Emergency Airway M a n a g e m e n t : th e D i ffi c u l t A i r w a y Joe Nemeth,
*, Nisreen Maghraby,
, Sara Kazim,
KEYWORDS Airway Emergency Difficult Review
Securing an airway is one of the many challenging procedures that a physician who deals with the critically ill needs to be competent to perform. However, this vital procedure is not a one-size-fits-all intervention but rather a carefully scripted and thought out maneuver that demands expertise and that is tailored to each patient. Patients in the emergency department (ED) requiring airway management present a challenge because they are not usually optimized medically, are not fasting, and do not have the option of delaying/postponing the procedure because of imminent airway compromise.1 The incidence of a difficult airway (DA) in the anesthesia literature ranges from 0.4% to 8.5%2 of elective intubations. Furthermore, at the end of the anesthetist’s DA algorithm there is either “cancel case” or “awaken patient,” neither of which is a viable or realistic option in the ED. The incidence of a DA in the ED is 3% to 5.3% for unanticipated difficult tracheal intubation and 0.5% to 1.2% for failed intubation.3,4 However, in a recent United Kingdom audit of intubations, at least 1 in 4 major airway events was from the intensive care unit or the ED. The outcome of these events was more likely to lead to permanent harm or death than events in anesthesia. Analysis of the cases identified gaps in care that included poor identification of at-risk patients, poor or incomplete planning, inadequate provision of skilled staff and equipment to manage these events successfully, delayed recognition of events, and failed rescue because of lack or failure of interpretation of capnography.5 Therefore, emergency airway management in the ED requires not only a firm concept of techniques of securing the airway but also of dealing with the potential DA in which establishing a definite airway is not possible with the techniques routinely
Funding support: None. The authors have nothing to disclose. a Division of Emergency Medicine, Montreal General Hospital, McGill University Health Center, 1650 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A4, Canada b Emergency Medicine Residency Training Program, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada * Corresponding author. E-mail address:
[email protected] Emerg Med Clin N Am 30 (2012) 401–420 doi:10.1016/j.emc.2011.12.005 0733-8627/12/$ – see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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used. This article highlights the importance of recognition and management of the DA in emergent situations. Both awake and nonawake intubation are discussed. Indications and guidelines are given for the use of nonsurgical and surgical airway interventions. THE DA
The term DA is succinct. It needs to be differentiated from a failed airway, because they are 2 distinct concepts. Furthermore, a DA needs to be evaluated in 2 distinct, but not necessarily exclusive, categories: (1) difficult bag-mask ventilation (BMV) and (2) difficult endotracheal intubation (ETI). A DA is understood to be an airway that is complicated to manage because of anatomic, physiologic, or injury-altering reasons. It is an airway for which a preintubation assessment has identified attributes that are likely to make laryngoscopy, ETI, BMV, the use of extraglottic devices, or surgical airway management more difficult than would be the case in an ordinary patient without those attributes. A failed airway occurs when a provider has embarked on a certain course of airway management (eg, rapid-sequence intubation [RSI]) and has identified that intubation by that method is not going to succeed, requiring the immediate initiation of a rescue sequence. Definitions include but are not limited to: Failure to achieve ETI on 3 attempts by a skilled and experienced provider A cannot-intubate/can-oxygenate scenario (any failure at oral intubation with inability to maintain arterial oxygen saturation [SaO2] >90% using bag valve mask [BVM] resuscitator). PREPARING FOR EMERGENCY AIRWAY MANAGEMENT General Principles
Because management of a DA may necessitate certain interventions that are associated with potential significant harm to the patient, proper identification of indications for the intervention must be sought out. Indications for emergency airway management are in 3 main, but not necessarily exclusive, groups: (1) airway obstruction, (2) inability to maintain/protect an open intact airway, and (3) respiratory failure. Impending changes in the airway (eg, inhalation injury/anaphylaxis) must be expected and prepared for, in the ability to maintain the airway (eg, head trauma and potential deterioration in mental status) and in respiratory status (eg, severe asthma exacerbation). This expectant philosophy should further drive the physician to undertake emergency airway management earlier rather than later, even though the patient may not have any indications for emergency airway management at the time of initial assessment. The patient should ideally have 2 established intravenous lines, be connected to a cardiac monitor, and be in a place where there is easy access to DA instruments if needed. Furthermore, if time permits, a time-out should be implemented. The time-out phrase was coined by the surgical/anesthesiology literature. It incorporates a process whereby potential error in patient identification, diagnosis, and treatment could be circumvented.6 At this step in the preparatory phase, the team leader reconfirms with the other members of the resuscitation team the need, method, and backup plan for ETI. Equipment, medications, and the presence of appropriate personnel needed for undertaking the ETI should also be confirmed. The mnemonic SOAPME is one way to remember the essentials needed for intubation: suction, oxygen, airway, pharmacology/personnel, monitoring, and equipment. For the airway, include the
The Difficult Airway
endotracheal tubes (ETTs), laryngoscopes, blades, stylets, and BVM. For pharmacology, select, draw up, and label the appropriate medications (sedative, neuromuscular blocker, ancillary drugs) based on the history, physical examination, and equipment available. Personnel adept at advanced airway management should be present. Monitoring should include pulse oximetry and cardiac monitoring at a minimum; also preferably with capnography. Other equipment should include advanced airway devices including surgical devices (discussed later). PREPARING FOR EMERGENCY AIRWAY MANAGEMENT History and Examination
In an acute setting it is rare to have the option of a preintubation interview. However, if possible, it should be undertaken to recognize potential challenges. Identification of previous difficult intubations and of any past/current illnesses that could compromise the integrity and anatomy of the upper airway, the jaw, and the neck is paramount (eg, maxillofacial trauma, surgery, or radiotherapy). Furthermore, hemorrhagic diasthesis should be identified, whether iatrogenic (medication) or disease related (eg, Von Willebrand disease), because any airway maneuver can entail mucosal bleeding. An assessment of the patient’s overall condition, focusing on the patient’s mental status and adequacy of oxygenation and ventilation, should be performed because this may determine the urgency of airway intervention. If time allows, the examination should focus on predictors of a DA, as follows. It is paramount to identify anatomy unfavorable for both ventilation (facial hair, obesity, edentulous, large tongue, advanced age) and directing laryngoscopy (distortion of the airway from the nasophayrnx/orophayrnx to the trachea [trauma, infection, neoplasm, edema, hemorrhage, foreign body], disproportion [tongue/pharynx, thyromental displacement space], dysmobility [atlantooccipital joint, neck mobility, temporomadibular joint], dentition [prominent incisors]).7 If the physician has time, a checklist to identify potential anatomic challenges can be undertaken (Box 1). Besides inspection and palpation, listening/auscultation for dysphonia and/or stridor can alert the physician to potential periglottic/upper airway compromise. PREPARING FOR EMERGENCY AIRWAY MANAGEMENT Preparing the Patient
Is preoxygenation optimal? Is the patient’s position optimal? Can the patient’s condition be optimized any further before intubation? If the intubation is difficult, how will oxygenation be maintained (plans A, B, C, D)? Where is the relevant equipment, including alternative airway? Are any specific complications anticipated? These are the key questions the physician must ask before undertaking the emergency management of any airway, not necessarily a DA. Box 1 Checklist to identify potential anatomic challenges BONES (beard, obese, no teeth, elderly, sleep apnea) SHORT (surgery, hematoma, obese, radiation, tumor) 4 Ds (distortion, disproportion, dysmobility, dentition) and 3-3-2 rule (3 fingers mouth open, 3 fingers mentum to hyoid cartilage, 2 fingers floor of mouth to thyroid cartilage) Mallamapti score (an objective assessment of oropharyngeal anatomy; a higher class is associated with more difficult intubation) Fig. 1.
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Fig. 1. The Mallampati classification for difficult laryngoscopy and intubation. Class I: full visibility of tonsils, uvula, and soft palate. Class II: visibility of hard and soft palate, upper portion of tonsils, and uvula. Class III: soft and hard palate and base of the uvula are visible. Class IV: only hard palate is visible. (Reproduced with permission from Walls RM, Murphy MF. The difficult airway in adults. In: UpToDate, Basow, DS (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA 2011. Copyright Ó 2011 UpToDate, Inc.)
Preoxygenation and apneic oxygenation
Preoxygenation is an essential component in emergency airway management whether RSI is used or not. Its purpose is to replace the nitrogen in the patient’s functional residual capacity with oxygen. Consequently, by increasing the oxygen reserve, the patient is more likely to be able to tolerate a longer apneic/bradypneic period.8,9 Recommendations for preoxygenation or denitrogenation in nonhypoxic patients are either breathing as close to 100% oxygen as possible (10–15 L/min O2 by tight nonrebreather mask) for 3 to 5 minutes or 4 to 8 deep vital capacity breaths over 30 to 60 seconds.8 It has been shown that more than 4 to 5 minutes of preoxygenation does not significantly increase the arterial oxygen tension in patients and may be harmful.10 In healthy adult volunteers who have been preoxygenated for 3 to 5 minutes, the average time to desaturation (oxygen saturation <90%) is approximately 8 minutes. This time is significantly shorter in patients who are critically ill and have a higher metabolic demand for oxygen (Fig. 2).11 For patients in whom preoxygenation cannot be optimized by a nonrebreather facemask, oxygenation may be improved further with the use of a ramped reverse Trendelenburg position (eg, in obesity)12 (see later discussion) and/or with the use of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (continuous positive airway pressure [CPAP]/biphasic positive airway pressure [BiPAP]) for short durations13 just before undertaking intubation. In patients already altered because of hypoxia and/or hypercapnia, precipitous attempts at intubation without adequate preoxygenation can lead to an existing DA becoming a failed airway. A novel term has been coined recently describing a method by which patients in whom preoxygenation has not been optimized: delayedsequence intubation. Delayed-sequence intubation consists of the administration of specific sedative agents that do not blunt spontaneous ventilations or airway reflexes, followed by a period of preoxygenation before the administration of a paralytic agent.14 It is akin to procedural sedation, the procedure in this case being effective preoxygenation. After the completion of this procedure, the patient can be paralyzed and intubated.
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Fig. 2. Time to desaturation. Preoxygenation prolongs the period between paralysis and oxygen desaturation in all patients, but to varying degrees depending on patient attributes. This diagram shows the time to desaturation for several different clinical conditions. FAO2, alveolar oxygen fraction; IV, intravenous; VE, volume of expired gas; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation. (From Benumof JL, Dagg R, Benumof R. Critical hemoglobin desaturation will occur before return to an unparalyzed state following 1 mg/kg intravenous succinylcholine. Anesthesiology 1997;87:979, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; with permission.)
The ideal agents to use are either ketamine, a dissociative agent, or dexmedetomidine, an a-2 agonist,15 by slow intravenous push. Slow administration of both of these medications is unlikely to cause blunting of the patient’s respiratory drive and airway reflexes, and both provide a dissociative/sedated state.16,17 This allows proper preoxygenation of the patient with the application of a noninvasive mask connected to a ventilator with CPAP/BiPAP settings. After optimizing oxygenation (O2 saturation >95%), a paralytic agent is administered and the patient can then be intubated. Apneic oxygenation is also a key component in proper preoxygenation. It involves maintaining a patent upper airway passage (jaw thrust, placement of nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal airway) for unobstructed oxygen flow from the pharynx through the glottis during the apneic period following induction. This step is crucial to maintaining oxygenation during the apneic period. Studies have shown that, during apnea, patients can maintain oxygen saturations of more than 98% for 18 to 55 minutes, which is thought to be caused by the capacity of oxygen to passively diffuse from the pharynx down its concentration gradient.14,18 Furthermore, high-flow oxygen (15 L/min) through a nasal cannula, in addition to 15 L/min by face mask, greatly improves the inspired forced inspiratory oxygen (FiO2), eliminating the buildup of exhaled gas in the nasopharynx. Flushing the nasopharynx makes preoxygenation more effective. The nasal cannula is left on (and running) during mask ventilation (induction) and then during apnea while intubating through the mouth.
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This maneuver decreases the likelihood of significant oxygen desaturation by the ability of the alveoli to entrain and absorb oxygen effectively from the upper airway, even during apnea following paralysis. There is also a theoretic potential to use this method to more rapidly reoxygenate a patient following desaturation during the intubation.19 Position During Intubation
If the patient does not have a potential cervical spine injury, the physician should try to achieve the ideal sniff position (which allows for optimal visualization of the glottic opening). This position is achieved by elevating the patient’s head and extending the atlantooccipital joint. However, recent studies have questioned this maneuver, showing that simple head extension alone (without neck flexion) was as effective as the sniffing position in facilitating ETI.20 Placing the patient in a reverse Trendelenburg position (head elevated laryngoscopy position [HELP Fig. 3]) may also optimize the view of the airway by further aligning the airway (the sternal notch is aligned with the external auditory meatus) for a more direct view, especially in the morbidly obese (see Fig. 3).21 The so-called manual in-line cervical spine stabilization maneuver is the method proposed to achieve the goal of protecting the potentially injured cervical spine from further movement. Although, in theory, it has some merit in limiting movement and subsequent further injury, numerous studies have shown the opposite to be true. Evidence is mounting that manual in-line stabilization significantly impairs direct laryngoscopy without necessarily protecting against cervical movement.22–24 For this reason, this practice must be vigorously scrutinized and abandoned if it negatively contributes to airway management. Preparing for emergency airway management Medications For simplicity, the medication armamentarium to be used for the DA can
be divided into 2 basic groups of medications: the sedative/induction or nonparalyzing agents and the paralyzing agents. Depending on the strategy to be used for managing the DA, medications may be chosen from both groups (RSI) or from the former group only, as explained later. Although muscle paralysis is responsible for most of the improvement in ease of intubation with classic RSI,25,26 it has been suggested that the use of a potent nonparalyzing agent can further improve the speed and success rate of paralyzing agent–facilitated ETI.27,28
Fig. 3. Ramp position. (A) In the supine patient, access to the airway is obstructed. (B) With the patient propped on linens in the ramp position, access to the airway is improved. In this position, an imaginary horizontal line can be drawn from the external auditory meatus to the sternal notch. (From Wiser SH, Zane RD. The morbidly obese patient. In: Walls RM, Murphy MF, editors. Manual of emergency airway management. 3rd edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008; with permission.)
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Medications: pretreatment agents
A brief discussion is needed of the use of pharmaceutical agents labeled as pretreatment drugs. This group of medications was advocated in the past to blunt the physiologically untoward effects of direct laryngoscopy and paralysis29 before RSI. Lidocaine and opioids are traditionally administered to blunt the increase in intracranial pressure from the reflex sympathetic discharge and bronchospasm mitigated by direct laryngoscopy Box 2.29–31 There have been no studies of the effect of premedication with lidocaine on lowering intracranial pressure and improving outcome in patients with intracranial disorders undergoing RSI in the ED. Available studies in the operating room or the intensive care setting have shown a reduction in intracranial pressure with lidocaine pretreatment, but failed to show significant improvement in clinical outcome. A systematic review of the literature by Robinson and Clancy31 failed to show any neuroprotective property for the use of lidocaine in patients with intracranial disorders undergoing ETI. As a result, there is no conclusive evidence advocating the use of lidocaine to blunt the sympathetic surge in patients with intracranial disorders undergoing RSI. Lidocaine may result in an untoward lowering of mean arterial pressure, and consequently cerebral perfusion pressure, if not given slowly. Furthermore, although it does blunt cough reflexes, it may also cause bronchoconstriction. For these reasons, its use is not advocated. Fentanyl in doses of 3 to 5 mg/kg has been found to have some beneficial effects in blunting sympathetic surge despite a lack of adequate studies proving that this has significant clinical benefit.32 In addition, at high doses, fentanyl can precipitate the rigid chest syndrome, an acute onset of chest wall rigidity. The muscle wall rigidity is an idiosyncratic response to the opioid. Atropine has been advocated for use in children less than 8 years of age to prevent vagal nerve–mitigated bradycardia provoked by direct laryngoscopy and the use of succinylcholine. Studies supporting its used are based on patients in the operating room who are also subjected to repeated dosing of succinylcholine, an event that is rare in the context of ED RSI. Studies showed that bradycardia related to intubation is a rare event, and the use of atropine does not confer protection against the development of bradycardia.32 Muscle fasciculation caused by succinylcholine33,34 is thought to cause raised intracranial pressure and intraocular pressures. Pretreatment with a small dose of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) is thought to reduce this
Box 2 Physiologic responses caused by laryngoscopy and intubation Increased mean arterial pressure Increased pulse Increase cerebral oxygen demand Increase myocardial oxygen demand Increase Intracranial pressure Increase intraocular pressure Laryngospasm Bronchospasm Dysrhythmia
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incidence. Most of the evidence surrounding this practice originates from the operating theater35 and is generally not transferable to the ED population. In addition, to achieve best results with the defasciculating agent, at least 3 minutes should elapse between the defasciculating agent administration and succinylcholine administration.34 This time lapse is a luxury not often permitted when dealing with a DA. In addition, the use of a defasciculating dose of the nondepolarizing NMBA can cause pharyngeal muscle weakness in some patients while awake, leading to a distressing situation.34 Furthermore, pretreatment with defasciculating agents can rarely cause premature apnea before the physician is ready to intubate. Overall, the use of defasciculating NMBA is not practical in the ED environment and has limited evidence of usefulness. Medications: induction agents
The choice of which induction agent to use can be daunting. Although there are many options, an ideal agent does not exist and the choice needs to be individualized. The ideal induction agent for RSI should meet the following characteristics: it should have a fast onset of action; cause rapid loss of consciousness; have minimal hemodynamic effects, thereby stabilizing and even ameliorating the hemodynamic effects of intubation in patients with already compromised hemodynamic status; have a predictable onset of action; and have a duration of action that is sufficient to keep the patient sedated for the required period.33,36,37 Table 1 lists the most commonly used nonparalyzing agents in DA situations. The details of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of each of these drugs is beyond the scope of this article. Instead, the clinical niche into which each drug ideally could fit is explored. Hypotensive/normotensive patient scenario Ketamine/etomidate/midazolam Whatever the cause of the hypotension, ket-
amine, etomidate, and midazolam exhibit, in descending order, the least untoward hemodynamic effects. Caution must be exercised in the use of each of these agents. The use of ketamine has been regarded as a relative contraindication in the patient with potential head trauma. There is a theoretic increase in intracranial pressure from the increase in mean arterial pressure following ketamine infusion. However, the contrary has been shown.36,38 Ketamine should be used with caution in patients with coronary artery disease because of its effects on increasing myocardial oxygen demands.39 Ketamine also has a negative inotropic effect in patients who are maximally adrenergically driven (eg, heart failure).36,39,40 In patients with high blood pressure or tachycardia, the sympathomimetic effects of ketamine may be undesirable. Although these effects can be blunted with small doses of benzodiazepine and, perhaps, labetalol,41 another agent should be considered for these hypertensive or tachycardic patients. Concerns regarding etomidate-induced adrenocortical suppression has led to avoiding its use in the septic patient. Although current evidence suggests that etomidate suppresses adrenal function, it does so transiently, without having a significant effect on mortality. However, no studies to date have been powered to detect a difference in hospital, ventilator duration, ICU length of stay, or mortality.42,43 Midazolam is one of the most frequently used induction agents in the patient with a DA. However, the most common mistake observed is underdosing.44 Physicians need to become familiar with the higher recommended doses for induction (at least in the range of 0.1–0.4 mg/kg) as well as its prolonged onset of action (w10 minutes), making it not suitable for RSI.36
The Difficult Airway
Table 1 RSI induction agents Dose (mg/kg) Caution
Drug Name
Excellent sedation with little hypotension
Imidazole derivative
Phencyclidine derivative, dissociative anesthetic
Potent dose-related amnesic properties
Alkylphenol derivative
None Known to suppress adrenal cortisol production
Controversial Stimulates regarding its use catecholamine in pts with release increased intracranial pressure and increased or highnormal blood pressure
Dose-related myocardial depression can result in hypotension
Dose-related hypotension
Potent venodilator Cerebroprotective and Ultra–short-acting Thiopental sodium anticonvulsive barbiturate and myocardial properties depressant; can cause hypotension Relatively contraindicated in reactive airway disease because of histamine release Acute intermittent and variegate porphyrias
Data from Walls RM, Murphy MF. The difficult airway in adults. In: UpToDate, Basow, DS (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA 2011.
Hypertensive patient scenario Propofol/etomidate/midazolam/thiopental Propofol is an excellent induction agent
in this patient population. It has fast onset (15–45 seconds), short duration of action (5–10 minutes), and provides the most favorable intubating conditions, compared with other induction agents,39 by relaxing pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles. Its major side effect is its myocardial suppressive effect. It reduces stroke volume, cardiac output, and systemic vascular resistance. Like propofol, thiopental can lower blood pressure through its vasodilatory effect.33 It was the first induction agent used for RSI in the operating room; however, it became less favored because of its serious hemodynamic effects with repeated dosing, because it tends to redistribute and accumulate. When comparing propofol with thiopental, studies have shown that propofol produces more favorable intubating conditions compared with thiopental because of its muscle-relaxing effects.33 Both agents
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are excellent in cases of suspected raised intracranial pressure, because they are known to suppress neuronal/oxygen-requiring metabolic activity in the brain.33 Awake intubation scenario Midazolam/dexmedetomidine/ketamine The indications for awake intubation
include the cannot-oxygenate/cannot-ventilate scenario. Awake intubation involves using local anesthetics in the upper airway with or without a small dose of a sedating agent, followed by intubation aided by fiberoptic visualization. By the nature of their pharmacocharacteristics, these drugs allow such an intervention. Classic relative indications for awake intubation include, but are not limited to45 (1) airway anomalies, acute severe upper airway disease; (2) cervical spine injury; (3) facial trauma; and (4) significant hemodynamic instability and fear of causing irreversible hemodynamic compromise with sedation/paralysis caused by loss of sympathetic tone. In summary, the choice of induction agent for RSI/awake intubation depends on the patient’s general condition, the indication for RSI/awake intubation, and the physicians comfort with differently available induction agents. Medications: paralyzing agents
NMBA have long been used in anesthesia to optimize intubating conditions and reduce the risk of pharyngeal and vocal cord damage.39 NMBA are fundamental in RSI to facilitate intubation and reduce the risk of gastric aspiration. They enhance rapid ETT placement following induction by the sedative agents and act synergistically with these agents.33,46,47 The ideal NMBA should have a rapid onset of action (ideally within 60 seconds), possess a wide therapeutic range, have no significant hemodynamic effects, have a short duration of action ensuring rapid return to spontaneous breathing, and have no serious side effects.48 Table 2 The 2 most common NMBAs
Dose (mg/kg)
Onset of Duration of Action Action (min) (min) Benefits
Caution Increased serum potassium, muscle fasciculation; malignant hyperthermia; cardiac arrest in children with muscular dystrophy; dysrhythmia with multiple doses
Succinylcholine 0.3–2 IV 1 push (average dose 1.5)
Depolarizing NMB; drug of choice for emergency pediatric intubation; rapid onset (<60 s) and brief duration of action; enhances nondepolarizing NMB effects
Duration Nondepolarizing prolonged NMBA; minimal with hepatic effect on impairment hemodynamics; low incidence of histamine release (0.8%)
0.6–1 IV push
Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; NMB, neuromuscular blocking.
The Difficult Airway
The 2 most commonly used NMBA for ED RSI are the depolarizing NMBA succinylcholine and the nondepolarizing NMBA rocuronium (Table 2). Although other nondepolarizing NMBA exist, the favorable pharmacocharacteristics of rocuronium for acute airway intervention including reversibility with sugammadex49 give it an advantage compared with the others (eg, pancuronium, vecuronium, rocuronium, rapacuronium).48 Succinylcholine (0.3–2 mg/kg intravenous push)
Aside from suspected contraindications, this is the paralyzing agent of choice for most DAs. The rapid onset of paralysis (1 minute) and the brief duration of action (4–6 minutes) make it the ideal paralytic agent. Furthermore, the ability to administer it intramuscularly is an added benefit if rapid intravascular access is not available. The physician should always err on the side of overdosing rather than underdosing. The insignificant increase in duration of paralysis is worth the risk to avoid incomplete muscle relaxation during intubation. If repeat dosing is needed, consider pretreatment with atropine to prevent significant bradycardia. Rocuronium (0.6–1 mg/kg intravenous push)
The rapid onset of action (<1 minute) makes rocuronium the ideal substitute for succinylcholine in conditions when use of the latter is contraindicated.39,48 However, its duration of action is longer than that of succinylcholine (30–60 minutes). Preparing for emergency airway management: techniques/devices
The ultimate goal in managing the DA is to secure the airway with an ETT by any means possible. As in the case of selecting the proper pharmaceutical agent, a best technique does not exist. The physician must weigh the complexities of interplay between the patient’s presentation, physiologic reserve, and the resources available to best individualize and optimize the most appropriate airway management strategy. Emphasis must be on identifying the DA and having a plan with a double setup ready for the cannot-intubate/cannot-ventilate scenario. The use of any supportive device does not increase one’s ability; only one’s options. An outline of nonsurgical and surgical techniques is presented later along with the most appropriate clinical scenario in which to perform them. A detailed description of each technique/device is beyond the scope of this article. Nonsurgical techniques/devices Direct laryngoscopy Since Alfred Kirstein’s attempt at the first direct laryngoscopy in
1895, this instrument has arguably been the most popular device for managing the DA. However, many novel devices have been developed recently, which has pushed this instrument’s importance out of the mainstream. Furthermore, newer versions of the classic Macintosh laryngoscope have been recently shown to perform better in DA scenarios (Fig. 4).50 Tracheal intubation involves 3 distinct challenges: laryngeal sighting, delivering the tube to the glottic opening, and advancing the tube beyond the target and into the trachea.51 With direct laryngoscopy, sighting of the larynx occurs through a direct line of sight by mechanically controlling the tongue and the epiglottis. The Cormack-Lehane classification is broadly used to describe laryngeal view during direct laryngoscopy (Fig. 5). The Sellick maneuver/cricoid pressure is a method by which regurgitation/aspiration is supposedly prevented during endotracheal intubation. It involves applying pressure on the cricoid cartilage to compress the esophagus between the cricoid cartilage anteriorly and the cervical spine posteriorly.39 Controversy exists whether this maneuver is useful. There is evidence to suggest that cricoid pressure not only
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Fig. 4. Larynx appearance with videolaryngoscope. (A) Preintubation view of an adult airway. (B) Preintubation view of a pediatric airway. (C) ETT passing between the vocal cords. (D) The larynx and hypopharynx (note the horizontally oriented space below the laryngeal inlet, which is the esophagus). (From Nagdev A. Airway, breathing, circulation: normal airway. In: Greenberg MI, Hendrickson RG, Silverberg M, et al. editors. Greenberg’s text-atlas of emergency medicine. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005; with permission.)
increases the risk of gastric aspiration by reducing lower esophageal sphincter tone but it may also induce retching and vomiting if applied prematurely, and affects laryngeal visualization, thereby increasing the risk of failed intubation.33,39 However, external laryngeal manipulation has been shown to improve CormackLehane grading. There are many different ways to accomplish this. The laryngeal lift has been used by anesthesiologists to enhance visualization of the cords.52 This is done by applying a gentle displacement of the cricoid cartilage approximately 0.5 cm dorsally and 2.5 cm cephalad in a fluid lifting motion until mild resistance is met, similar to cricoid pressure. Another method involves the displacement of the larynx in 3 specific directions: (1) posteriorly against the cervical vertebrae, (2) as superiorly as possible, and (3) slightly laterally to the right (backward, upward to the right pressure [BURP]) by the person intubating. This method has been reported to improve the visualization of the larynx more easily than simple posterior pressure on the larynx.53
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Fig. 5. The Cormack-Lehane system for grading laryngoscopic view at intubation. Difficulty of direct laryngoscopy correlates with the best view of the glottis, as defined by the Cormack-Lehane scale. With this scale, a grade I view connotes a full view of the entire glottic aperture, grade II represents a partial glottic view, grade III represents visualization of the epiglottis only, and grade IV represents inability to visualize even the epiglottis. (Reproduced with permission from Walls RM, Murphy MF. The difficult airway in adults. In: UpToDate, Basow, DS (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA 2011. Copyright Ó 2011 UpToDate, Inc.)
Bimanual laryngoscopy involves the manipulation of the larynx by the person intubating to directly view and improve the visualization of the cords while intubating. In a cadaveric study comparing bimanual laryngoscopy, the BURP technique, and cricoid pressure, bimanual laryngoscopy improved the percentage of glottic opening more than BURP or cricoid pressure.54 Although direct laryngoscopy is a good first choice for most cases of DA, it should be used with extreme caution in cases in which there is a potential for upper airway injury, specifically transection of the laryngotracheal region. Further injury to the airway by the blade of the laryngoscope, as well as during the passage of the ETT into a false lumen, could result in the DA rapidly progressing to an impossible airway by distortion of the already anatomically compromised airway. Digital tactile intubation
Digital tactile intubation (DTI) is a tactile intubation technique in which intubators uses their fingers to direct an ETT into the larynx. The technique has gained limited usefulness in clinical practice. It is not easy to perform, especially if the intubator has small hands or short fingers. Because the procedure can be performed without movement of the head and neck, it was found particularly suitable in patients with trauma who might have suffered injury to the cervical spine. Added advantages are the ease of performance despite secretions or blood in the upper airway.55 Nasotracheal intubation
Nasotracheal intubation (NTI) has several serious drawbacks, and few advantages, compared with the other techniques that are now commonly used for emergency airway management. NTI has largely fallen out of favor in the ED because it takes longer, has a higher failure rate, has a higher complication rate, and requires smaller tube sizes than oral ETT. However, despite these inherent problems, NTI is still considered an important skill because it may be useful in certain DA situations (eg, limited mouth opening, indications for awake intubation). Bougie-assisted endotracheal intubation
The bougie, otherwise known as an ETT introducer, remains one of the preferred devices for the management of the DA in which the vocal cords cannot be visualized.56
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It is a 60-cm long, semirigid, narrow tube with a 35 angle 2.5 cm from the distal end, which facilitates blind insertion through the vocal cords. It is inserted blindly, the hook aimed anteriorly, with correct placement confirmed by feeling clicks as the device passes over the tracheal rings and a hold-up when entering the distal airways. The ETT is then threaded over the bougie into the trachea. The bougie may need to be rotated 90 for the ETT to pass. Extreme vigilance should be exercised with its use if there is suspicion of an injured/transected airway because the bougie may easily enter a false lumen, leading to catastrophic intubation of a false airway.57 Supraglottic airway devices
Supraglottic airway devices ventilate patients by delivering oxygen above the level of the vocal cords and are designed to aid in the management of the DA. The American Society of Anesthesiologists’ Task Force on Management of the Difficult Airway suggests considering the use of supraglottic airway devices when intubation problems occur in patients with previously unrecognized DA, especially in a cannot-intubate/ cannot-oxygenate situation. There has been a significant evolution of these devices from the original laryngeal mask airway (LMA; Fig. 6), which was described as the missing link between the facemask and the tracheal tube, to the more elaborate ones now available. The Proseal laryngeal mask airway (PLMA) is a new LMA with a modified cuff designed to improve its seal and a drainage tube for gastric tube placement. These features are designed to improve safety of the LMA and broaden its scope, especially when used with positive pressure ventilation.58 Fastrach, a modification of the LMA (Fig. 7) is designed as a conduit for tracheal intubation in cases of poor visualization of the cords.59 The esophageal-tracheal Combitube (ETC) Fig. 8 is an easily inserted double-lumen/double-balloon supraglottic airway device that allows for ventilation independently of its position either in the esophagus or the trachea. The major indication of the ETC is a backup device for airway management. It is an excellent option for rescue ventilation in immediate life-threatening cannotventilate/cannot-intubate situations. The advantages of the Combitube include rapid airway control without the need for neck or head movement, minimized risk for aspiration, firm fixation of the device after inflation of the oropharyngeal balloon, and that it works equally well in either the tracheal or esophageal position.60 The unique quality of the Elisha device consists of its ability to combine 3 functions in a single device: ventilation, intubation (blind and/or fiberoptic-aided) without interruption of ventilation, and gastric tube insertion.61 Supraglottic devices Lighted stylets Lighted stylets are mainly used in cases in which visualization of the
vocal cords is difficult, and is a transillumination technique for blind orotracheal or
Fig. 6. Laryngeal mask airway.
The Difficult Airway
Fig. 7. Intubating laryngeal mask airway.
nasotracheal intubation.62,63 The light at the tip of the stylet is positioned within 0.5 cm of the end of the ETT. The tube is guided by observing the anterior neck for transillumination through the soft tissue. A bright red glow in the midline at the level of the larynx indicates proper guidance of the tube. The tip of the tube is in the pyriform sinus if the bright red glow is off the midline. A dull diffuse glow represents passage of the tube into the esophagus. This technique is limited by overhead lighting and/or significant adiposity of the anterior neck, both of which create difficulty seeing the stylet light. In addition, because it is a blind technique, it is not recommended in patients with suspected anatomic abnormalities of the upper airway.
Fiberoptic-guided intubation/video-assisted devices
These devices aid in the visualization of the airway and thus are ideal for the DA with anatomic abnormalities. A video laryngoscope collects electronically processed images with a camera attached at its tip. Often, the success of these devices is unrelated to the traditional predictors of DA. Besides potentially less trauma to the airway and cervical spine, patients are also able to tolerate awake assessment of the airway, thereby increasing the safety margin in patients with limited respiratory reserve. The flexibility of this device also makes it possible to perform tracheal intubation on patients in nonstandard positions if standing behind the head of the supine patient is not an option.64 An airway with potential blood/secretions/vomitus makes the use of these devices more difficult. Copious suctioning is recommended before undertaking this technique, with a low threshold for abandoning the attempt and using other nonfiberoptic aids.
Surgical techniques
This article discusses the most common surgical techniques. Formal tracheotomy (a technique that, arguably, is not favorable in the urgent management of the DA) is not discussed.
Fig. 8. ETC.
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Translaryngeal-guided retrograde intubation
Although retrograde endotracheal intubation (REI) continues to be cited by the American Society of Anesthesiology as an alternative strategy for dealing with the DA,65,66 there are no data available in the literature regarding indications for REI in the ED, or complications and outcomes of its use in the ED setting. The main drawback with this technique is the time it takes to accomplish the procedure.67 Percutaneous transtracheal jet ventilation
Percutaneous transtracheal jet ventilation is rarely, if ever, done in adults. It does not protect the airway and is grossly inferior to cricothyrotomy in terms of both airway protection and gas exchange. However, it is the surgical airway technique of choice for children less than 12 years of age. Indications are also the cannot-ventilate/ cannot-intubate scenario.68 Cricothyroidotomy
“The hardest part of doing a ‘cryc’ is picking up the knife”— Peter Rosen. Cricothyrotomy is the establishment of a surgical opening in the airway through the cricothyroid membrane and placement of a cuffed tracheostomy tube or ETT. There may be little advantage to using a cricothyrotome rather than a formal, surgical cricothyrotomy set. Time of performance of the procedure, complication rates, degree of difficulty, and success rates are all comparable between the 2 methods.69,70 Cricothyrotomy is nearly always performed as a last resort when orotracheal and nasotracheal intubation are impossible or contraindicated. Cricothyrotomy is easier and quicker to perform than tracheotomy, does not require manipulation of the cervical spine, and is associated with fewer complications. However, although cricothyrotomy may be lifesaving in extreme circumstances, this technique is only intended to be a temporizing measure until a definitive airway can be established. Cricothyrotomy should never be started with the patient already hypoxic or in arrest; the outcome is usually unfavorable and time to ventilation is longer than with a rescue device, regardless of whether percutaneous methods are used. The only absolute contraindication is the age of the patient being younger than 10 years. There are a few relative contraindications with which the reader should be familiar: airway obstruction sufficiently distal to the cricoid membrane that a cricothyrotomy would not provide a secure airway with which to ventilate the patient; presence of a SHORT neck, which includes surgery (history or prior neck surgery), hematoma, obesity, radiation (evidence of radiation therapy), or trauma/burns, making it difficult to locate the patient’s anatomic landmarks or producing an increased risk of further complications; tumor, infection, or abscess at the site of incision; and lack of operator expertise.71,72 SUMMARY
The management of the DA is fraught with permutations of preparatory techniques, medication armamentarium, and airway control instrumentation/techniques. The physician’s choice of combination needs to be tailored to the clinical scenario encountered. The task is daunting, hence the onus on the acute care clinician to prepare theoretically and practically ahead of time. REFERENCES
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