six months before the Congress for onward transmission to the Prize Award Committee (it is clearly impossible for the Prize Award Committee to evaluate all papers presented at Congress without previous assessment). 5. The recipients must utilize the award within 12 months. A report must be sent subsequently to the


Secretary General not less than three months before the next Congress. They may be required to present their report to the Congress. The Prizes will be awarded on the bases of travelling scholarships. Depending on the merit of the paper the Prize Award Committee may decide that the award shall be for 6 months, 4 months or a 1 month scholarship to be held in a country of choice of the recipient. In conjunction with the Prizes, recipients will be given a Certificate of Merit signed by the President of the EACMFS. Recipients will be expected to negotiate with their own employing authorities regarding conditions relating to leave of absence to take up the scholarships (if requested the Council or appropriate Councillor for his region will give advice and support in this respect). In the event of a multiple authorship paper the participants must be limited to three. All must be in training posts, as previously defined, but the main contributor will deliver the paper and receive any Prize awarded thereon, the name being identified by its position first on the list of authors. All contributors to such a successful paper will receive a signed Certificate as in (7) above. The submission for consideration for a Prize must be accompanied by a statement signed by both the applicant(s) and Head of Department(s) to the effect that the paper is based on the candidate(s) own work.

B. Hugo Obwegeser Travelling Scholarships In addition to these major Educational Prizes, the Prize Award Committee is also empowered by the Endowment Committee to make further scholarship awards to trainees (as previously defined). Such Scholarships are also to encourage trainees to travel to other countries in the furtherance of their education. Applications for such Scholarships should be made to the Secretary General who will forward an appropriate form to the individual for completion. Such applications can only be considered biannually by the Prize Award Committee, who will submit their recommendations to the Endowment Committee who are responsible for the allocation of such funds as are available and deemed appropriate to the request. Full details of the planned visit will be required including a letter from the host unit confirming arrangements. It is the applicants responsibility to ensure that permission for leave of absence has been obtained from the appropriate employing authority and E A C M F S will in no way be responsible for payment for any locum tenens fees at any time.

Establishment of the Endowment Committee In order that the funds of the Association may be fairly distributed to trainees applying for scholarships and travel grants, the Executive Committee of the Association has decided to establish an Endowment Committee consisting of the President, Secretary General, Education Officer and Treasurer. This small group would oversee all applications in order that speedy decisions can be reached. To facilitate this, all Councillors are now in possession of application forms and trainees wishing to avail themselves of these opportunities should approach their Councillor for the necessary forms and return them when completed to the Secretary General. 63