Embedded network in AIRBUS Avionics Nathalie Courmont and Juan Lopez AIRBUS Abstract. The revolution of communication is also in the AIRBUS Avionics. ...
Embedded network in AIRBUS Avionics Nathalie Courmont and Juan Lopez AIRBUS Abstract. The revolution of communication is also in the AIRBUS Avionics. This presentation gives an outline of the embedded network technologies used in AIRBUS. It shall start by classic technologies of families A320, A330 and A340 and finish on the new technologies of networks which are and which will be our new bases in our new planes: A380, A400M, A350.....The various embedded technologies of network shall be presented, including ARINC 429 on the family A320, A330 & A340, AFDX backbone firstly implemented on A380, CAN as a system network on A380, and future field busses.
On-board data links and networks in space applications Olivier Notebaert EADS Astrium Abstract. Space systems require very reliable links between all kind of sensors and actuators and a high range of data processing units, within an extremely harsh environment. This presentation will provide an overview of the state of the art solutions (Mil-Std-1553, Can bus, SpaceWire...) and of the current technology developments and studies for providing high performance and reliability to future applications (optical solutions, wireless, other ground standards...).
Extended network in automotive transportation Jean-Luc Mate SIEMENS VDO Abstract. From embedded intersystem multiplex to wireless connectivity automotive drive High Value with High Tech Low Cost in transportation. The 60 millions new cars produced each year within earth are more and more demanding in robust, multi functional low cost embedded network. After the success of low and high speed CAR and LIN protocols for all vehicle purpose. FLEXRAY is starting a new carrier in the powertrain and chassis environment of new premium cars. At the same time, the mass volume market of interior bluetooth wireless connectivity is driving a new way to architecture the connected cockpit. We will fly over all those exiting challenges that could certainly generate synergies between automotive, aeronautics and space for our competitiveness.