Easy programmable GI data acquisition and analyses

Easy programmable GI data acquisition and analyses

October 1990 EFFECTS OF DIABETES ON TIiJ3 MIGRATING HYOELECTRIC CT Frantzides, T Nowak, C Edmiston, A COMPLEX. ROZL, E Lianos. Depts. of Surgery and ...

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October 1990

EFFECTS OF DIABETES ON TIiJ3 MIGRATING HYOELECTRIC CT Frantzides, T Nowak, C Edmiston, A COMPLEX. ROZL, E Lianos. Depts. of Surgery and Medicine. Med. Col. of WI, Milwaukee, WI. Small intestinal motility in diabetics has been poorly studied. The objective of this study was to define the effects of diabetes on the small intestinal MMC. In 4 conditioned male dogs, bipolar electrodes were implanted on the small intestine. At least 2 consecutive MMC Once control cycles were recorded each day. (one month). the experiments were completed animals were injected with Alloxan 45 mg/kg IV for induction of diabetes. Myoelectric activity from the diabetic period was compared with that Spontaneous MMCs cycled of control tracings. normally in the small intestine during the control (prediabetic period) and all phases (Phase I, II, III) of the MMEd cycle were 4th month Between the 2nd observed. Phase III following induction of diabetes, activity appeared at distal sites of the small intestine (ectopic) whereas the proximal part of the small intestine exhibited a Phase II-like activity (control: 38+6 min; diabetic 104+8 addition, diabetic dogs exhibited a min). In characterized by hypermotility pattern prolonged Phase II activity. The 2 dogs studied at 6 months after induction of diabetes showed a distorted motility pattern completely characterized by prolonged MMC cycles (control: 108+16 min; diabetic: 185+17 min) mainly due to These observations prolongation of Phase I. indicate that diabetes induces time dependent changes in the small intestinal myoelectric likely to be activity. These events are associated with perturbations of the intestinal function occurring in the diabetic state.




EASY PROGRAMMABLE GI DATA ACQUISITION AND ANALYSES Gleysteen.JJ, McConnelLKB; Surgical Service, VAMC. Birmingham, AL We have developed a conputetfzed scheme for both data acquisition and data analysis of canine gastric contractile and myoelectrtc activity. The program is based on a graphic, data flow language (LabVIEW, National Instruments Co.) and processed through a Macintosh Ilx computer with 4 MB of RAM. Voltage signals received from gastric serosal strain gauges a&bipolar electrodes implanted in the dog are transferred to signal covitioning modules and then into a 12 bit Analog lo Digital convettor where the computer program begins. The LabVIEW software uses graphic front panel controls to run a block diagram of funaions or instruments which are “wired together” in the programming process. Instruments can be placed in structures which will sequence or iterate their activity. Output from the block diagram is returned to the front panel in rnmmric. graphic, or strip chart formats. In data acquisition. after signal conditioning, the analog convertor outputb voltage as digital signals at an investigator-adjustable rate. The output of the data acquired is displayed on a real time strip chart. The recording capability of our program is eight channels which will display simultaneously; but we may select fewer channels or switch between channels as they are being written to a disk file. Data from an experiment is analyzed by indexing an array of @#aI signals representing a strain gauge or electrode recorded channel. Segments rather than entire channel records may be selected for analysis and comparison to other channels in the same or other experimental hfals. The channel or array of signals is introduced to programs designed to recognize peaks. The first program reviews signal amplitudes to produce a time-dependent statistical baseline which is stored as a matching anay. The paired arrays of a contratile channel are then analyzed by another program to output peak amplitudes and wkfths, contraction areas as an integration of samples. and lime intervals betwegn contractions. Paired arrays of rate-identical gastric electrode channels are coupled to detertine phasic differences by which lo calculate propagation velocity. Our experience with our programs using the LabVIEW software shows that GI motility tiata acquisitiis and analyses are reproducible. The graphic programs may be easily modified or customized by investigators unpracticed in computer programting; and the cost is less than with other systems because other intervening hardware is not used (eg. polygraph recorders and tape recordeis).

BIOMECHANICAL WALL PROPERTIES AND COLLAGEN CONTENT OF High amplitude gastric contractions are necessary for lateral OPOSSUM ESOPHAGUS SECONDARY TO LOWER ESOPHAGEAL BANDING. h thalamic lesion and tail shock induced mucosal inju Garrick, H. Gregersen. l_ Rasmussen, I.M. Glversen, A Tottrup. Institute of Experimental Iyp”Grijalva, C. and Trauner, M. CURE, UCLA an 2 Veterans Clinical Research, Unlverslty of Aarhus, Denmark. A&airs Medical Center, Los Angeles. Gastric contractions are Aim: To assess in viva the short-term intluence on the esophageal pathogenically essential to the induction cola restraint-induced biomechanioal wall patame@s In an obstructed model. Methods: Through a gastric mucosal injury in the rat. The followin studies were midline alxfomlnal Incision. 9 ooossums were banded bv a Gore-Tex band performed to evaluate whether or not increase d amplitude of approximately 2 cm proxln& to ~h~~&stroesophageal jur&on for induction of astric contractions were necessary for mucosal injury in lateral esophageal obstruction. Prior to and 2 weeks after the banding the t ypothalamic lesion (LH) and tail shock (TS)-induced injury. mechanical wall properties were measured using a specially designed four Methods: Gastric contractions were measured with extraluminal electrode Impedance measuring system located Inside a balloon on a 14F force transducers and analy%ed by computer. Hydrochloric acid (180 catheter (Gut 1988;29:169!&1704). The balloon w-as Introduced in the midmmoles/hr) was infused throughout the experimental procedures esophagus and was lnffatsd and detMed In steps of ,XI cm HzO. Related via an mtragastric cannulae. Visible mucosal in’ury was measured values of cross-sectional area (CA) and pressure were measured. Pressure was measured bv a low comdlanoe oetfusion svstem connected to an extemal by an expenmenter blinded to which group eat h animal belonged. transducer. k was est&ted fro& measurer&t of the Impedance of the fluid Mild TS was provided by 100 n~4 5 setvariable time(averae of inside the balloon uslpg the field gradient principle. By using the Law of oneshock/min)shockstounanesthetized,chronicallyprepare % rats LaPlace the tension was proportional to the CA assuming a constant confined inside plastic tubes, followed by 3 hr home-cage rest. LH trsnsmural esophageal pressure at maximum inflation. The compliance was lesions were induced in acutely prepared, urethane anesthetized defined as the change In CA divkfed by the change In pressure and the animals. n=5-lo/group. Results: TS characteristically stimulated hysteresis as the difference In CA betwsen deflation and Inflation of the balloon. high amplitude gastric contractions having motility index (area Al sacrlflce mkiesophagsal tissue samples were used for estimation of collagen under the contraction curves) 3.5 & 0.7 fold over basal levels and content based on hydroxyproline quamkation. Results: In all cases, clockwise caused mucosal damage (1.7 mm ). Atropine methyl nitrate (5 hysteresis loops were demonstrated. Preoperatlvely, the CA at maxitn$ inftation of th@a(joon, the cor!vMance and hysteresis wfjre 108.04?7.23 mm , 0X64*0.081 mm x cm Hz0 and 101.14+16.89 mm, respectively. Eight animals survived the first two week period. During this perl3 the CA, the co pllence end, hysteresls_)ncreassd to 357.45k54.22 mm z(pcO.OOl), 2.4T 2+0.420 mm x cmHz0 (p