lesion. Microscopic evaluation showed well-differentiated proliferation of squamous epithelium with mild cytologic atypia exhibiting multiple infiltrative and branching keratin-filled epithelial crypts. Oral CC may appear as an irregular ulcer in the alveolar ridge with drainage of whitish material, which may be clinically similar to benign inflammatory diseases of the jaws.
OROFACIAL GRANULOMAS AFTER INJECTION OF COSMETIC FILLERS: A CASE REPORT. DIENI DA SILVEIRA TEIXEIRA, GABRIEL CAMPOS LOUZEIRO, JULIANE DE QUADROS DE BORTOLLI, GABRIELA ALACARINI FARINA, MARIA ANTONIA ZANCANARO DE FIGUEIREDO, KAREN CHERUBINI and, FERNANDA GONCALVES ¸ SALUM The increasing demand for cosmetic procedures in the orofacial area results in a growing number of complications, including the development of foreign body granulomas. A 55-year-old woman presented with submucosal and subcutaneous nodules that were firm on palpation, which had arisen approximately 30 days earlier in the right buccal mucosa and in the face (cervical, submentonian, and submandibular regions). The diagnostic hypothesis was lymphoma, but after the clinical examination, the patient reported having undergone facial filling procedure 1 year before. Ultrasonography showed nodular images suggestive of reactive granulomas. Preoperative tests were requested, and incisional surgical biopsy was performed. Histologic analysis showed granulomatous reactions associated with the use of hyaluronic acid (accumulation of amorphous basophilic material) and polymethylmethacrylate (refringent material, without dye impregnation). The patient was unaware of the facial filling with polymethylmethacrylate.
EPITHELIAL-MIOEPITELIAL CARCINOMA IN THE SOFT PALATE: CASE REPORT. ANA ^ BARROS, KEYLA MOURA WALESKA PESSOA ROCHA TORRES, ELIANE CRISTINA VIANA REVOREDO, SERGIO RICARDO SOARES DE MOURA, MARLOS DA PAZ LEONCIO, LUIZ ALCINO MONTEIRO GUEIROS and, IGOR HENRIQUE MORAIS SILVA Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma is a rare low-malignant neoplasm consisting of 1% of all tumors in the salivary glands. A 53-year-old black female patient complained of pain in the palate. Past medical history included an incisional biopsy whose histologic slices stained in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) showed atypical glandular proliferation compatible with myoepithelial carcinoma, low-grade polymorphous adenocarcinoma, and adenoid cystic carcinoma. A reddish area of 1 cm was observed in the soft palate, with no symptoms. Faced with the lack of diagnostic definition, excisional biopsy was chosen where the anatomopathologic analysis corroborated previous findings, but immunohistochemistry showed positivity for Ki67, P63, cytokeratin 7, cytokeratin 8/18, and calponin, leading to the definitive diagnosis of epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma. Because of the free margins observed in H&E, we chose to follow-up, who after oral rehabilitation continues without signs of local recurrence in a 2-year follow-up.
OOOO January 2020 OLIVEIRA PAIVA NETO, ANDRE LUIZ CARVALHO BARREIROS, BRENDO VINICIUS RODRIGUES LOUREDO, ANDERSON IDELFONSO BATISTA FERNANDES, JESSICA BARROSO BARBOSA, TATIANA ^ NAYARA LIBORIO-KIMURA and, JECONIAS CAMARA A 36-year-old male patient showed up for evaluation because of lack of adaptation of partial denture with § 1-year evolution. He had a previous diagnosis of ameloblastoma in the anterior mandible, excised 10 years ago. Intraoral examination revealed solitary swelling with smooth surface with the same color as the adjacent mucosa involving both vestibular and lingual surfaces of the mandible around the left premolars. Panoramic x-ray showed an expansive "soap-bubble" lesion with well-demarcated borders. Histopathologic examination of the incisional biopsy specimen revealed follicles that consist of a core of loosely arranged angular cells resembling the stellate reticulum of the enamel organ, sometimes presenting a squamous differentiation and microcyst formation, surrounded by a single layer of tall columnar ameloblast-like cells with nuclei located at the opposite pole of basement membrane. These findings plus the previous medical history established the diagnosis of ameloblastoma. The patient is waiting for another resection surgery.
INTRAMUSCULAR VARIANT OF LIPOMA IN THE TONGUE: A CASE REPORT. LUISA BERLATO, EVA AGUIAR ALMEIDA CAMPOS CASTRO TORRIANI, VICTOR DE MELLO PALMA and, CRISTIANE CADEMARTORI DANESI Although 20% of lipomas occur in the head and neck, only 1% to 4% of these are in the oral cavity. Histologically, they are classified into simple lipomas, fibrolipomas, angiolipomas, pleomorphic lipomas, spindle cell lipomas, sialolipomas, atypical lipomas, and intramuscular or infiltrative lipomas. The objective of this work is to report a clinical case of intramuscular lipoma in the tongue, since it is an uncommon lesion and requires follow-up because of its greater potential for recurrence. Patient S. P.O.G. is 78 years old with a nodular lesion in the right border of tongue present for 5 years. The lesion had well-defined borders, soft consistency, mucosa-like staining, and absence of painful symptomatology. The treatment was performed as an excisional biopsy. The histopathologic examination reported intramuscular lipoma, presenting muscle fibers inside and at the periphery of the lesion. The patient continues in periodic follow-up.
HECK DISEASE IN A 7-YEAR-OLD AMAZONIC BOY: A CASE REPORT. GERSON DE OLIVEIRA PAIVA NETO, ANDRE LUIZ CARVALHO BARREIROS, BRENDO VINICIUS RODRIGUES LOUREDO, ANDERSON IDELFONSO BATISTA FERNANDES, JESSICA BARROSO BARBOSA, TATIANA ^ NAYARA LIBORIO-KIMURA and, JECONIAS CAMARA A 7-year-old male patient was referred to a dentistry specialty center because of several papillary lesions of the same color as the surrounding mucosa, which were painless and nonbleeding in the inner cheek and labial mucosa. The diagnosis hypothesis was multifocal epithelial hyperplasia (Heck disease). An incisional biopsy was performed, and the histopathologic findings in stratified squamous epithelium were parakeratosis, acanthosis, and thick epithelial rete ridges, sometimes being club-shaped. The epithelial cells presented nuclei surrounded by