Effects of hypoxia on macrobenthos of the inner shelf off Cameron, Louisiana

Effects of hypoxia on macrobenthos of the inner shelf off Cameron, Louisiana

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (1985) 20,603-613 Effects of Hypoxia on Macrobenthos Inner Shelf off Cameron, Louisiana Gary R. Gaston De...

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and Shelf


(1985) 20,603-613

Effects of Hypoxia on Macrobenthos Inner Shelf off Cameron, Louisiana


R. Gaston

Department University, Received

of the

of Biological Lake Charles, 5 March

and Environmental Louisiana 70609,

1984 and in revisedform

Keywords: hypoxia; macrobenthos; Annelida; Louisiana

Sciences, U.S.A. 33uly




population composition;


The effects of hypoxic bottom water, an annual event, were documented on the inner shelf off Cameron, Louisiana during the summer of 1981. Populations of most species of macrobenthos were dramatically reduced. In an area of fine sediment that was numerically dominated by polychaetous annelids, the most severely affected populations were those of tube-dwelling and surface-feeding species. Burrowing species were less influenced by the hypoxia.

Introduction Interest in the effects of hypoxic bottom waters ( < 2 mg I- ‘) on benthic macrofauna of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico (e.g. Fotheringham & Weissberg, 1979; Harper et al., 1981; Pavela et al., 1983; Boesch, 1983) has led to observations that hypoxia occurs during summer months on the inner continental shelf from the Mississippi River to Texas, in response to discharge from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers. Mass mortalities may occur among macrobenthic communities, and nektonic species may leave the area (Ragan et al., 1978; Bedinger, 1979; Harper et al., 1981), with drastic implications on commercial fisheries, especially those including shrimp, crabs, and demersal fish. The purpose of this paper is to document the effects of hypoxia on inner shelf macrobenthic communities off Cameron, Louisiana, which is among the leading ports in the nation for commercial landings of finfish and shellfish. Data for this investigation were collected from February 1981 to April 1982. Background As early as 1935, low bottom dissolved oxygen values (3.9 mg 1-i) were recorded along the Texas and Louisiana coasts (Richards, 1957). In recent years investigations of the environmental impacts of petroleum production noted oxygen-depleted bottom waters in and around Timbalier Bay (e.g. Farrell, 1979; Fotheringham & Weissberg, 1979; Bedinger, 1979; Bedinger et al., 1981), as did investigations on the inner continental shelf from the Mississippi delta to Atchafalaya Bay (Ragan et al., 1978; Stuntz et al., 603 0272-7714/85/050603

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G. R. Gaston


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1. Chart

of the study

area off Cameron,

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1982) and as far west as the Brazos River, Texas (Harper & McKinney,



1980; Harper et

al., 1981; Pavela et al., 1983).

Several probable causesof hypoxia have been postulated. Most studies attribute hypoxia to the freshwater runoff from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers, which leads to density stratification of the water column, and elimination of oxygen exchange between the surface and bottom (e.g. Fotheringham & Weissberg, 1979; Bedinger et al., 1981). Additionally, decomposition of the water-borne organic debris increases the biological oxygen demand (BOD) of the sedimentsand decreasesthe dissolved oxygen of the near-bottom water (Oetking et al., 1979; Price, 1979; Bedinger et al., 1981; Officer et al., 1984). Farrell (1979) reported high quantities of sediment phaeopigments in hypoxic areas, suggestingthat oxygen depletion off central Louisiana may be linked with production and decomposition of phytoplankton. An associationof hypoxia and primary production would imply that an overabundance of phytoplankton occurs seasonallyoff Louisiana. This is supported by evidence of a dramatic increasein nitrate content of the Mississippi River in recent years (Walsh et al., 1981), a phenomenon which could enhanceoffshore primary production on the Louisiana continental shelf (Boesch, 1983). Materials

and methods

The present study was conducted from February 1981 to April 1982. Seven stations were sampled monthly and an additional four (M6, M15, DN, DS) were included in quarterly sampling (Figure 1) as part of a brine discharge monitoring study (Gaston & Weston, 1983). Sampling sites were located primarily on an east-west transect along the 10-m depth contour near a Department of Energy Strategic Petroleum Reserve Program brine diffuser. The area is approximately 15 km southeast of Cameron, Louisiana.

Effects of hypoxia on macrobenthos


All stations were located by LORAN C. At each site observations were made of time, sea state, and weather conditions. A vertical profile of conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH was made with a Hydrolab Series 8000 meter at 3 m depth intervals. Six replicate grab sampleswere taken at all stations using a 0.1 m2 stainless steel Smith-McIntyre grab. The contents of each grab were washed through a O-5mm screen. The material retained on the sieve was preserved in 109b buffered formalin containing RoseBengal, to be sorted to macrofaunal specieslater in the laboratory. Dominant specieswere selected by cumulative ranking of numerical dominants. The ten most abundant speciescollected at the seven monthly siteswere ranked according to abundance. The most abundant speciescollected each month received a score of 10 and less abundant species were given successively lower scores. The ranking was then determined by summing the twelve monthly scores. Several indices of community structure were employed in data analysis of the benthic collections. Diversity was measuredusing Shannon’s formula (Pielou, 1966). This index is dependent on both number of speciesin the sampleas well astheir relative dominance. To examine these two parameters independently, speciesrichness (S) and evennesscr> were computed separately using the formulae: S-l S=---

1nN ’

J= H’ 10&S’

where N equals the total number of individuals. These indices, when calculated for a station, are based on the number of speciesand their mean abundances in all replicate grabs taken. In order to present the large data set in an interpretable form, as well as to determine zones of rapid fauna1 change, multivariate analysis techniques were employed. Species which occurred in only a single replicate sample were eliminated. Clustering was performed using the Virginia Institute of Marine Science program COMPAH (Combinatorial Polythetic Agglomerative Hierarchical) program. Log transformation (log X+ 1) and the Bray-Curtis similarity measure (Bray & Curtis, 1957) were employed in the clustering. Results Sediments of the study area were generally silty clays with approximately lo?,, sand, 35O, silt and 55?,0clay. There was a general homogeneity in sediment type, and consequent similarity in fauna1 composition which enhanced the suitability of the sites for comparative observations of hypoxic effects (Gaston & Weston, 1983). The dissolved oxygen concentration of bottom waters exhibited wide variation both spatially and temporally. The most notable temporal changes were the periods of low dissolved oxygen during the summer of 1981, when bottom dissolved oxygen concentrations often dropped below 1 mg 1-r (Figure 2). These periods of hypoxia were noted intermittently from mid-June through mid-September and corresponded to a period of pronounced salinity stratification (Gaston & Weston, 1983). During the latter half of July and early August bottom dissolved oxygen concentrations at the brine diffuser (2.5-3.5 mg 1-l) exceeded that of station Ml8 (0.5-2.0 mg l- ‘). This elevation of dissolved oxygen in the vicinity of the diffuser resulted either from aeration of bottom water by mixing with the oxygenated brine effluent or, more probably, from turbulent


G. R. Gaston









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Figure2. Temporalvariationsin dissolvedoxygen(mgl-‘) at fwo sites(Ml8 and MlOA, seeFigure1).

mixing of the water column during brine discharge and the consequent breakdown of stratification. During late August and September, oxygen levels at the diffuser site (station MlOA) dropped below those of other sites. This occurrence corresponded to periods during which brine discharge was suspended’(2P31 August; 3-14 September). During periods of brine discharge the brine plume was barely detectable outside a 2 km radius of the diffuser (Randall, 1983). Data on the other physical parameters of the study area were discussedin Gaston & Weston (1983). Although the sampling sites were generally similar in physical characteristics other than dissolved oxygen (Gaston & Weston, 1983), there were notable variations in benthic communities. A number of stations (e.g. MlO, M6) were more speciose,as evidenced in the species-richnessvalues (Figure 3). Sampling sites to the east of the diffuser (e.g. stations M15, M18, M20) were generally lessrich in speciesthan those to the west (e.g. stations M3, M6). Species-evennessvalues, a measure of how evenly the individuals were distributed among the species,at station M3 were consistently lower than other sitesfrom May to August and were higher than all other sites from October to March. Numerical classification (clustering) was used to delimit consistent patterns of station similarity. All 15 months of sampling were incorporated in the analyses,and each month of collection at a site was treated as a separate entity (Figure 4). Because of the high temporal variability of the benthic community, numerical classification groupings were formed primarily on the basis of month rather than station. Three major groupings, established on the basis of season,were evident: (1) February to April 1981, (2) May to October 1981, including the hypoxic period during the summer months; and (3) November 1981 to April 1982. The fact that the February-April period of 1981 is more similar to May-October 1981 than to the February-April period of 1982 indicates the magnitude of temporal fauna1 change in the study area and the absence of a repeated


of hypoxia


on macrobenthos

Hypoxlc period

/ 1-d’

c /

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12 II c





\ ,\ \ \

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O-8 0 -7 F-

rJh /? >’ i 1i’ /I ‘1/Y/\\’f / /









FMA I982

Figure 3. Temporal variations in species diversity, species richness and species evenness at three sites (M3, MlOA, M18, see Figure 1). cycle. Certain collections at stations MlOA and M3 separatedin the cluster. This resulted from the distinct fauna which occurred during these collections. Although the use of diversity indices has fallen in disfavor among many ecologists in recent years, Shannon diversity and its components (species richness and species evenness) were useful here to demonstrate temporal variations in the communities (Figure 3). Based on the numerical classification, three sites (stations M3, MIOA, M18)




for comparisons

of these measurements.


was a radical

values of all three indices during summer hypoxia. Additionally, values for evenness and Shannon diversity variations in diversity among the stations

varied concurrently, were due primarily



throughout the year

indicating to changes

that temporal in the relative

abundance of the speciesrather than to differences in the number of speciesinhabiting the sites. This resulted from the numerical dominance of a few species at particular sites. The low value for evenness which occurred at station MlOA in June (Figure 3) was


G. R. Gaston



1981 -Mar


I -fzz .E r-





















Figure 4. Numerical classification sorting, beta= -0.25).

of all collections

off Cameron,



atypical of the pattern seen at any other station, and represented a sudden eruption in population of a single species(Phoronis sp.). The ten highest-ranked speciesare presented in Table 1. During a three-month period sp. (Phoronida) and Sabellides sp. (February-April 1981) two species, Phoronis (Polychaeta) numerically dominated the macrobenthic communities of the study area. Although the high abundance of Sabellides sp. did not continue into the summer months, Phoronis sp. population numbers did continue, totalling 729, of the total macrobenthos in May. This pattern of domination by Phoronis sp. continued through July. Populations

of hypoxia


on macrobenthos

TABLE 1. Dominant macrobenthic both dominance during a given (February 1981 to April 1982)


2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


species off Cameron, month and persistance

Species Magelona cf. phyllisae Paraprionospio pinnata Mediomastus californiensis Cirratulus cf. filiformis Phoronis sp. Sigambra tentaculata Owenia fusiformis Pseudeurythoe paucibranchiat Diopatra cuprea Cossura soyeri Glycinde solitaria Nemertea sp. B Mulinia lateralis Spiochaetopterus oculatus

Louisiana. throughout

Score is based on the study period

Score (max = 120) 107 97 58 58 54 51 47 38 35 35 30 29 18 12

of Phoronis sp. decreased in number through August and September. By October Z’horonissp. was not among the 10 most numerically-dominant species.The population eruption observed in the winter and spring of 1981 wasnot repeated in 1982. The polychaete, Paruprionospio pinnata, increased from 52 individuals mm2 in July to a maximum of 973 individuals m- 2 m September. Populations of this species later decreased in number, and stabilized at approximately 150individuals m- 2 for the remainder of the year. Magelona cf. phyllisae, a burrowing polychaete, was the top-ranked macrobenthic speciesduring the study (Table 1). Although it was seldom the most abundant speciesin monthly collections, it was present at most stations throughout the year. It was among the ten most abundant speciesevery month. The most numerically-dominant speciesfrom January to April 1982was CirratuZus cf. filiformis, a sedentary polychaete. Its populations reached 6400 individuals me2 at site M20 during March 1982. In the study area, numbers of C. cf. jiliformis increased dramatically from October 1981to April 1982. Many of the speciesin the study area are opportunistic specieswhose life histories are adapted to rapid colonization of a habitat. Included among these are the phoronid, Phoronis sp. mentioned above and the polychaetes, Mediomastus californiensis and Owenia fusiformis. M. californiensis was most abundant around the diffuser (station MlOA) in June 1981 and February to April 1982, and least abundant during hypoxic conditions of the summer of 1981. 0. fusiformis was not present in the study area in the first three months (March to April 1981) but became abundant thereafter. Unlike most species it increased in population numbers during hypoxia. It was among the ten numerical dominants every month after August 1981. The susceptibility of amphipod crustaceansto physiological stresswas demonstrated in recent U.S. East Coast investigations (Sanders, 1978). Although amphipods were generally poorly represented in the study area, due in part to the fine texture of the sediments, they were included in this discussion because of noteworthy variations in


G. R. Gaston



5. Temporal


in density

of amphipods.

their populations. The most abundant specieswere Ampelisca abdita and two undescribed species of Corophium. There were 18 species of amphipods collected. Their abundance decreasedafter the onset of hypoxia in July 1981, and very few amphipods were collected subsequently (Figure 5). Population abundances of amphipods in the spring of 1982 were markedly below those of the sameperiod in 1981. Discussion The occurrence of hypoxia in the study area during the summer of 1981 resulted in reduced numbers of macrobenthic speciesand reduced populations of most species.The effects of hypoxia were most dramatically evidenced in population reductions of the numerically-dominant speciesPhoronis sp., Mediomastus californiensis and Cirratulus cf. filiformis. Although M. californiensis and C. cf. filiformis were abundant throughout the year, their lowest population levels occurred during middle and late summer following periodic conditions of hypoxia and anoxia. These population reductions were not believed to be temperature-related, as populations of the same speciesin nonhypoxic estuarine areas just north of the study area were not reduced in summer (Gaston & Weston, 1983). Species richness values dropped markedly during hypoxia, indicating elimination of numerous moderately-abundant and rare species from the area (e.g. Amphipoda, some Polychaeta). Reduction of populations of dominant species by hypoxia was also reflected in values for speciesevenness.Evenness values were elevated during the summer since no species overwhelmingly dominated the communities, increasing the relative abundancesof the other species. As an alternative hypothesis I considered the possibility that increased predation pressure during the summer of 1981 contributed to the demise of the benthic community. I examined data on abundance of species collected in the study area with an otter trawl (Ilg et al., 1983), and basedon recent investigations of the feeding habits of demersalfishes in the area (Matlock & Garcia, 1983; Sheridan & Trimm, 1983), included all speciesof crabs and fishesknown to feed on macrobenthos. Rather than an increasein

Effects of hypoxia on macrobenthos


predatory species,as one might expect if predation pressure causedthe reduction of the benthic populations, there was a decreasein abundance of all dominant speciesof crabs and demersal fishesin the study area concurrent with the hypoxia. Based on observations made in recent years it appearsthat hypoxia in the area may be an annual event (Fotheringham & Weissberg, 1979; Harper et al., 1981; Gaston & Weston, 1983) and may be the reason that the study area off Cameron was dominated by macrobenthic communities of young individuals and a rapidly-changing suite of opportunistic species.Where tube-dwelling species(e.g. Phoronis sp., Spiochaetopterus oculatus, and Diopatra cuprea) dominated, the substrate was apparently covered by clumps of tubes. These specieswere in greatest relative abundance during the summer, perhaps becauseof reduced bottom currents and more stable sediment conditions during those months. During most of the year, however, the fine sediments contributed to the generally unstable nature of the environment. This compounded the problem of establishment of assemblagesof speciesto the extent that colonization of the area by benthic specieswas likely limited by both the fine, mobile substrate and what probably was an annual hypoxic event. The result was domination of the area by opportunistic, vermiform species, particularly those adapted to fine sediments and tolerant of periodic hypoxia. These primarily included speciescapable of rapid burial and utilization of an unstable substrate (e.g. Magelona cf. phyllisae, Mediomastus californiensis, and Cirratulus cf.filiformis).

Harper et al. (1981) discussedthe recovery rates of various macrobenthic taxa following hypoxia on the Texas shelf. Most of the speciescommon to both study areas (e.g. Mediomastus californiensis, and Paraprionospio pinnata) were similarly affected by hypoxia. The only notable exception among the dominants was Magelona cf. phyllisae. Those collected off Cameron generally increased in population numbers at most sites during the hypoxic period of 1981, whereaspopulations of those collected at comparable depths off Freeport, Texas, maintained patterns of change or decreased in abundance during the summer hypoxia of 1978 and 1979. Populations at both sitesincreased following hypoxia. This apparent aberration in the susceptibility of Magelona to hypoxia may be related to its burrowing behavior. Unlike many of the speciesin the fine sedimentsof the study area, Magelona inhabited the reduced sediments below the sediment surface. Most of the other numerical dominants either lived at the sediment-water interface or maintained contact with the water column by tube irrigation. Hypoxia may have a long history in the northern Gulf of Mexico. During the periods of summer hypoxia in 1981 shrimpers in Cameron, Louisiana pulled their nets asclose to the beach as possible, probably becausehypoxia forced the shrimp and fish inshore to better-oxygenated waters (as described by Pavela et ul., 1983). Long-time Cameron residents reported that shrimp have concentrated in the shallow inner-shelf waters during summer months for at least forty years (I’. Hebert, pers. comm.), perhaps indicative that hypoxia is not a recent phenomenon. Acknowledgements There are a number of people at McNeese State University whose contributions I gratefully acknowledge. In particular, I am grateful to Don Weston who helped in all phasesof the preparation and execution of the project. I also thank all of the personnel who helped with the field and laboratory work: Flip Rutledge, Margaret Walther, Cynthia Grosze, George Warner, Ella Barbe, Barbara Benson, Mary Grosze, Dorothy


G. R.


Walther, David Walther, Ann Pallet, Marjorie Klein, and Jan Westfall. I especially thank Patrick Cormier for drafting the figures, Michael Vecchione for reviewing the manuscript, and Anne Arceneaux for typing. This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC9680P010288 to McNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana. Note added in proof Phoronis

sp. has been identified by Christian C. Emig asP. muelleri


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of hypoxia

on macrobenthos


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