Enhancement of performance of analytical laboratories

Enhancement of performance of analytical laboratories

Analytica Chimica Acta, 150 (1983) 219-231 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -Printed ENHANCEMENT LABORATORIES OF PERFORMANCE in The Neth...

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Analytica Chimica Acta, 150 (1983) 219-231 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -Printed



in The Netherlands


A Theoretical Approach to Analytical Planning

T. A. H. M. JANSE*


Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Toernooiveld, 6525 ED Nijmegen (The Netherlands)


of Nijmegen,

(Received 6th December 1982)

SUMMARY The information delivered by an analytical laboratory depends on three factors: the information needed (the aim), the information present in the objects, and the limits on the information obtainable, which are set by the analytical procedures and the means available. In order to reach the specified goals as far as possible, organization is needed, involving many planning decisions. For simplified theoretical models, a theory is developed in which the effect of such decisions on the information yield is computed. In particular, the effect of sample input (related to sampling schemes) and the method of sample handling (allocation of capacity and priorities) is considered in relation to ends such as process controI and threshold monitoring.

Most chemical analyses are done on a routine basis, in clinical, environmental or industrial laboratories. The aim of the analysis is to obtain relevant information on a certain object. In this context there are three main items of importance [l] in optimizing the performance of these systems: the purpose of the analysis, the object and the analytical procedure. First, the need to analyze objects arises from lack of information. This information requirement is often formulated in non-analytical terms by other workers (physicians, politicians, managers or technicians). One of the most difficult tasks for the analytical chemist is to translate the information request into an analytical program; this includes the meaning of the term “relevant” and finding out where information is lacking. Secondly, the object must be considered. The more prior information is available on the object of interest, the better a plan can be developed to gather the missing information. Often an investment of effort in acquiring general information on the object is advantageous and/or necessary. Thirdly, in selecting the analytical method, sample specifications, required accuracy and speed are considered first. Here, limits in obtaining the desired information are set; most analytical research is done in order to reduce these limits. However, often the analytical chemist is confronted with limits of an economical nature, such as equipment and available personnel. 0003-2670/83/$03.00

o 1983 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


The mutual relationship of all these features must be considered in planning a system where an analysis provides the maximum amount of relevant information with minimal (or available) means or costs. This asks for knowledge of all three factors, and a plan to interrelate these in order to optimize for the desired information. In this paper, some aspects are developed in order to provide working tools, particularly for chemists concerned with organization and management. However, any chemist using routine analyses or routine laboratories may gain insight in fixing priorities by giving some attention to the planning systems outlined in this paper. ASPECTS



The three key areas mentioned above can be looked at in terms of fundamental information theory. The average analytical information yield can be quantified with the aid of Shannon’s entropy concept [2] : I = H(before) H(after), where H(before) is the entropy before analysis, H(after) is the entropy after analysis, and I is the information yield. In this equation H = -J f(x) Id f(x) dx, where f(x) is the probability distribution of the analytical parameter, and Id denotes dual logarithm. For an analytical parameter having a Gaussian distribution before (uncertainty before) as well as after (uncertainty after) the analysis, it has been shown [3] that I = -1d [ Var x(before)/Var x(after)] where Vur x(after) and Var x(before) the analysis, respectively.

(1) are the variances of x after and before

Consideration of the purpose of the analysis Three main purposes can be distinguished. Real-time process reconstruction or control. Dynamic information is needed, and a process reconstruction with a certain minimal reconstruction error is the goal. Here the theory of measurability is applicable [4]. The measurability is defined as m* = (Vur x - Var e)/Vur x


where Var x and Vur e are the variances of the uncontrolled process and the reconstruction error, respectively. With a stationary stochastic process, approximated by a first-order autoregressive A.R. model, the optimal forecast function from the last result into time to the next result is equal to the autocorrelation function: ri(t

+ T) =X(t)



The resulting average reconstruction error, originating from a delay 7 after sampling by this forecast function, is Var e(T) = Var x [ 1 - exp(--2T/Tx)]


Thus the reconstruction error originating from a sampling interval Ts, a dead time Td and an analysis error variance Vur a, expressed in terms of measurability, becomes approximately [4] : ltz’ = exp(-2Td/Tx)




[1 -

(VW a


Ts/Vur x


TX)“*] *


The measurability is directly related to information yield, as the uncertainty of the process values before analysis is related to Vur x, and after analysis (or controlling) to Vur e. However, it is difficult to compute an information yield per analysis, for the obtained information holds over one forecast period together with the pre-information implied by the forecast function (Eqn. 3). This means that the present information on the object becomes a function of 7: H(7) (Eqn. 4). In order to avoid a complex description of this dynamic information behaviour (or entropy flow) the following definition is used: I = H(without analysis) - H(with analysis). The information yield of the analysis is expressed as the uncertainty on the object with and without these analyses. The object is not a sample but the process in time itself, and the uncertainty is related to Vur(x) without analysis, and to Vur e after analysis. In this way, again a static picture on a dynamic object is obtained with the resulting analytical information yield: I(dyn) = -1d (1- m”)


This dynamic information measure (actually information on a dynamic object) describes not only the effectiveness of the analytical method, but also the way that a sampling scheme functions and the laboratory efficiency, as will be shown. In fact, all factors between the sampling and the actual control action are included. Threshold monitoring. Again, information on a dynamic process is required. However, a total reconstruction of the process values in time is not of interest. The only relevant information is given by comparison of the process values with a given threshold value. If a first-order A.R. process is analyzed without error and the result is immediately available, then at that moment, there is no uncertainty about the process value. After a while, the process value has changed, and the uncertainty has increased to H = --P(T) Id P(T) - (1 --P(T))

Id (1 -P(T))


where P(T) is the probability that the process value exceeds the threshold value. When this uncertainty becomes too large, the probability of exceeding the threshold without noticing also becomes intolerable, and a new analysis should be done. Depending on the required reliability, a limit should be set to permissible uncertainties. However, this means that every time this limit is reached, an analysis must be made with an information yield exactly equal to this “uncertainty limit”. It has been shown by Muskens [ 51, that one should sample at a time Ts after an analytical result Xt according to the equation


Ts = -TX





Xt + 2 [Xt2 - (Tr* -Z”)] xt2 + z2


where Tr is the threshold value, Xt is the process value at time t (mean zero and unit standard deviation), and 2 is the reliability factor. In this way, optimal use is made of the information given by each analysis. Of course, the resulting distribution of the sampling times is then completely determined by the process values, the threshold unit and the required reliability. Again, an overall information yield can be formulated; it is determined by the probabilities for undetected threshold-crossing when no analyses are done, or with the sampling and measurement scheme. Static information theory. If some part of the process (e.g., annual means) must be characterized, the desired information can be expressed in acceptable uncertainties concerning the means. Here the theory of sampling-correlated lots is applied, and can be used to formulate the purpose in terms of bits [6] . The object In all situations mentioned above, some prior information concerning the object is necessary in order to develop a plan. To express this prior information in models is particularly useful and is in fact often done. Modelling is possible over a wide range, extending from a simple Gaussian model to describe a probability distribution, to more advanced modelling as is used in timeseries analysis and in very complex models by relations in time, space and components. It should be noted that every relation (usually computed by some correlation analysis) reduces the uncertainty before analysis, and often reduces the analytical information need and yield. In the above theories concerning the descriptions of the aim, an object model is assumed to be a simple time-series model, the first-order autoregressive model. The entropy before analysis is determined by three parameters: the mean, the variance and a time constant expressing the correlation between two successive process values. In this way, the time-dependent character of “information” can be studied, which is essential in studying laboratory capacity and limits. The analysis and the laboratory There are various limitations on the information delivered by an analysis. There are the traditional limits: the detection limit and sensitivity may make it impossible to supply information in the desired region; lack of accuracy and precision may make the uncertainty of the result too large with respect to the uncertainty before analysis; selectivity may be such that unknown matrix effects increase the uncertainty in the result. However, in dealing with laboratories, limits are more often set by the available equipment and personnel. The main parameters are sampling frequency (how many samples can be done) and measurement time. If the frequency of sampling is too high compared to the measurement time,


queueing of samples occurs. For dynamic information delivery, this means loss of information. The theory of queueing can be applied to study the effects on information yield of such limited facilities. Basically, limited facilities result in a limited number of practicable analytical measurements. If this number is occasionally exceeded, waiting times occur, and a situation may arise in which more samples enter the system than leave it. Besides this quantity, the ways in which a certain number of samples is offered and processed are important. In this respect, organizational aspects can be quantified. In queueing theory, such systems have been extensively studied [ 7,8] . Figure 1 shows a representation of one of the simplest queueing models, the M/M/l model, based on an exponential distribution of the inter-arrival times, as well as an exponential distribution of the analysis times, with one analyst. Such a model could represent a one-analyst laboratory with no organization at all. A perfectly organized system could be modelled by the D/D/l model (D for deterministic), in which samples arrive at constant intervals, and where every sample takes exactly the same amount of measurement time, with an analyst who is always present. Of course, such models are purely theoretical, but very suitable for studying the effects of limited capacity on the analytical aims. Conclusions related to more realistic situations may be obtained by simulation experiments; such conclusions, pertaining to waiting times, are drawn by Vandeginste [9] . RELATIONSHIPS



By combination of the theory of measurability with a queueing model, a concrete overall model can be created, in which the effects of management can be studied. In this way, a theory will be developed for planning in laboratories, as an analytical management tool.








Fig. 1. A representation of a M/M/l chastic times in finishing jobs.

queueing system: stochastic

arrival times and sto-


The basic model is shown in Fig. 2. The way that samples are taken from the process fixes the sample input for the laboratory; the sampling interval time Ts equals the inter-arrival time for samples to the laboratory. The mean sampling frequency is X [h = l/mean(Ts)] . The laboratory capacity is fixed by one analyst; his average analysis rate is p(p = l/mean(Ta)). As stated above, the absence of a plan can be modelled by aM/M/l system: the sampling scheme is characterized by a (memory-less) Poisson process, resulting in an exponential distribution for the inter-arrival times. The time required to analyze a sample is also unpredictable and also gives an exponential distribution. As long as the utilization factor (the ratio X/p) is below 1, the system functions. However, waiting times occur, and when the utilization factor is increased, the time spent by samples in the system increases exponentially. This “dead time” (waiting + service time) has a negative effect on the process reconstruction, and thus on the information delivered by the chemist. Investigations of the effects of distribution in the sampling times Ts and in the dead times Td on the measurability make it possible to relate the information yield directly to the utilization factor. With some approximations (see Appendix), the following general solution is applicable: m2 = 0 Tx/2)UN(Ts))

- 1)


s = 2/T%


where d: is the Laplace transform, s the Laplace operator, 2’~ the time constant of the process, Ts the sample interval time, Td the time spent in the system (dead time), and X the mean sample frequency. The possibility of using Laplace transforms in this equation turns out to be very favourable with respect to systems based on queueing theory; equations for the distribution of the times spent in the system are often obtained in the Laplace domain. In fact, back-transformation to the time domain is often very complicated, if possible at all. For the M/M/l system, the result is m2 = [Tx/(Tx


+ 2 %)I

((1 -p)


+ ?u]}




SRtlPL ES ( Ts .,





Fig, 2. A model of a sampled and analysed process for the purpose of an on-line process reconstruction.


For the D/M/l rn2 = exp(-2

system (fixed arrival rates), the result is Ts/TX){(l

For the M/D/l




+ 2 Ta]}

system (fixed analysis times), the equation

m* = [Tx/(Tx + 2 Ts)] (2(1-p)

S!!$[(2 Ts-TX)

(1OB) is

exp(2 Ta/!&) + TX]}


In these equations, c is the mean analysis time, 5 the mean sample interval time, and p the utilization factor. In Fig. 3 the information yield (related to m by Eqn. 6) is shown as a function of the utilization factor p for the M/M/l system. As can be seen, there is an optimal mean sampling frequency: however, at the utilization factor 0.5, it is surprisingly low. Only half of the analyst’s capacity is used in obtaining the maximal information yield, or in having the best process control by such a system. At lower utilization factors, the information yield decreases because of the lower sampling frequency. At higher utilization factors, the information decreases because of the increasing waiting time in the system. The information-decreasing effect of the waiting times is larger than the information-increasing effect of the higher sampling frequency. This last effect is shown in the same figure by a D/D/l system (Eqn. 5), in which there are no waiting times. Here, it is obvious that a utilization factor of 1 gives maximal information. Simulations In order to verify the above theories and to develop extensions, a simulation program was written in FORTRAN IV, for an IBM 370/158 computer system. This program includes a subroutine package for queueing systems (GASP [lo] ), and routines for generation and reconstruction of stochastic processes. Eight replicate runs were done over 10 000 standard time units. No advanced techniques for variance reduction were used; some preliminary studies showed no improvements with techniques like antithetic runs, or








Fig. 3. Theoretical curves for information yield as a function of utilization factor: (-) M/M/l system;(------)D/D/l system;(X)simulationresults with 95%probability intervals.


with control variates. Common random numbers were used in the various simulation experiments. Some simulation results are presented in Figs. 3 and 4. All these results show slightly higher values compared with the theoretical curves, mainly because of the discrete character of the simulation (rounding-off favours a proper process reconstruction). Another factor involved is the autocorrelation arising in the waiting times. This factor was neglected in the theoretical treatment. Despite these differences, the figures show a reasonable correspondence between theory and simulation results. PLANNING

With the theory outlined above, it is possible to develop a theory for analytical planning. First, it is important to distinguish between the influence of a stochastic input (M/D/l system) and a stochastic processing time (D/M/l system). The latter is clearly more favourable (compare Figs. 4A and 4B). This is explained as follows: a stochastic input has a direct effect on process reconstruction (stochastic sampling) and an indirect effect through the resulting stochastic dead times. A stochastic processing time gives only the latter. In general, the G/M/l systems (G stands for general, and so is irrespective of the distribution of the sampling interval times) show an optimal utilization factor of 0.5. Various plans to improve the performance of the laboratory or to increase the information yield are possible. One conclusion drawn from the above is that smoothing the input is advantageous (from M/M/l to D/M/l). Of course, this would be no problem if the laboratory itself controls sampling. Otherwise the laboratory could try to establish some other kind of input control in order to assure a steady input, an effort already mostly encountered in practice. Another possibility for increasing the information yield is to introduce some kind of feedback to the input. Two different feedback schemes are considered (Fig. 5). The first involves feedback from the present capacity and

Fig. 4. Theoretical curves for information yield as a function of utilization factor: A, M/D/l system; B, D/M/l system; (---) D/D/l system; (X) simulation results with 95% probability intervals.












Fig. 5. Schemes influencing sampling by feedback mechanisms. Left: the next sampling is done when the analyst is free. Right: the next sampling is done as computed from the previous result (threshold monitoring).

workload; in the simplest model, this means that every time (and only if) the analyst has finished a job, the next sample is taken. In this way, a complete correlation is created between the inter-arrival times and the analysis times. No queueing occurs and a utilization factor of one can be achieved. The measurability for exponential analysis times is then

rn2= [Tx/(Tx+ 2 ?%)I2 This means an improvement on the M/M/l system, but only a slight improvement on the D/M/l system at a utilization factor of 0.5. The extra effort in trying to obtain as much information as possible is not rewarded; the uncertainty in the analysis times is transmitted to the sampling interval times. With regard to the spare time in the D/M/l system (for activities with lower priority), a fixed sampling scheme is advantageous, and has the advantage of simplicity. The second plan involves feedback to sampling by considering the last result, i.e., threshold monitoring. The plan is to analyze as little as possible to obtain a fixed amount of information, and this can be done by the threshold-monitoring scheme. This feedback mechanism is established by considering the difference between the last obtained result and the threshold value. The greater the difference, the more time may pass before the next sample is taken. No queueing occurs when the next time of sampling is computed in this way. The influence of the analysis times is great, however. Table 1 shows an example of the effect on the information yield and the TABLE 1 The influence of exponentially-distributed analysis times on the dynamic information yield aimed at threshold monitoring. Results are for simulations with a time constant TX = 100, a threshold value of 2, and a reliability factor of 4 Mean Ta

Resulting mean Ts

Utilization factor

Dynamic Z (bits)

1 2 3 4 5 7 10

6.2 8.0 9.4 10.6 11.7 13.5 16.5

0.16 0.25 0.30 0.36 0.40 0.52 0.61

0.118 0.098 0.070 0.053 0.039 0.025 0.013




20 --






30 40 50 -- Ts --_)



Fig. 6. Resulting inter-arrival time distribution when the sampling scheme for tkeshold monitoring is applied. The examples are for !lY = 2,Z = 4, and Tr = 1,Z = 3.

utilization factor. Both are influenced negatively by larger mean analysis times. This system can work only for relatively low analysis times. Another effect is that such sampling schemes give reliable results only if these samples are given high priority in the laboratory. Other activities must be kept waiting. Because of the unpredictability of the times that these samples enter the laboratory, such a scheme could distort many other activities although these have lower priority. The inter-arrival time distribution generated by threshold monitoring, generally approaches some sort of Erlang distribution (of which the exponential is one), depending on the threshold value, reliability factor and time constant (Eqn. 8.; Fig. 6). A totally different kind of plan is to fix priorities for the various samples entering the laboratory. Two possibilities are considered. In one, the priorities influence the sequence in which the samples are processed. With respect to process control, it can be shown by simulation that a Last-In-First-Out








Fig. 7. M/M/l simulation results: (X) with LIFO priority; curve; (------) the D/D/l curve.


the theoretical



(LIFO) scheme gives a higher information yield than the standard First-InFirst-&t (FIFO) scheme (Fig. 7). This is hardly surprising, as for a firstorder A.R. process only the most recent sample gives relevant information. In fact, all the samples that queue could be discarded. In the second plan, priorities between several processes have to be decided. If the samples of one process are given priority above samples of a second process, this influences both measurabilities. For the first process, Eqn. (10A) is still valid, and the measurability can be computed as if no samples were present from the second process. If priority “with interrupt” (i.e., the analyst should stop his immediate activity and start analyzing the samples) is not given, but priority “without interrupt” is given, then there is a slight decrease in the measurability. As an illustration, some simulation results are presented in Table 2. The total information yield for both process controls is given as a function of the sampling frequency. The results show how the first process is favoured by the priority discipline, and that a LIFO plan for both processes (and no priority for any) gives far better results. Conclusions

It is shown that computations of information yield with respect to the purpose of an analysis, the objects and their analysis in a laboratory, are possible. Purely mathematical models give insight into the parameters affecting this information yield. Apart from the influence of the utilization factor, it is shown that input description, analysis-time description and priorities can be very significant. Plans can be made to maximize the information gain. However, when real laboratory organizations are compared with the theoretical models, it is obvious that there is still a gap between theory and practice. This should be filled by further theoretical development or simulation models, with possible interpolations towards practice. Further investigation is particularly useful, even essential, in view of computerization in laboratories, which facilitates the implementation of the schemes developed here. TABLE 2 Information yield (I1 and 12) by analyzing aiming for the control of two processes as a function of the utilization-factor and different priority schemes. Results of M/M/l simulations with a time constant l?x = 100 and mean analysis time !k = 4 Utilization factor

Dynamic Z(bits) FIFO: Zl + 12

PRIO: Zl + 12 (II)

LIFO: Zl + 12


1.32 2.09 2.54 2.86 3.06 2.65 2.79 2.17

2.04 2.59 2.83 2.85 3.10 2.67 2.81 2.17

3.33 3.39 3.42 3.31 3.31 2.79 2.84 2.19

0.89 0.80 0.67 0.57 0.50 0.40 0.33

(1.40) (1.67) (1.73) (1.77) (1.72) (1.38) (1.25) (1.25)



The effect of stochastic sampling times and dead times on the reconstruction error of the process

The mean reconstruction error at a time r after sampling is given by Eqn. (4). A reconstruction with the analytical result X, ranges from the time r = Td, to the time r = Ts, + Tdi+, when the result of the next sample becomes available. The average reconstruction error over this period is then given by Var e (Tdi, Ts, + Tdi+,)

Ts, + Td,+, Var x I

= (l/Tsi)








error over a total time T, with N analyses, is TSi +


Var e(T) = (l/T)

1 *=1


Vur x


* (1 - exp(--2r/Tx)}dr

Tdi Ts,



Var x [ 1 --- exp(- -27/Tx)]


dr/(N - 1)



For N + m, this equation can be written in terms of mathematical expectations, resulting in Ts + Vare=h.$f(Td,Ts,Td’)*


Varx [l -





dTd . dTs

- dTd


The assumption of independence between Td, TX and Td’ is not entirely correct, because of some autocorrelation that can exist between Td and Td’. However, over a range for p, this correlation is low and the following simplification can be made: f(Td, Ts, Td’) =

f(Td) . f(Ts) . f(Td’)

Evaluation of the last two equations leads to (1 + A T&/2) ‘,” f(Ts)

Var e = Varx






+.. J f(Td’) exp(-2




i -



. exp(-2




With the definition for the Laplace transform in mind, this can be written as Var e = Var x ((1 + h!h/2)[






= Z/T%}

Combined with the definition of the measurability (Eqn. 2) the resulting expression for the measurability is Eqn. (9). By consideration of the Laplace transforms of the distributions for the inter-arrival times, the analysis times and the resulting waiting times, the solutions for different queueing systems are easily found [ 7,8 1. The M/M/l


Inter-arrival time distribution: Analysis time distribution: Dead time distribution:




= h/(h + s)

= b/(p + s)

= ~(1 -p)/[p(l


+ s]

Combination with Eqn. (9) gives the following measurability:

231 + 2 %)]I(1

m2 = [Tx/(Tx



The D/M/l system Inter-arrival time distribution: Analysis time distribution: Dead time distribution:



TX + 2 E]}

= exp(-s/h)

E[f( !/‘a)] = cc/@ + s)


= ~(1 - ~)/[~1(1 -e)

+ S]

in which e is computed numerically from E = (&[f(7’~)]},=,~l_~, = exp[ (E - 1)/p 1. This results in m* = exp(-2




The M/D/l system Inter-arrival time distribution: Analysis time distribution: Dead time distribution: Combination





or E = exp[-p(l

- e)/h]

TX + 2 ???]I)

= h/(h + S)

= exp (s/cl)

= ~(1 - p)/[(s



+ A]

with Eqn. (9) gives

m* = [Tx/(Tx

+ 2 E)]

(2 (1 -p)


The D/D/l system The inter-arrival time “distribution”: The analysis time “distribution”:


TX) exp(2




&[f( Ts)] = exp( -s/h)


= exp(-s/p)

The dead time distribution equals the analysis time distribution. expansion of exp(-2 Ta/Tx) the result is the approximate Eqn. (5).

By a Taylor series

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