607 CHOREA. Ellen Donlyn, a healthy girl of tolerably of ten appearance, between nine and years the 4th of June, under lir. Elliotson’s care, wi...

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healthy girl of tolerably of ten

appearance, between nine and

years the 4th of June, under lir. Elliotson’s care, with St. Vitus’s dance. the patient stated, that she first perceived convulsive twitchings of the upper extremit:es on the 20th of May last, which have been gradually increasing up to the present time; and have now also attacked the lower extremities, in consequence of which her walk is very unsteady, and she invariably falls m attempting to stoop, as in curtsying. Has not any headach, or thirst, neither is there pain, or tension of the abdomen, or other symptom of worms ; pulse natural ; bowels regular; tongue slightly coated

age, was admitted


in a few days.; and Dr. Elliotson has always seen, not only headach, but vertigo, and even a little numbness, and fatuity, decline under the remedy. Of course, they might be so strong as to require leeches and purgatives ; but this is so rare that he has never met with an instance. The remedy should be steadily persevered in. The time for the cure may vary from six to twelve weeks. No amendment may be perceptible for a month or six weeks : but Dr. Elliotson has never met with a failure in his own practice.

admission, ceased



LIGATURE ON THE AORTA. Ordered, subcarbonate of iron, 2 drachms be given every six hours, and if the ON Sunday, the 12thult., Mr. JAMES, one bowels should be confined, half an ounce of a of this institution of the to

castor oil


7th. Convulsive motions not diminished ; complains of pain in the head, which is rather hot; face flushed ; pulse 80, soft and



ligature upon the AORTA, in

of aneuIn of the external iliac one of rism artery. Exeter papers, it is stated that the ope4 the a case

full; bowels open ; tongue whitish. was 11 successfttlly performed ;" but Continue the subcarbonate of iron, and, if ration was that kind of success of which the necessary, castor oil. boasted when he had killed his 9th. Was asleep and quiet, when visited for the Dr. The this sister patient survived the infliction Elliotson, by morning. hog, of the ward says, she complains less of pain of the knife only two or three hours. It is in the head, and the involuntary twitchings appalling operation, and we hope not to of the extremities less violent. of its repetition-at least in a case of 12th. The headach has entirely ceased ; aneurisni, of the external iliac artery. bowels regular; pulse soft and natuial. Continue the medicine. 16tb. Remains free from pain, and there is less twitching of the extremities; can ADULTERATION OF BREAD. walk more firmly, but still falls on attempting to curtsy ; bowels open; tongue clean. To tlte Editor of THE LANCET. ! July 19th. Has continued free from all My DEAR. LANCET,-I am quite satispain, and been gradually improving since the last report ; she is now perfectly steady ; fied you will forgive this familiarity of ad4 the dose of carbonate of iron has not been dress, when I acquaint you, that though we at all increased, and the bowels having been are personally unknown to each other, relieved daily, it has only been found neces- I consider you to have done much good, sary to administer the castor oil once ; whether regarded in the form of a broad. tongue clean; pulse natural; continue the shouldered, spear-pointed instrument, or subcarbonate of iron. in that of a weekly periodical. Your 30th. Discharged well. opinions are daily gaining ground amongst Dr. Elliotson remarks, that the treatment well-disposed and well-informed memof chorea with the subcarbonate of iron, is bers of the medical profession, and with the far more successful than with purgatives. community at large ; and there can be no Stnee Dr. Elliotson published a report upon doubt of your achieving, before long, a comthe use of it, in the twelfth volume of The plete triumph over the selfish junto that has Medieo-Chirurgieal Transactions, he has had heretofore opposed you. Your conduct satisnearly twenty cases of the disease, and every fies me that you are indifferent to no abuse, ?’ was cured bv the subcarbonate. The the exposition of which, will contribute to bowels should, of course, be kept regularly the preservation of human life, to the mainopen, but nothing more is necessary. The taining of health, and, consequently, to the present patient took but one dose of castor general promotion of industry, activity, and the whole time she was in the hospital. happiness. With these remarks 1 am now The headach, experienced soon after her anxious to call your attention to an evil of not

it ’Irishman

