Effect of addition and removal rates of cryoprotectant on the survivability of frozen bovine embryos

Effect of addition and removal rates of cryoprotectant on the survivability of frozen bovine embryos

THERIOGENOLOGY M. Taneja,S.M.Totey,GurpreetSingh,C.H. Pawsheand G.P. Talwar J&nbryo Biotechnology Laboratory, NationalInstitute of Dmmology, JNU Canp...

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M. Taneja,S.M.Totey,GurpreetSingh,C.H. Pawsheand G.P. Talwar J&nbryo Biotechnology Laboratory, NationalInstitute of Dmmology, JNU Canplex,ShahidJeet Singhm, New Delhi110 067 INDIA Thisexperiment was desi9nedto studythe effectof rate of glycerol addition (5-stepor 3-step)priorto the freezing of bovine eabryosand rateof its subsequent removal(5-step or 2step with or withoutthe additionof sucrose in the dilution msdim) on theirpost-thawswzvival (PTS). Fortyfiveembryoscollectednon-surgicallyonday 7 (day0= onsetof estrus)fran 9 supemvulatedHolstein-Friesian cows kiere used for this study.EhWyos of similardevelopmntalstage (late mrulae to expanded blastocysts)and embryo quality grade (kexcellentand2=good)werera&anly assignedtooneof the four treatments. In Trt A,B ahd C the embryosware exposedto glycerol (1.4M) in PBS (with10% fetalcalf serum)by a 5-step addition (0.25M, 0.5OM,0.75M,l.OOMand then 1.4OM),whilein Trt D by a 3-step addition (0.5OM, l.OOMand then 1.4OM),with a 10 min equilibration (25'C)at eachconcentration in all the treatmsnts. Wryos pipettedintostrawswBre thenplacedintoa programnsble freezer unit (Bio&ol",FTS Systm, NY). The freezing sequence was: 25°C to -7°Cat l"C/min; seeding; 0.5'C/minto -3O'C; 0.3"C/mihto -38°C;plungihgintoliquidnitrcgen.EWzyos were thawed in a 37°Cwaterbath.In Trt A and B glycerolwas removed by a 5-stepdilutionin a reverseorderof its addition, with a 10 min equilibration at each step.The only difference in Trt B was the presenceof l.OMsucroseat eachcohcehtration. In Trt C and D embrycs ku3refirstpipettedintoamixtureof 0.7M sucrose and 0.7M glycerol (total concentration 1.4M)for 7 min and theh transferred intoa 0.7Msucrosesolutionfor 2 min. Dilutions mre follomd by several washesi&PBS inall the treatments.Wryos wareassessedforPTSonthebasisofnmpholo9y and waregraded (l=excellent to 4=degenerate). Resultsare sumnarized below: Treatment A

n (%)

TreatnmntB Treatmentc TreatmehtD n ($1 n 0) n (%)

Excellent 0.00 3/11 (27.3) 2/10 (20.0) 4112 (33.3) 6/12 (50.0) 3/11 (27.3) 5/10 (50.0) 4112 (33.3) E&rate

3/12 (25.0) 0.00 5/11 (45.5) l/10 2/10 (10.0) (20.0) 2112 2/12 (16.7)

The xona damageratewas 41.7,45.5,30.0 and 16.7% for Groups A,B,Cand D respectively. Datawere analyzed by Fisher's exact test.Therewere ho significant differences either in the overall PTS rates or in the zona damage rates between the treatmentgroups, Hoover the rapid a-step dilution method appeared to providehigherpercentageofgradeland 2 ss&ryos with lawerzonapellucida damagerates. 30%


1992 VOL. 37 NO. 1