Effects of glucocorticoids on protein metabolism in laying quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

Effects of glucocorticoids on protein metabolism in laying quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

Corn& Bmhem. t’h,wrol. VoI. 70A.pp.649 lo 6.52, 1981 03~9629i81il20649-a11602.~~ Copyright 0 1981 Pergamoo Press Ltd Pnnledin Great Britain. A...

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03~9629i81il20649-a11602.~~ Copyright 0 1981 Pergamoo Press Ltd

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~COTU~~~X COT~~~~X JAPONICA) L. F. DE LA CRUZ. F. J. MATAIX and M. Departamento


Fisiologia, Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense, Madrid. Spain (Receiwd

13 May 1981)

Abstract-l, The effects of two glucocorticoids hormones, cortisol and corticosterone (4 mg/lOO g body weight per 7 days) on the laying ability and some aspects of protein metabolism in quails were determined. 2. The treated quails showed a decrease in body weight, food intake and the nitrogen balance as compared to the control group. 3. The values for excretion of uric acid, liver weight and the hepatic glycogen were higher than in the

control group. 4: A decrease in laying was observed in the cortisal group, whereas that of the corticosterone group remained similar to the controls,


The effects of the administration of glucocorticoids, specifically that of cortisol, have been studied because these hormones have been shown to have a great effect upon animal tissues {Ray et al., 1964; Bellamy, 1966). The influence of cortisol has been observed in the chick (Bellamy & Leonard, 1965; Adams, 1968) where it causes an inhibition of body growth. With high doses these animals may lose weight; the liver however, continues to increase in size. This size increase may be due to uptake of extra material, rather than any increase in growth rate (Mangnall & Bartley, 1973). The effects in rats have also been studied (Moreiras, 1978) where similar results for different physiological situations were obtained. The described work was carried out in quails (Coturniw coturnix japonica) because of their reliability as laboratory animals (Cooper, 1972; Lucotte, 1976). Two glucocorticoids hormones, cortisol and corticosterone, were used in order to compare any in vivu metabolic effect. The influence of using these glucoeorticoids is especially seen in such an important physiological situation as laying, in which the eggs weigh from 10 to 12 g and are rich in protein.

quirements of the quails (Guillaume, 1970; Perez, 1974; Pran Vohra, 1977). To carry out this comparative study the quails were divided into three groups each of which had 10 quaifs. The first group received cortisol, those in the second group received corticosterone, while those in the third group were used as controls. The quail received the hormones orally in a solution of carboximethyl cellulose 1% and sodium chloride 0.9% w/v, whereas the control received this solution only. The total dose (cortisol or corticosterone) used in 7 days (experimental period) was 4 mg/lOOg body weight. At the end to this period the quail were killed by decapitation so as provide the fastest possible way of removing and examining the liver for the presence of hepatic glycogen, which was estimated by the amyloglucosida~ method (Kepler & Decker, 1974). Samples of the liver were also taken for histological preparation. Total nitrogen from the excreted matter was estimated using the Kjeldahl method and the uric acid content by the uricase method (Puldelkiewicz et al., 1967; McNabb et al., 1975).

MATERIAL AND METHODS The experimental animals were &month old female quails. When they came to the laboratory were placed in individual metabolic cells for an adaptation period of 40 days, at a temperature of I8 k 1°C with constant illumination. The experiment was carried out under the same conditions. The 7-day experimental period was begun only after the adaptation and stabilization of the laying pattern. The metabolic cells employed had an exterior food and water supply, and at the bottom of each cage was a tray in which the quail could individually drop her eggs. The cells had a receptacle for the coliection of excrement. The diet supplied throughout the experiment was prepared in the laboratory and is described in Table 1; this provided adequate nutrients to cover the physiological re649

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The influence of the hormones examined on laying female quail in respect to body weight (see Table 2) is significant in that a decrease in weight is produced in treated animals which is most marked in the cortisol group. This agrees qualitatively with the results obtained in chicks (Bellamy & Leonard, 1965; Adams, 1968), and in rats (Moreiras, 1978) but quail appear more sensitive to the effect of the hormones. The values for food intake are shown in Table 2, where both hormones appear to produce a decrease in uptake of food. If the food intake per 100 g of body weight is compared, the results are very similar for the animals of different groups and this agrees with the results of studies made on adults rats (Moreiras, 1978). The greater influence on laying of protein metabolism can be observed by examining the nitrogen balance results obtained for the treated animals (see Table 3), particularly if they are compared with adult


L. F. Dt:

650 Table

I. Composition


c’t tl/.


be seen in the maintenance or loss of body but that it is incorporated in the egg production. A fraction of the calculated value for the nitrogen should also correspond to the fraction of protein that is lost in exchange of feathers and also tegumental desquamation, which in the specific case of laying females is smaller due to high levels of females hormones (Tanabe et (I/., 1957). This is demonstrated in the control group, where, assuming from 150 to 2OOmg of nitrogen for the component mentioned would give a difference of between 3 10 and 260 mg of retained nitrogen daily. equivalent to 2.17 and 1.82 g of nitrogen/7 days, which in turn represents from 13.5 to Il.3 g of protein/7 days, the quantity is approximately the amount contained in the eggs laid by the quail in the control group. The most significant information received from the experimental data is that protein mobilized is principally used in the production of the eggs. This process appears to he most efficient in the quail treated with corticosterone (Fig. 1). It is thus evident that as a reproductive phenomenon, egg laying constitutes a physiological determinant of the first order like growth. where the mechanism is qualitatively the same but quantitatively different. In this sense Fisher (1979) working with chicks found values of 6 g protein deposition/day per wkg 0.75 for growth and 3.5 g protein deposition/day per wkg 0.75 for laying hen. If one considers the values obtained in the different groups treated with the hormones a clear relationship between the level of retained nitrogen and egg production is obtained: however, the catabolic effect of the hormones leads to a smaller quantity of retained nitrogen which in turn reduces the protein content of the egg (see Table 6). The values for excreted uric acid (see Table 3) support what has been discussed earlier with respect to the nitrogen balance. since the higher values correspond to the group that received cortisol which is the group with the smallest amount of nitrogen retained. As regards the parameters of liver weight and hepatic glycogen (see Table 4) one observes the effect of both hormones, noting that although it is cortisol which produces larger catabolic effects. it is cortico-

of quail diet

weight), Ingredient Casein Soybean

(g/kg dry matter 46.4 135.1


Suntlower meal Alfalfa meal Corn meal Wheat bran Cellulose CO@l PO,HCa H,O Mineral





166.5 68.8 408.2 58.2 46.6 32.0 30.0 3.9 4.4

Crude protein 24.9% (DM) *SO,Cu HzO, 34.2mg; SO,Fe 7H,O, 182.8 mg; SO, Mn H,O. 355.7 mg; SO,ZN 7H20, 267.0 mg; SO,Co 7H,O, 4.5 mg; IK, 2.0 mg; CINa, 3.0mg. t Vit. A, 8 mg; Vit. B,. 4.5 mg; Vit. Bz, 7 mg; Vit. Bg, 3.5 mg: Vit. Bit, 0.15 mg; Vit. C, 1OOmg; Vit. E, 25 mg; Vit. H, 0.15 mg; Vit. K. 3 mg; Vit. D,, 2 mg; Nicotinamide, 2S mg; choline chloride. 700 mg; Methionine, 3.6 mg: Calcium Pantothenate, 10 mg.

males and non-laying females whose results have been published previously (Rev. Esp. Fisiol., in press). Non-laying females and males treated with cortisol showed a decreased ingestion of nitrogen compared to laying females (532 _+ 7.6 mg/quail per day; 393 i 9.3 mg/quail per day; 691 f: 29.4 m~quail per day respectively). Similar results were obtained with the animals treated with corticosterone (528 2 14.8 m&/quail per day; 508 + 30.2mg/quail per day; 715 + 18mg/ quail per day respectively). However, the nitrogen excreted was similar or higher in animals treated with cortisol (616 f 44.8 mg/quail per day; 308 + 21.7 mg/ quail per day; 373 t_ 13.9 mg/quail per day). The result as a Net Protein Utilization smaller in the adult males and non-laying females than in the hormone treated groups studied in this paper, both of which were laying quail. With regard to the incorporation of nitrogen it must be recognized that laying quail do not show a net incorporation of nitrogen in the body (which Table 2. Influence

Final weight



153.1 f 2.4 151.2 + 1.9 157.6 + 3.3

152.8 * 2.6 122.8 * 3X+ 139.3 * 2.x*

Control Cortisol Corticosterone * P < 0.001 significantly


Table 3. Influence

Control Cortisol Corticosterone

on body weight and food intake

Starting weight Group


of glucocorticoids

from values of control

of glucocorticoids

Nitrogen ingested (mg/quail per day) 758 f 10.2 691 f 29.4 715 & 18.0

* P < 0.01 and tP < 0.001 significantly

Live weight gain fgiquail per 7 days) -0.3 -28.4 -1x.3 group

on nitrogen

Nitrogen excreted (mg/quail per day) 298 * 8.7 391 + 21.0* 373 + 13.9* different

+ 1.7 & 3.2* + 2.1*

Food intake (g/7 days) 133.4 f 1.7 121.6 _k 5.1 125.8 i 3.1

& SEM.


and uric acid excreted

Nitrogen incorporated (mg/quail per day)

Uric acid excreted (g/7 days)

460 Ir 3.5 300 & 23.4t 342 i_ ll.4.t

2.8 k 0.0 3.5 & 0.1* 3.3 rt 0.1*

from values of control


i SEM.

Glucocorticoids affect quail protein metabolism Laying






















Davs Fig. 1. Table 4. Influence of glucocorticoids on liver weight and hepatic glycogen

Group Control Cortisol Corticosterone

Liver weight Hepatic glycogen (g/quail) (mm01 glucose/100 g liver) 3.1 f 0.1 3.8 f 2.7 3.5 + 0.1

84.6 i 20.0 262.2 f 29.2* 312.5 & 20.6t

Table 6. fnfluence of glucocorticoids on egg composition Dry matter (%)

Group Control Cortisol Corticosterone

Protein* (%)

30.9 28.6 27.7

13.4 11.2 12.4

Fat* (‘i,,1 11.7 10.3 10.0

* Fresh material. * P < 0.01 and t P < 0.001 significantly different from values of control group. f SEM. sterone which produces greatest gluconeogenesis. This fact supports the physiological nature of corticosterone in this bird, as a true glucocorticoid hormone.

Special attention has been given to some characteristics of laying under the influence of glucocorticoid hormones. The results are summarized in Tables 5 and 6. In the composition of eggs (see TabIe 6) it can be seen that dry matter, protein and fat are reduced in treated quails. It is difficult to give an interpretation of the significance of these results, but it is evident that they are the consequence of the metabolic changes that the hormones have produced. The results relative to the size and weight of the egg (see Table 5) show no significant differences. However, the observed weight diminished over the 7-day experimental period by 2.6 g for the group that received cortisol, 1,17 g for the group which received cortico-

sterone and 0.5 g for the control group which received no hormones. The effects are most evident in egg production (Fig. l), where a distinct reduction in the group given cortisol is observed, as compared to that given corticosterone or to the control group. The values for the latter two groups were essentially the same, when the catabolic effect produced by corticosterone was sufficiently to the egg production. REFERENCES ADAMSB. M. (1968) Effect of cortisol on growth and uric acid excretion in the chick. J. Endocr. 40, 145-15 1, BELLAMY D. & LEONARDR. A. (1965) Effect of cortisol on the growth of chicks. Gen. camp. Endow. 5, 402-410. BELLAMY C. (1966) The interration of corticosteroids with liver and skeletal muscle in vertebrates with reference to the primary action of hormones of the cortisol-corticosterone type. Mem. Snc. Endow. IS, 43-54. CARPERD. M. (1972) The U’FAM’ ~u~~~oo~ on rha Carr

Table 5. influence of glucocorticoids on weight and size of the egg Group Control Cortisol Corticosterone 2 SEM.

1st day

Weight 7th day

11.0 + 0.5 11.7 * 0.3 11.4 rt 0.3

10.5 + 0.2 9.0 * 2.8 10.3 f 0.2


Longitudinal diameter (cm)

Transversal diameter (cm)

-0.5 -2.7 -1.1

3.2 f 0.0 3.1 * 0.0 3.1 + 0.0

2.5 f 0.0 2.4 + 0.0 2.4 + 0.0


L. F. DE LA CRUZ et a/.

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