Evaluation of ambient air quality by personnel monitoring

Evaluation of ambient air quality by personnel monitoring

Armqhwk .%IDPrbtediaGratBriUh VoLl6, No.9.pp.227~2211.1982 BOOK REVIEWS of Ambknt Air Qnality by Personnel edition, Vol. I, Gases and Vapors, and Vo...

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Armqhwk .%IDPrbtediaGratBriUh

VoLl6, No.9.pp.227~2211.1982

BOOK REVIEWS of Ambknt Air Qnality by Personnel edition, Vol. I, Gases and Vapors, and Vol. II, Aerosols, Monitor Pumps, Calibration aad Quality Control, A. L tin&, CRC Press, Inc., 2000 N.W. 24th St, Boca Raton, FL 33431,1981,(Vol. X)363,pp. (Vol. II) 305 pp. Price Vol. I. S79.95 (foreign $89.95); II. 569.95 (foreign $79.95). Evdmtion

The present book concerns almost conclusively the measurement of industrial exposure, although there are notes of such things es the use of carbon monoxide monitors to evalu%tecarbon monoxide in cars during co~utin~ and the like. I was greatly encoumg~ as I read the author’s preface. It sets a context that is sensible, logicaland clear. (Translation: it agrees precisely with my own prejudices.) Unfortunately, the bel%nceof the book did not come up to There is a classii western story about a cowboy who, very far from his home ranch, marmgedto guide his horse into the the standards of the prefe To 8ll appearances, a sizable middie of a prairie dog town. The horse broke his kg, and the fraction of the vohnne w8scompiled, not written. Thus, there cowboy, in the t&Son%1 fashion, shot him, removed the are streches of text with a strong Jap%ncseaccent, when saddk and bridle, %ndstarted off on the long trek homew%rd. instruments or devicesmade in Japan an: being discussed,and By the time be bad been walkiig for a couple of hours, the other pitces of very Germnnic text where the source is cowboywasdusty,thirstyand veryfoot-sore.Justthenhe saw German. Tables how!been liRed from their sources without correction of foreign spellings of test substances. In addition, a~~~to~~~Hed~~t~~~~ but thought he might be acquainted with the loc%ltermin. the overall qu8lity of proof&8ding is extremely Poor. This is not just an editor’s c8rpin~ but it is substantive. Some “Hev. how far is it to the Bar-X Ranch.” he cakd. The other passages are nearly incomprehensible, and some proper call&back,“Oh,about l0miks~th&rowfI mckon.“In a disgusted voice, the cowboy shout& ‘To hell with that! names and addresses appar with different spellings in dierent parts of the book. Manufacturers or vendors of How far is it for 8 crow to drag a saddle?” quipmcnt are given, but without zip codes or postal codes Overthtpprt20or30years,agnatdeP1oftime,moneyand effort h%sbeen expended in ch%racterixing8ir quality in both that would ult.imately tmtke it possible to write to them for work spaces and the ambient atmosphere, with incm%singly more information, or to order their products. There is a rother brief index. There are bibliographies, believoblc results. Taking an example from my own immedhte surroundings, there 8re now several years of quite unfortunately in the order of first &ton. However, since good d8ta on the quality of the atmosphere at an altitude of sizable pmaccs of text come from manufacturer’s material about 3 mat 10th Avenue and Broadwayin Denver. I applaud rather than the primary literature, these are not cspccklly this accumulation of infornmtion. However, over the entire complete. Intern8i cross-refcrenczs in the volume arc by period of record. I doubt that I have spent more than 5 section number, not page, which is perfectly all right, except minutes at 10th Avenue and Broadway,and far less than that for the fact that there are no running heads or other aids to at 8n altitude of 3tn The analogy to the cowboy is not 8 guide you to the partkulu reference. It is effectively imparticularly bad one. I would rather have the information that possibk simply to flnd thrt section by k8fing through the pertains to my own highly varkbk location. what is my book the only recourse is the tabk of contents. overall d%ilyexperknce of air pollution? H8ving said 8ll of thssc negative thin@ 1 must still admit The matter becomes truly critical in any attempt to th8t the book is us&L As a matter of fact, it is about the only correl%teair quality with health, and the situation has gotten gamein townsof8rasits8nnounccdpurposcisconcerned.Its man critical over the p%stfew years, during which a great closest competitor is the massive Air Sampling Insrrumfmts &ort has been m%deto close in the typical American home or published by ACGIH, which is less focus& on personal offictinthenameof~gyefficiency.~eresulthaabeen% monitors 8nd more cmmerc& It has rcktivcly littk to say to ~~~u~~~ra~ou~~rw~tthose who work only in outdoor air ~llutio~ though they r%tionsof 8irborne pollut%nts,with the result that outdoor could karn from it. Those coarrrned with industrial hygiene will need it. Its cover%geappaus to be encyclopedi;: up for most Am&cam, ‘comp%redwith-ihe &h&s from through 1978. Covemae of for&n products is far above soutccs at home and in their work pkccs. If in fact what a aver@ for books in t& gencr8larZa ljespitc my complaints, person breathes is important in determining his state of I found the book enlightening. health, then we %renot going to lmm very much about it (except in 8cute co&o)from BDimmobile station at 10th and JAM= P. LODGE. JR. Bro&v%y or, for that matter, in pn out-of-the-wsy corner of his working sp%ce. Whnt is obviously nr&d is a mcesuring device that travels with the individual Probably the first such WILS the miner’s atn%ry,light in weight %&boughsomewhat bulky in his cage, and desnitely a binary system-&her alive or dead. Many such systems still exist, and conceivably more are need& I Atmqbsdc Auedt SamefAir f&nlity Rehtitmhips, had%n%cquaint%Mxwhow%lkedaroundthecomerof% editalbyES.MduudP.K.H~~ACSS~~um reslnery and into a cloud of conccnttptcd hydrogen sultlde saia 167, Amerian f&t&al sodety, 1155 16th St., N. W., from an accidental vent, He dial, and a couple of comp%nions wuhingto% DC 2ooM, 1981. viii + 359 pp. Pria? s39.75. were hospMi& for a long time. With inucasing amczrn Alr/PutkmI&e B ~6 Anlysfs, edited by %~t~~~,~~~~o~to~ P. N. Chercmisinoff, Buttawort~, Inc. 10 Tower OfIice to devise sySems th%tride with the worker 8nd keep track of Park, Woburn, MA 01801,1981. viii + 423pp. Price S39.95. his tot81 exposure history to a ‘v%rietyof toxicpllts. The prototypqso to rpaL, is the 6lm tmdgsfor the assessment of Ash8sbecnpmGouslynota$thueueanumbuofproccsses exposure to ionizing radiation. th8t k8d to multipk~uthor books-the extremes be& I Momitoriag, 2nd