Effects of long-term soil amendment with sewage sludges on soil humic acid thermal and molecular properties

Effects of long-term soil amendment with sewage sludges on soil humic acid thermal and molecular properties

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Chemosphere 73 (2008) 1838–1844

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Chemosphere j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / ch e m o s p h e r e

Effects of long-term soil amendment with sewage sludges on soil humic acid thermal and molecular properties José M. Fernández a,*, William C. Hockaday b, César Plaza a, Alfredo Polo a, Patrick G. Hatcher c a

Cen­tro de Cien­cias Me­di­o­am­bi­en­tales, Cons­e­jo Supe­rior de In­ves­ti­gac­io ­ nes Cient­íf­i­cas, Ser­rano 115 dpdo., 28006 Madrid, Spain Depart­ment of Earth Sci­ence, Rice Uni­ver­sity 6100 Main Street, Hous­ton, TX 77005, United States c Depart­ment of Chem­is­try and Bio­chem­is­try, Old Domin­ion Uni­ver­sity 4541 Hamp­ton Bou­le­vard, Nor­folk, VA 23529-0126, United States b

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 4 March 2008 Received in revised form 31 July 2008 Accepted 3 August 2008 Available online 20 September 2008  Key­words: Com­post­ing Ther­mal-dry­ing Sew­age sludge Humic acids 13 C NMR Ther­mal anal­y­sis

a b s t r a c t Sew­age sludges are fre­quently used as soil amend­ments due to their high con­tents of organic mat­ter and nutri­ents, par­tic­u­larly N and P. How­ever, their effects upon the chem­is­try of soil humic acids, one of the main com­po­nents of the soil organic mat­ter, need to be more deeply stud­ied in order to under­stand the rela­tion between organic mat­ter struc­ture and ben­e­fi­cial soil prop­er­ties. Two sew­age sludges sub­jected to dif­fer­ent types of pre-treat­ment (com­posted and ther­mally dried) with very dif­fer­ent chem­i­cal com­po­ si­tions were applied for three con­sec­u­tive years to an agri­cul­tural soil under long-term field study. Ther­ mal anal­y­sis (TG–DTG–DTA) and solid-state 13C NMR spec­tros­copy were used to com­pare molec­u­lar and struc­tural prop­er­ties of humic acids iso­lated from sew­age sludges, and to deter­mine changes in amended soils. Ther­mally dried sew­age sludge humic acids showed an impor­tant pres­ence of alkyl and O/N-alkyl com­pounds (70%) while com­posted sludge humic acids com­prised 50% aro­matic and car­bonyl car­bon. In spite of impor­tant dif­fer­ences in the ini­tial chem­i­cal and ther­mal prop­er­ties of the two types of sew­age sludges, the chem­i­cal and ther­mal prop­er­ties of the soil humic acids were quite sim­i­lar to one another after 3 years of amend­ment. Long-term appli­ca­tion of both sew­age sludges resulted in 80–90% enrich­ ment in alkyl car­bon and organic nitro­gen con­tents of the soil humic acid frac­tion. © 2008 Else­vier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Intro­duc­tion Ani­mal manure and crop res­i­dues have tra­di­tion­ally been applied to soil as a means of main­tain­ing and increas­ing the organic mat­ter con­tent. How­ever, now­ad ­ ays their pro­duc­tion can­ not sat­isfy the cur­rent soil require­ments of crop­land. This has moti­ vated the grow­ing inter­est in agri­cul­tural appli­ca­tions of organic res­i­dues derived from a wide vari­ety of human activ­i­ties as a con­ ve­nient alter­na­tive to their land­fill dis­posal. In this con­text, sew­age sludge (SS), the resid­ual solid pro­duced dur­ing waste­wa­ter treat­ ment, has been increas­ingly applied as an organic amend­ment pro­ vid­ing substantial gains in soil fer­til­ity and crop yield due to its high con­tent of organic mat­ter and nutri­ents, par­tic­u­larly N and P (Har­greaves et al., 2008 and ref­er­ences therein). How­ever, before being used, as with other organic waste mate­ ri­als, SS must be prop­erly pro­cessed in order to obtain a sta­ble organic mat­ter. Phy­to­tox­ic­ity and other det­ri­men­tal effects of the premature appli­ca­tion of organic wastes have been exten­sively reported. Com­post­ing is one of the most com­mon treat­ments that resem­ble nat­ur­ al pro­cesses in soil, being an accel­er­ated humi­fi­ ca­tion pro­cess and has been widely stud­ied for many decades * Cor­re­spond­ing author. Tel./fax: +34 91 4115301. E-mail address: jmfer­nan­[email protected] (J. M. Fern­án­dez). 0045-6535/$ - see front matter © 2008 Else­vier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.08.001

(Se­ne­si, 1989; Se­ne­si and Plaza, 2007). Another rel­a­tively new treat­ment method is ther­mal-dry­ing, which con­sists of a short and intense heat­ing of the SS, destroy­ing patho­gens, elim­i­nat­ing vol­a­tile chem­i­cals and lead­ing to a san­i­tized final prod­uct with good han­dling char­ac­ter­is­tics but lack­ing a mat­u­ra­tion pro­cess (Tar­ra­son et al., 2008; Fern­án­dez et al., 2007a). Although this pro­ cess has been increas­ingly intro­duced in municipal waste­wa­ter treat­ments plants, the effects of ther­mally-dried sew­age sludge on soil prop­er­ties and soil organic mat­ter have been scarcely stud­ied. Although ben­e­fic­ ial effects upon the phys­i­cal (Na­vas et al., 1998; Sort and Al­cañiz, 1999), chem­i­cal (Na­vas et al., 1998), and bio­log­i­cal prop­er­ties (Baner­jee et al., 1997; Wong et al., 1998) have been widely inves­ti­gated, little infor­ma­tion is avail­able on long-term effects induced by SS on soil humic sub­stances, and par­tic­u­larly on humic acids (HAs), one of the most abun­dant and chem­i­cally active frac­tions of soil organic mat­ter (Se­ne­si, 1989; Rev­eille et al., 2003; Ada­ni and Tam­bone, 2005). Due to the impor­ tant role that HAs play in the soil, infor­ma­tion about their prop­er­ ties and trans­for­ma­tions can be essen­tial to under­stand the effects of SS on soil organic mat­ter prop­er­ties and eval­u­ate the suit­abil­ity of these mate­ri­als as organic amend­ments. Among the numer­ous chem­i­cal and spec­tro­scopic meth­ods used to study HA struc­tures and com­po­si­tion, ther­mal inves­ti­ga­ tions are steadily gain­ing inter­est. How­ever, most of the ther­mal

J.M. Fern­án­dez et al. / Chemosphere 73 (2008) 1838–1844

stud­ies are still related to char­ac­ter­iza­tions of HAs from soils (Gon­et and Cies­lewicz, 1998; Dell’Abate et al., 2002) or com­post­ ing mate­ri­als (Prov­enz­ano et al., 1998; Pie­tro and Pa­ola, 2004), and do not focus on the evo­lu­tion of HAs in soil organic mat­ter res­to­ ra­tion exper­i­ments. The intro­duc­tion of the use of this tech­nique, which has advan­ta­ges in terms of time and money, can assume an impor­tant role in this kind of study by pro­vid­ing highly valu­able infor­ma­tion. How­ever, this inno­va­tive method still must be com­ pared with other reli­able tech­niques. The use of solid-state 13C nuclear mag­netic res­on ­ ance (NMR) spec­tros­copy has emerged as one of the most use­ful and pow­er­ful tools to obtain struc­tural infor­ma­tion of humic sub­stances (Wil­son, 1987; Hatcher et al., 2001; Smer­nik et al., 2003). The com­bi­na­tion of cross polar­i­za­tion (CP) and magic angle spin­ning (MAS) is the most pop­u­lar 13C NMR tech­nique for the study of humic mate­ri­als (Conte et al., 1997; Cook and Lang­ford, 1998; Che­fetz et al., 2002). How­ever, this tech­nique can under rep­re­sent some struc­tural units (e.g. fused aro­matic moi­e­ties, alkyl groups with high degrees of molec­u­lar mobil­ity, and car­bonyl C) (Dria et al., 2002; Smer­nik et al., 2003). These stud­ies, in com­bi­na­tion with our own pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ences, have sug­gested the use of the alter­na­tive Bloch decay (BD) tech­nique in the anal­y­sis of C-rich HAs. Although this tech­ nique gen­er­ally has longer require­ments of time and lower sig­nal to noise ratio than CP, BD pro­vides the most accu­rate quan­ti­ta­ tive dis­tri­bu­tions of struc­tural units in humic acids (Smer­nik and Oades, 2000; Dria et al., 2002). In this study, solid-state 13C NMR and ther­mal anal­y­ses (TG, DTG and DTA) were per­formed in order to: (a) deter­mine and com­ pare molec­u­lar and struc­tural prop­er­ties of the HA iso­lated from com­posted sew­age sludge (CS) and ther­mally-dried sew­age sludge (TS), and (b) inves­ti­gate their con­tri­bu­tions to the soil HA pool after three years, com­par­ing results obtained with both tech­niques. 2. Mate­ri­als and meth­ods 2.1. Sew­age sludges, soil and field exper­i­ment The CS sam­ple (dry mat­ter con­tent, 435.8 g kg¡1) was col­ lected from a 3-month wind­row-com­posted mix­ture of three SS orig­i­nated from three municipal waste­wa­ter treat­ment plants in Madrid (Spain) metro­pol­i­tan area. The TS sam­ple (dry mat­ter con­ tent, 846.4 g kg¡1) con­sisted of a SS dried by indi­rect con­vec­tion with air heated to tem­per­at­ ures between 380 °C and 450 °C in the waste­wa­ter treat­ment plant “SUR” in Madrid metro­pol­i­tan area. The max­i­mum tem­per­at­ ure reached in the sludge dur­ing ther­mal dry­ing was 75 °C. The field exper­i­ment was con­ducted in the exper­i­men­tal farm “La Hig­u­er­ue ­ la” located in Toledo (Spain). The site is char­ac­ter­ized by a con­ti­nen­tal semi­arid cli­mate with an aver­age annual rain­fall of about 487 mm and an aver­age annual tem­per­a­ture of 14 °C. The soil is a Cal­cic Luv­isol (FAO-IS­RIC, 1998) or Typic Ha­plox­er­alf (Soil Sur­vey Staff, 2003), hav­ing a sandy loam texture (sand, 590 g kg¡1; silt, 220 g kg¡1; clay, 190 g kg¡1). Mean chem­i­cal prop­er­ties of soil and both sew­age sludges are included in Table 1. The exper­i­men­tal design con­sisted in four random blocks of non­ir­ri­gated soil plots (10 £ 3 m2) cropped with bar­ley (Hord­ e­um vulg­are L.), either unamended (SO) or amended yearly over a 3-year period at a rate of 80 t ha¡1 with CS (CS80) or TS (TS80). Both SS were applied in mid-Sep­tem­ber, prior to bar­ley plant­ing in ­mid-Octo­ber, and imme­di­ately incor­po­rated into soil at a depth of 0–15 cm. The third year, after bar­ley har­vest­ing, in late June, four sur­face soil subs­am­ples (Ap hori­zon, 0–15 cm depth) were col­lected ran­domly from each plot. Each soil subsample con­sisted of a mix­ture of 20 soil cores each of 3-cm diam­e­ter. A com­pos­ ite sam­ple was then obtained for each treat­ment by mix­ing equal amounts (1 kg) of the four cor­re­spond­ing soil subs­am­ples.


Table 1 Main chem­i­cal prop­er­ties (±stan­dard errors) of unamended soil (SO), com­posted sew­age sludge (CS) and ther­mally-dried sew­age sludge (TS) used in the exper­i­ ment

pH (H2O) Elec­tri­cal con­duc­tiv­ity (dS m¡1) Total organic car­bon (g kg¡1) Total extract­able car­bon (g kg¡1) Humic acids car­bon (g kg¡1) Ful­vic acids car­bon (g kg¡1) C/N Total N (g kg¡1) P (g kg¡1) K (g kg¡1) a b




5.7 ± 0.1 0.05 ± 0.01 7.2 ± 0.1 1.4 ± 0.2 0.7 ± 0.1 0.6 ± 0.1 8.0 ± 0.1 0.9 ± 0.1 0.09 ± 0.01a 0.20 ± 0.01a

7.1 ± 0.1 3.90 ± 0.01 181.0 ± 0.2 53.4 ± 0.2 21.0 ± 0.3 32.4 ± 0.3 7.6 ± 0.2 23.9 ± 0.1 13.90 ± 0.02b 5.02 ± 0.07b

7.0 ± 0.1 1.50 ± 0.02 296.0 ± 0.2 87.7 ± 0.3 24.8 ± 0.2 62.9 ± 0.3 8.3 ± 0.2 35.6 ± 0.1 13.43 ± 0.02b 4.29 ± 0.05b

Avail­able con­tent. Total con­tent.

2.2. Humic acid iso­la­tion The HA frac­tions were iso­lated from CS, TS, CS80, TS80, and SO sam­ples by con­ven­tional meth­ods. The humic acid C con­tents of each sam­ple are reported in detail in Fern­án­dez et al. (2007b). Prior to extrac­tion of HA, soil and SS sam­ples were air-dried and passed through a 2 mm sieve after removal of plant res­i­dues and stones from soils. Car­bon­ates were removed from soil sam­ples by mechan­i­cal stir­ring with 2 M H3PO4 for 30 min. The treat­ment was repeated three times, and then the sam­ples were washed with dis­ tilled water until the sus­pen­sion reached a pH 7. Car­bon­ate-free soils and SS sam­ples were first extracted with 0.1 M Na4P2O7 at pH 9.8 and then by 0.1 M NaOH, at room tem­per­a­ture (RT, about 293 K), and using a sam­ple to extract­ant ratio of 1:10. Each extrac­tion was repeated three times by mechan­i­cally shak­ing the mix­ture for 3 h, then cen­tri­fug­ing at 15 300g for 15 min, and fil­ter­ing the super­na­ tant through a What­man no. 31 fil­ter paper. The com­bined alka­ line super­na­tants were then acid­i­fied with HCl until reach­ing a pH 1, left stand­ing for 24 h in a refrig­er­a­tor to allow the com­plete pre­cip­i­ta­tion of HA, cen­tri­fuged at 30 100g for 15 min, and then fil­ tered through a What­man no. 31 fil­ter paper. The HA pre­cip­i­tates were then puri­fied by dis­so­lu­tion in 0.1 M NaOH, cen­tri­fu­ga­tion at 30100 g, elim­i­na­tion of the res­i­due, acid­i­fi­cat­ion of the alka­line super­na­tant with HCl–HF until pH 1, and stand­ing for 12 h in a refrig­er­a­tor. The puri­fi­ca­tion pro­ce­dure was repeated three times. The pre­cip­i­tated HAs were recov­ered with dis­tilled water, dia­lyzed until free of Cl¡ ions, and finally freeze-dried. 2.3. Humic acid char­ac­ter­iza­tion The mois­ture con­tent of HAs was mea­sured by heat­ing over­ night at 105 °C and ash con­tent by com­bus­tion over­night at 550 °C. The C, H, N and S con­tents were deter­mined in trip­li­cate using a Fi­sons Instru­ments (Craw­ley, UK) ele­men­tal ana­lyzer model EA 1108. Oxy­gen con­tent was cal­cu­lated by dif­fer­ence on an ash-free dry weight basis as: O% = 100 ¡ (C + H + N + S)%. Ther­mo­gravi­me­try (TG), dif­fer­en­tial ther­mo­gravi­me­try (DTG) and dif­fer­en­tial ther­mal anal­y­sis (DTA) were per­formed simul­ ta­neously using a Seta­ram (Cal­u­ire, France) SET­SYS ther­mal ana­ lyzer equipped with the com­puter pro­gram Set­soft 1.6.4 (Seti­ram, Cal­u­ire, France) for data pro­cess­ing. Ten-mil­li­gram HS sam­ples were iso­ther­mally heated from room tem­per­a­ture to 30 °C for 10 min and then to 1200 °C in a plat­i­num cru­ci­ble under a flow of air of 30 mL min¡1. The heat­ing rate was set at 10 °C min¡1. Cal­cined alu­mina was used as ref­er­ence mate­rial. Solid-state 13C NMR exper­i­ments were per­formed on a Bru­ker (Bille­rica, MA) DMX 300 NMR spec­trom­e­ter. This spec­trom­e­ter oper­ates at a 13C fre­quency of 75.48 MHz. Sam­ples were placed in


J.M. Fern­án­dez et al. / Chemosphere 73 (2008) 1838–1844

a 4 mm (outside diam­e­ter) NMR rotor with a Kel-F cap (3M, Min­ ne­ap­o­lis, MN). Bloch decay spec­tra were acquired using a 20° 13C pulse, a recycle delay of 3 s, and an MAS fre­quency of 13 kHz. The recycle delay of 3 s was cho­sen because incre­ment­ing the delay to 4 s and 5 s gave no increase in sig­nal inten­sity. The 3 s delay fol­low­ ing a 20° pulse is equiv­a­lent to a 150 sec­ond recycle delay accom­ pa­ny­ing a 90° 13C pulse (Ernst and Ander­son, 1966). Approx­i­mately 22 500 scans were col­lected for each sam­ple. The Kel-F rotor caps and probe com­po­nents give rise to a sig­nif­i­cant 13C sig­nal in the BD spec­trum, which over­lapped with the NMR sig­nal of the sam­ ples. To cor­rect for this, the empty-rotor spec­trum was acquired sep­a­rately and was sub­tracted from each BD spec­trum before inte­ gra­tion. A 40 Hz line broad­en­ing was applied when pro­cess­ing the NMR spec­tra, and peak areas were inte­grated accord­ing to the chem­i­cal shift regions defined in Table 4. 3. Results and dis­cus­sion 3.1. Ele­men­tal anal­y­sis The ele­men­tal com­po­si­tion of SS HA dif­fers accord­ing to their source and treat­ment pro­cess. The CS–HA (Table 2) fea­tures higher O/C and lower H/C and N/C ratios than TS–HA. These results sug­ gest that com­post­ing favours the for­ma­tion of a more oxi­dized HA frac­tion than ther­mal dry­ing. This is typ­i­cal of a more mature organic mate­rial (Se­ne­si et al., 1996). Sim­il­ ar results for com­posted and un­com­post­ed SS are reported by other authors (Boyd et al., 1980; Ger­a­simowicz and By­ler, 1985). Rel­a­tive to SO–HA, CS–HA and TS–HA have lower or much lower C, O con­tents, and larger or much larger N and S con­tents. The high lev­els of N and S in SS–HAs may be ascribed to the incor­po­ra­tion of pro­tein­a­ceous prod­ucts and S-con­tain­ing com­mer­cial sur­fac­tant res­i­dues in the HA frac­ tion (Se­ne­si et al., 1996). In com­par­i­son with untreated SO–HA, the HA frac­tion of SS– amended soils has under­gone partial incor­po­ra­tion of com­pounds from CS and TS into the soil HA frac­tion. This is evi­dent by the sig­ nif­i­cant increases in C, H, N, and S con­tent of CS80 and TS80 (Table 2). How­ever, it is inter­est­ing to note that the original dif­fer­ences in CS–HA and TS–HA ele­men­tal com­po­si­tion are not man­if­ ested in the soil HA frac­tion after 3 years of amend­ment. That is, CS80 and TS80 show equiv­al­ ent C, H, O and S con­tents. The only dif­fer­ence is the slightly higher N con­tent of TS80. 3.2. Ther­mal anal­y­sis Ther­mo­grams of HA sam­ples are shown in Fig. 1 and main ther­ mal param­e­ters are sum­ma­rised in Table 3. The HA sam­ples from TS reveal a sig­nif­i­cantly dif­fer­ent ther­mal behav­iour than CS–HA and SO–HA, which are fairly sim­i­lar to one another. Mean­while, HA sam­ples from SS amended soils are quite sim­il­ ar. The primary fea­ tures of the dif­fer­en­tial ther­mo­grams are: (a) a small endo­ther­mic peak at low tem­per­a­tures (90.0–101.8 °C), ascribed to reac­tions of dehy­dra­tion; (b) an exo­ther­mic peak within the 338–341 °C range,

gen­er­ally attrib­uted to the deg­ra­da­tion of poly­sac­cha­rides, decar­ box­yl­ation of acidic groups and dehy­dra­tion of ali­phatic alco­hols (Flaig et al., 1975; Dell’Abate et al., 2002; Fran­ci­os­o et al., 2005); (c) an exo­ther­mic peak between 439 °C and 456 °C, pos­si­bly due to the decom­po­si­tion of N com­pounds (e.g. pro­tein­a­ceous mate­rial) and long chain hydro­car­bons (Fran­ci­os­o et al., 2005); and (d) an exo­ ther­mic peak at high tem­per­a­tures (539–560 °C), usu­ally related to the com­bus­tion of aro­matic struc­tures and cleav­age of C–C bonds (Peu­ravu­ori et al., 1999). Exo­ther­mic reac­tions, which deter­mine weight losses at dif­fer­ ent steps recorded on the TG curves, allow the quan­ti­ta­tive com­ par­i­son of the dif­fer­ent frac­tions involved in the reac­tions (Table 3). For the first exo­ther­mic reac­tion, CS–HA shows a lower weight loss than TS–HA, which fea­tures the most impor­tant lost of weight. The DTG curves in this region also indi­cate rapid com­bus­tion of the TS–HA com­pounds at this range of tem­per­a­tures in com­par­i­ son with the other sam­ples. These results sug­gest the pres­ence of a large pro­por­tion of car­bo­hy­drates and ali­phatic alco­hols struc­tures in TS–HA (Ric­ca et al., 1993). The exo­ther­mic peak at 439–456 °C, unique to the HA from SS–amended soils, is slightly higher for the TS80–HA than for CS80–HA. This is con­sis­tent with the per­sis­tence of pro­tein­a­ceous and/or long chain N-alkyl sur­fac­tant struc­tures pres­ent in the TS–HA (8.1% weight). This peak could also arise from N-aro­matic com­pounds (e.g. mel­a­noi­dins) formed by the con­den­sa­ tion of reduc­ing sug­ars and amines dur­ing the ther­mal dry­ing pro­ cess (Ste­ven­son, 1994). The last exo­ther­mic peak fea­tures slightly higher loss of weight for CS–HA (45.3%) in com­par­i­son with TS–HA (38.2%). How­ever the big­gest mass loss (53.1%) cor­re­sponds to SO–HA. Fur­ther, SO– and CS–HA show a higher decom­po­si­tion rate than TS–HA. This could be attrib­uted to the pres­ence of aro­mat­ ics in CS–HA and SO–HA (Shepp­ard and For­ger­on, 1987; Fran­ci­os­o et al., 2005). This is con­firmed by 13C NMR, as dis­cussed in Sec­tion 3.3. 3.3. Bloch decay 13C nuclear mag­netic res­o­nance anal­y­sis The descrip­tion of the chem­i­cal nature of the organic C con­ tained in HA is more directly con­ferred by anal­y­sis of the BD 13C NMR spec­tra (Fig. 2). Spec­tra were divided into four regions and inte­grated as fol­lows: 0–45 ppm assigned to alkyl C; 45–110 ppm assigned pri­mar­ily to O-substi­tuted alkyl C in car­bo­hy­drates, but also includ­ing methoxyl C and N-substi­tuted alkyl C in pro­tein; 110–160 ppm assigned to aryl C, includ­ing O-aryl and C- and Hsubsti­tuted aryl C; and 160–220 ppm assigned to car­bonyl C in car­ box­ylic acids, ketones, esters, and amides (Table 4). Humic acids extracted from TS and CS show higher con­tent of the alkyl and O/N-alkyl C and lower con­tent of aro­matic and car­ bonyl/amide C than SO–HA. These dif­fer­ences are more marked for 13 C NMR spec­tra of HA extracted from the TS, which is dom­i­nated by sig­nals in the alkyl C region at d < 45 ppm. In par­tic­u­lar, sig­nals at d 6 20 ppm indi­cate methyl C in alkyl chains, and the sig­nal near 25 ppm rep­re­sents meth­y­lene C in alkyl chains. Mean­while, the strong sig­nal at 33 ppm can be attrib­uted to rigid domains in

Table 2 Mois­ture, ash con­tent, ele­men­tal com­po­si­tion and atomic ratios (± stan­dard error) of humic acids (HA) iso­lated from the unamended soil (SO), com­posted sew­age sludge (CS), ther­mally-dried sew­age sludge (TS) and soils amended with CS or TS at a rate of 80 t ha¡1 y¡1 for 3 years (CS80 and TS80, respec­tively) Ori­gin of HA sam­ple

Mois­ture (g kg¡1)

Ash (g kg¡1)

C (g kg¡1)a

H (g kg¡1)a

N (g kg¡1)a

S (g kg¡1)a

O (g kg¡1)a

C/N (atomic ratios)

H/C (atomic ratios)

O/C (atomic ratios)


69.8 35.9 24.9 15.9 40.4

79.2 115.7 61.2 40.5 84.3

505 ± 6 460 ± 1 598 ± 0 503 ± 2 605 ± 0

53 ± 3 53 ± 1 67 ± 0 70 ± 3 72 ± 0

44 ± 1 85 ± 0 90 ± 0 83 ± 0 81 ± 0

4 ± 0 14 ± 0 16 ± 0 13 ± 0 15 ± 0

394 ± 9 389 ± 1 228 ± 0 330 ± 5 227 ± 0

13.3 6.3 7.8 7.1 8.8

1.3 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.4

0.6 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.3


On a mois­ture- and ash-free basis.

J.M. Fern­án­dez et al. / Chemosphere 73 (2008) 1838–1844

nant in SO–HA and CS–HA, show­ing the abun­dance of aro­matic C (e.g. peak at 131 ppm.) and O-substi­tuted aro­matic C (e.g. peak at 151 ppm.) (Che­fetz et al., 2002). These results agree with ele­men­tal



DTA( µV) 160


exo →

-20 -40

140 120 100 80






straight alkyl chains, or to branched alkyl chains, such as R–CH and R–CH2 a substi­tuted groups where RCOOH (Ric­ca et al., 2000). In con­trast, the region between 110 and 160 ppm is pre­dom­i­


DTG(% min )

40 -80


-100 0






0 -20


Temperature( C)







100 80






-100 400


40 -80










DTA( µV)


100 80 60





-20 -1


DTA( µV)


DTG(% min )

exo →










-100 600 o

Temperature( C)


0 -20

140 120 100 80 60





40 -80





exo →




Temperature( C)






Temperature( C)






DTG(% min )







40 -80



exo →






DTA( µV)


DTG(% min )





DTG(% min )

DTA( µV)

exo →







-100 0









Temperature( C)

Fig. 1. TG, DTG and DTA ther­mo­grams of humic acids (HA) iso­lated from the unamended soil (SO), com­posted sew­age sludge (CS), ther­mally-dried sew­age sludge (TS) and soils amended with CS or TS at a rate of 80 t ha¡1 y¡1 for 3 years (CS80 and TS80, respec­tively).


J.M. Fern­án­dez et al. / Chemosphere 73 (2008) 1838–1844

Table 3 Dif­fer­en­tial ther­mal anal­y­sis (DTA) peak tem­per­a­tures and weight losses (%) of humic acids (HA) iso­lated from the unamended soil (SO), com­posted sew­age sludge (CS), ther­ mally-dried sew­age sludge (TS) and soils amended with CS or TS at a rate of 80 t ha¡1 y¡1 for 3 years (CS80 and TS80, respec­tively) Ori­gin of HA sam­ple

Peak tem­per­at­ ure (°C)

Weight loss (%)

1st endo­therm SO CS CS80 TS TS80

Peak tem­per­a­ture (°C)

Weight loss (%)

1st exo­therm

92 93 109 88 92

10.9 12.5 7.5 7,6 9.2

341 338 336 338 338

Peak tem­per­a­ture (°C)

Weight loss (%)

2nd exo­therm 31.8 33.1 28.0 42.6 31.3

Peak tem­per­a­ture (°C)

Weight loss (%)

3rd exo­therm

– – 456 (sh) 448 434

– – 10.2 8.1 14.0

541 539 560 554 552

53.1 45.3 47.5 38.2 41.4







sh: shoul­der.

SN/h 0.74

SN/h 0.86





32 25




SN/h 0.97




SN/h 1.36


SN/h 1.03









Fig. 2. Bloch Decay 13C NMR spec­tra of humic acids (HA) iso­lated from the unamended soil (SO), com­posted sew­age sludge (CS), ther­mally-dried sew­age sludge (TS) and soils amended with CS or TS at a rate of 80 t ha¡1 y¡1 for 3 years (CS80 and TS80, respec­tively). SN/h is the sig­nal-to-noise ratio per hour of acqui­si­tion time.

J.M. Fern­án­dez et al. / Chemosphere 73 (2008) 1838–1844

Table 4 Bloch Decay 13C NMR rel­a­tive peak area (%) for humic acids (HA) iso­lated from the unamended soil (SO), com­posted sew­age sludge (CS), ther­mally-dried sew­age sludge (TS) and soils amended with CS or TS at a rate of 80 t ha¡1 y¡1 for 3 years (CS80 and TS80, respec­tively) Ori­gin of Ali­phatic-C O/N-ali­phatic-C Aro­matic-C Car­boxyl/amide-C/ HA sam­ple (0 < d 6  (45 < d 6 110  (110 < d 6  ketonic-C 45 ppm) (%) ppm) (%) 160 ppm) (%) (160 < d 6 220 ppm) (%) SO CS CS80 TS TS80

16.8 22.0 32.6 38.5 30.1

25.8 27.7 20.8 30.8 28.7

34.5 28.5 28.6 14.3 23.8

23.0 21.7 17.9 16.4 17.4

and ther­mal anal­y­ses. The exis­tence of a large pro­por­tion of alkyl and O/N alkyl struc­tures in the TS–HA could be attrib­uted to the lower degree of mat­u­ra­tion (i.e. bio­log­i­cal decom­po­si­tion) of the TS organic mat­ter. Sim­i­lar results have been reported for raw SS in other stud­ies (Smer­nik et al., 2003; Ada­ni and Tam­bone, 2005). Mean­while, the com­post­ing pro­cess to which CS has been sub­mit­ ted has resulted in HA with more recalcitrant aro­matic struc­tures (i.e. ther­mally sta­ble com­pounds) that are rather sim­i­lar to those of SO–HA. After 3 years of con­sec­u­tive addi­tions, HA from soils amended with both SS clearly dif­fer from those of the original unamended soil. In par­tic­u­lar, with respect to the SO–HA, the pro­por­tion of alkyl C has increased and aro­matic and car­bonyl and/or amide C have decreased in both CS80–HA and TS80–HA. Mean­while, the O/N-alkyl C decreased slightly in CS80–HA and increased slightly in TS80–HA (Table 4). The increase in alkyl C (13.3% in TS80–HA and 15.8% in CS80–HA) con­sti­tutes the most sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion of both SS to soil–HA. The TS80–HA spec­trum in this region (0–45 ppm) is sim­i­lar to that obtained for CS80–HA and fea­tures broad peaks at 17, 25 and 33 ppm instead of the well-resolved peaks showed in TS–HA spec­trum. Sev­eral authors (Gene­vin­i et al., 2002; Ada­ni and Tamb­on­o, 2005) main­tain that alkyl struc­tures in SS are rel­at­ ively more resis­tant to deg­ra­da­tion in soils, whereas oth­ers report no dif­fer­ences in the decom­pos­abil­ity of dif­fer­ent C-types in some SS ana­lyzed (Smer­nik et al., 2004). The incor­po­ra­tion of new alkyl C in CS80- and TS80–HA may be ascribed to the nat­u­ral humi­fi­ca­tion pro­cess in the soil. Dur­ ing decom­po­si­tion, O-alkyl C has been pos­tu­lated to be uti­lized by the micro­bial pop­ul­ a­tion in the soil, result­ing in a rel­a­tive increase of aro­matic and alkyl struc­tures, which play a fun­da­men­tal role in the struc­ture of humic acids (Hatcher et al., 1985; Al­mend­ros et al., 1991; Cook and Lang­ford, 1998; Che­fetz et al., 2002). Although less impor­tant than the con­tri­bu­tion of ali­phatic-C from SS–HA to soil–HA, the incor­po­ra­tion of organic N has been also observed. To pro­vide a more accu­rate mea­sure of pro­tein­a­ ceous HA–C, the N-alkyl (45–60 ppm) and O-alkyl (60–90 ppm) spec­tral regions have been inde­pen­dently inte­grated. The HA from soils amended with CS and TS had slightly more N-alkyl C (6.1% and 8.2%, respec­tively), than the unamended SO–HA (5.2%). There­ fore, in addi­tion to the high con­tri­bu­tion of alkyl struc­ture, the con­ tri­bu­tion of N-substi­tuted alkyl C from CS–HA, and espe­cially from TS–HA, is evi­dent. These results agree with those found in ther­mal anal­y­sis as well as with the increase of H/C and N/C ratios revealed in the ele­men­tal anal­y­sis. Sim­i­lar­i­ties between TS80- and CS80–HA char­ac­ter­is­tics con­ trast with dif­fer­ences observed between TS- and CS–HA. This can be attrib­uted to the mat­u­ra­tion pro­cess in the soil dur­ing an intense micro­bial deg­ra­da­tion of the most labile organic frac­tions pres­ent in the waste. Incu­ba­tion exper­im ­ ents show that micro­bial decom­ po­si­tion of TS in these soils is espe­cially rapid and exten­sive. This pro­cess has been mon­i­tored in incu­ba­tion exper­i­ments described pre­vi­ously by Fern­án­dez et al. (2007a).


3.4. Agree­ment between TGA and NMR anal­y­sis As men­tioned pre­vi­ously, there is a gen­eral agree­ment between the struc­tural infor­ma­tion revealed by TGA an NMR. For instance, HA sam­ples with high aro­matic car­bon con­tent also tend to have the great­est ther­mal sta­bil­ity, as indi­cated by greater mass loss ­dur­ing the 3rd exo­therm. There­fore, to explore the potential for quan­ti­ta­tive rela­tion­ships between TGA and NMR data, lin­ear regres­sion anal­y­ses were per­formed upon the cor­re­la­tion between mass losses shown in Table 3 (after ash and water con­tent cor­ rec­tion) and the 13C NMR peak areas in Table 4. The cor­re­la­tion between the 1st exo­therm of the TGA and the O-alkyl C deter­ mined by NMR had a cor­re­la­tion coef ­fi­cient (r) of 0.809. Sim­i­larly, the cor­re­la­tion between mass loss dur­ing the 3rd exo­therm and aro­matic car­bon deter­mined by NMR yielded an r value of 0.963. These results indi­cate that O/N-alkyl C con­tent of the HA exam­ ined explains 65% of the var­i­ance in mass loss at 340 °C (P < 0.1), whereas aro­matic C con­tent explains 93% of the var­i­ance in mass loss at 550 °C (P < 0.01), thus sug­gest­ing a good agree­ment between TGA and NMR, espe­cially for aro­matic com­pounds. 4. Con­clu­sions As a whole, this work shows the ben­efi ­ ts of using ther­mo­gravi­ met­ric meth­ods and NMR spec­tros­copy in the char­ac­ter­iza­tion of sew­age sludge and their effects on soil–HA. Substantial dif­fer­ences have been observed in the chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion and struc­ture of CS–HA and TS–HA. In par­tic­u­lar, with respect to CS–HA, TS–HA fea­ tures prevalent alkyl struc­ture and a greater con­tent of O-alkyl (i.e. poly­sac­cha­ride) and N-alkyl (i.e. pro­tein­a­ceous) com­po­nents, typ­ i­cal of a less mature organic mate­rial. The soil–HA shows a more aro­matic char­ac­ter. After long-term appli­ca­tion, the chem­i­cal and ther­mal prop­er­ties of the soil HA frac­tion changed sig­nif­i­cantly. In gen­eral, soils amended with CS, and espe­cially with TS exhibit enhance­ments in alkyl C and pro­tein­a­ceous mate­ri­als. Despite the nota­ble dif­fer­ences between CS and TS, the dif­fer­ent sludges pro­ duce a very sim­i­lar HA frac­tion in the soil point­ing to an “in situ” mat­u­ra­tion pro­cess of the TS and high­light­ing the impor­tance of the soil pro­cesses in deter­min­ing the chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion of HA pool. In addi­tion, the good agree­ment between the NMR and TGA results opens new pos­si­bil­i­ties for the use of ther­mal tech­niques in the study of organic mat­ter evo­lu­tion that should be object of fur­ther research. Acknowl­edge­ments J.M. Fern­án­dez is the recipient of a fel­low­ship from the Con­se­ jería de Ed­u­ca­ción de la Co­mun­i­dad de Madrid par­tially funded by the Euro­pean Social Fund. C. Plaza is a researcher of the Ram­ón y Cajal Pro­gram funded by the Span­ish Min­is­try of Edu­ca­tion and Sci­ence. We acknowl­edge the Ohio State Uni­ver­sity for the use of their research facil­i­ties. Ref­er­ences Ada­ni, F., Tam­bone, F., 2005. Long-term effect of sew­age sludge appli­ca­tion on soil humic acids. Che­mo­sphere 60, 1214–1221. Al­mend­ros, G., Sanz, J., Gonz­alez-Vila, F.J., Mar­tin, F., 1991. Evi­dence for a poly­alkyl nature of soil humin. Na­tur­wis­sens­chaf­ten 78, 359–362. Baner­jee, M.R., Bur­ton, D.L., De­poe, S., 1997. Impact of sew­age sludge appli­ca­tion on soil bio­log­ic­ al char­ac­ter­is­tics. Agric. Eco­syst. Envi­ron. 66, 241–249. Boyd, S.A., Som­mers, L.E., Nel­son, D.W., 1980. Changes in the humic acid frac­tion of soil result­ing from sludge appli­ca­tion. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44, 1179–1186. Che­fetz, B., Tarch­itzky, J., Desh­mukh, A.P., Hatcher, P.G., Chen, Y., 2002. Struc­tural char­ac­ter­iza­tion of soil organic mat­ter and humic acids in par­ti­cle-size frac­ tions of an agri­cul­tural soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66, 129–141. Conte, P., Pic­colo, A., Van Lagen, B., Bu­ur­man, P., de Jag­er, P.A., 1997. Quan­ti­ta­tive aspects of solid-state13C NMR spec­tra of humic sub­stances from soils of vol­ca­ nic sys­tems. Geo­der­ma 80, 327–338.


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