J Mol
21 (Supplement
II) (1989)
OF DSCO GNEQKDE~A~~ RWEXWSDRABBITiWKARDlUM: A!Ei3l3TRATIoN. R. Fewari, G.M. E'offa, C. Cexni, S. Cwello, Chair ofCardiologyandChe%nistzy, UniversityofBrescia, Brescia, Intbis studywekwe inv&cigatedthepossibility thatD6c0,
REJ.ATICN!NIW TIMING AND Iv'EDAL,ITY A. Ekxaso, A. Caqxni and A. Albertini. Italy. aphenylalkylamines calciunantagonst,
protects theisolatedrabbit hearts againstischaemic andreperfusicsl (R) induced damage. n-603 was either subcutaneoxly injected (2 r&kg, twice daily for 5 to 6 days) to the rabbit before the isolation of the hearts or delivered to the isolated hearts in the perfizate (lcr6 M) either at the cnset of iscbaemia (I) and dwiq R or onlydwingpost-ischaemicR. I (1 ml/min) wds for 90 min followed by 30 min of R. Myccardial danage wss de-4 interms ofmechanical fimcticn, releaseof cpI( and noradrenaline, isolated mitxxkoxkial of L!-KO to the
faction, calcim hcmmtasis andendqenxs stores ofATP and CP. A&ninistration rabbits or to the isolated hearts at the time of I exerted protection: -1) 'Ihe rise in diastolic pressdurjng Iwas diminshedwithgreaterrecoveryofdevelopedpressure duringR; -2) CPK andnoradrenalinerelease duringRwerereduced; 3) the oxygenccns~ticnarx3ATPgener&ing capacities of mitochcndrial werebetternxxintained; 4) calciunl-smeostasis andofendcgenous ATF and CP storeswere near d. The two differentmodalities ofadninistition did not ptice stitantially different results. When adninistiM totheisolatedhearts after theischaemicpericd, D-&X failedto improve mechanical recovery and releaseofendogenous substances. However, it reduced mitozhondrial calcium overloadand irr@rovedATPproducticm.
?HEDFECrSOFL-PRGPI~INECN~ R. Ferrari, A. Cargnoni, E. Pasini, G.M. University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy. To assess whether the adninistraticn
3XXWMl'CANDREPERFUSEDW~IUM:A~~~~Y. Boffa, C. Ceconi, S. Cwello, 0.
of L-prcpionyl-carni tine protects the heart against the causedbyischaemia (I) andrqerfusion (R) ;old to es'c&lishifI.+~ionyl~&tine effwts df?pmdent, iso$ated-pbit sm were inf&wl with three different concentsations of L.p~ionyl-c.arnitine: 10 , 10 and10 M. &ring control, nomvxic perfUsicn and6omi.n of 1o.v flop I (37OC) followed by 30 min of R, diastolic and developed pressures were roni'cored, colonary effluent was collectedandassayedforlactateandfor~atinephosphokinase (CFK),m?tcch~driawere harvested and deterioration are dose
assayed forrespiraixryactivity, ATPpnxlucticn andcalciun content and tissue concentration of ATP andCP were determined. Lpropiorgrl-carni' kne reduced the ischaanic induced detesicratia of mitcchcnclrisl fxxtion and the depsoq3wation of tissue stores of A'IP. On R, hearts treated with Lprcpionyl~tine recover4better than theunlreatedhearts with respect to left ventricular perfcamanc e,Epleniskmentof A'IPandCP s'coresandmitokcndr ial fwtion. Ihe R-inticed mitcchondrial calcium overload and release of m$ers (10 A fm
also reduced. lhe effect of Lpmpioqylxarni M) failed tomodify ixhaanic ti4reperfwion increase of the dosage to10 Mdidnotresultti
tine was dose dependent. damage. 'Ihebestprckective ftierprotection.
The lmer ccncentra$i~ effectfound at10
OF CONTRACTILE FUNCTION IN THE POST-ISCHEMIC CANINE MYOCARDIUM WITH THE ANALOG, RO 23-6152. P. Dahlen, R. Vergona, and A.J. Higgins. Department of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy, Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., Nutley, New Jersey, USA. The left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) in anesthetized dogs was ligated for 30 min, followed by 120 min reperfusion. Subendocardial segment shortening (%SS) in ischemic and non-ischemic zones of the heart was measured with ultrasonic transducers. In saline-treated (S) dogs, %SS in the ischemic zone ceased Reciprocal increases and was replaced by systolic bulging during the LAD ligation. in %SS in the non-ischemic zone accompanied these changes. On reperfusion, a transien-t recovery of %SS occurred in the ischemic zone, followed by a sustained Ro 23-6152 (R) was infused intravenously for dyskinesis (0% of pre ligation levels). Post-ischemic %SS improved to 76, 100 min, starting 10 min before the LAD ligation. 87, and 98% of pre ligation levels following 30, GO, and 100 ug/kg/min doses. R, at decreased the incidence of ventricular fibrilladoses of 10, 30, and 60 ug/kg/min, Similar anti-ischemic, tion from 6/11 (S) to Z/7, O/5, and l/6, respectively. anti-arrhythmic, and hemodynamic effects were observed with diltiazem at 30 These results demonstrate that calcium channel blockers of the diltiazem w/ Wmi n. class are beneficial in maintaining post-ischemic function and reducing lethal arrhythmias. It is not known if these effects are due to direct cardioprotective activity or to changes in coronary perfusion and energy demand.