Fabrication of β-sialon powder from kaolin

Fabrication of β-sialon powder from kaolin

Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 1939–1948 Fabrication of b-sialon powder from kaolin X.-J. Liu*, X.W. Sun, J.J. Zhang, X.P. Pu, Q.M. Ge, L.P. H...

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Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 1939–1948

Fabrication of b-sialon powder from kaolin X.-J. Liu*, X.W. Sun, J.J. Zhang, X.P. Pu, Q.M. Ge, L.P. Huang Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1295 Dingxi Road, Shanghai 200050, PR China Received 27 February 2003; received in revised form 2 September 2003; accepted 5 September 2003

Abstract b-Sialon powder was fabricated by carbothermal reduction–nitridation of natural Chinese Yixing kaolin at 1300–1550 8C in nitrogen atmosphere, using carbon black as a reducing agent. The effect of reaction temperature, holding time, nitrogen flow rate and the amount of carbon black on the synthesis of b-sialon powder and its solid solution degree (z value) have been investigated systematically. The phases of the reaction products are identified by XRD. The results indicate that the products of reaction are more sensitive to the reaction temperature than holding time. Nearly all b-sialon is produced at a temperature of 1450 8C for 6 h. Higher temperatures lead to the presence of SiC phase. A slight amount of carbon favors the carbothermal reduction of kaolin and excess carbon results in the conversion of b-sialon to SiC. The z value of b-sialon (Si6zAlzOzN8z) rises with the duration of holding time and varies from 2 to 2.8 as the holding time varies from 2 to 6 h at 1450 8C. # 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: A. Ceramics; B. Chemical synthesis; C. X-ray diffraction; D. Phase transitions

1. Introduction The b phase of sialon (b-sialon) is a very promising material because it has potential uses for various engineering ceramics and refractories. b-Sialon is a material that has high strength, good thermal-shock resistance, resistance against corrosion and erosion, and, particularly, superiority to silicon nitride in sinterability and oxidation resistance [1,2]. b-Sialon is generally prepared by sintering mixtures of Si3N4, Al2O3, AlN and SiO2 at T > 1500 8C [3,4], but also carbothermal reduction and nitridation of synthetic Al2O3/SiO2 mixtures, or of natural aluminosilicate minerals are used as starting materials for the synthesis of sialon ceramics [5–16]. Simultaneously, aluminothermic reduction and nitridation of aluminosilicates are also reported to produce sialon ceramics [17–19]. Recently, fly ashes and talc and halloysite clay mine schists have been *

Corresponding author. Tel.: þ86-21-52412990; fax: þ86-21-52413903. E-mail address: [email protected] (X.-J. Liu). 0025-5408/$ – see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.materresbull.2003.09.018


X.-J. Liu et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 1939–1948

used as starting materials to synthesis a/b-sialon’s by carbothermal reduction and nitridation [20–23]. Lee and Cutler [5] were the first to report the carbothermal reduction and simultaneous nitridation of a kaolin/carbon mixture to form b-sialon powder, for instance according to: 3ðAl2 O3  2SiO2  2H2 OÞ þ 15C þ 5N2 ðgÞ ! 2Si3 Al3 O3 N5 þ 15COðgÞ þ 6H2 OðgÞ Various aspects of this synthesis method for b-sialon powder have been studied by several investigators [5–16]. This method has the potential of being an economical production process, utilizing inexpensive and abundant natural raw materials, but the task of preparing pure, monophasic b-sialon powder by this route is difficult because this reaction goes through a number of consecutive and parallel steps. Van Dijen et al. [11] carried out a detailed study using clay–carbon mixtures to determine the effect of some reaction variables, including the nitrogen flow rate, temperature, and pellet size, on the reaction rate. They reported that a mixture of b-Si3N4, Al2O3, and AlN was obtained when the carbon content was stoichiometric and the nitrogen flow rate was high and that a mixture of b-Si3N4 and AlN formed instead of single phase b-sialon when the carbon content was much higher than the stoichiometric values. Yoshimatsu et al. [12] reacted mixtures of natural kaolin and carbon black between 1350 and 1500 8C and reported that the amounts of 15R, SiC and AlN phases formed were considerable at 1500 8C when the carbon content of the starting mixture was 20.37 wt.%. Lee et al. [7] used Korean kaolin and graphite as starting materials to produce b-sialon powder by heating the mixture at 1350 8C for 10 h in an 80% N2–20% H2 atmospheres and observed small amounts of Al2O3, AlN, and 15R together with b-sialon in the reaction product. Lee and Cutler [5] used sedimentary kaolin and commercial carbon black as starting materials to form b-sialon in nitrogen and obtained a single phase b0 powder at <1450 8C and a mixture of SiC and AlN at >1450 8C. It is reported that the addition of too little carbon results in Al2O3 and sialon, and too much carbon results in sialon and 15R phase. The carbon content must be controlled within 0.5% to obtain sialon free from either Al2O3 or 15R phases. Hoch and Nair [13] prepared b-sialon powder by reaction nitridition of ultrafine homogeneous mixtures of Al(OH)3 and SiO2 gel prepared by the alkoxide process with anhydrous ammonia at 1000–1500 8C. They obtained single phase b-sialon only when the Si:Al starting ratio was 1:1 and b-sialon þ Al2 O3 when the Si:Al ratio was 1:2. Cho and Charles [14] prepared b-sialon by reacting kaolin–carbon mixtures at 1400–1500 8C in flowing nitrogen and obtained single phase bsialon powders only when the kaolin/carbon ratio in the starting mixtures was accurately controlled. When the carbon content in the starting mixture was 13.8 wt.%, the reaction product was mainly b0 with small amounts of X, Al2O3, and aluminum oxynitride. As the carbon content increased, the amounts of X, Al2O3, and aluminum oxynitride phases decreased and at 19.4 wt.% C, none of these phases was detected by XRD analysis, although a small amount of 15R phase was detected. A further increase of carbon content increased the amount of 15R phase formed. A very high carbon content (23 wt.%) resulted in a mixture of b-Si3N4 and AlN with a small amount of 15R phase rather than single phase b0 . So far, there has been limited investigation on the fabrication of single phase b-sialon from natural aluminosilicate minerals. In this study, however, Chinese Yixing kaolin was used as raw material to produce single phase b-sialon powder by carbothermal reduction and nitridation. The influence of reaction temperature, holding time, N2 flow rate and the amount of carbon black on the formation of bsialon powder and its solid solution degree (z value) have been investigated in detail. The particle size distribution of b-sialon powder is also reported.

X.-J. Liu et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 1939–1948


Table 1 Chemical composition of kaolin Oxide










Content (wt.%)











Loss on ignition.

2. Experimental procedure The raw material used in this study was Chinese Yixing kaolin that was commercially available from Yixing Town of Jiangsu Province in China. X-ray diffraction showed that the kaolin consisted mainly of halloysite. Table 1 gives the composition of the kaolin, based on elemental chemical analysis for Si and Al and on X-ray fluorescence (PW2404 X-ray Fluorescence Analysis, Philips) for the other elements. The kaolin ores were crushed and milled to pass a 200-mesh screen. Carbon black with a specific surface area of 45.2 m2 g1 was used as a reducing agent. The kaolin was mixed with 2% of Fe2O3 in weight as a catalyst, in the form of Fe(NO3)3 solutions, to accelerate the carbothermal reduction and nitridation of kaolin. The content of carbon black used was more or less the stoichiometric amount necessary for the above chemical reaction equation. The mixture was ball-milled in water medium for 24 h in a plastic container. After having been subsequently dried and uniaxially pressed into cylindrical pellets, they were then simultaneously reduced and nitrided for 2–6 h at 1300–1550 8C under a controlled flow of N2 atmosphere in a vertical graphite furnace. The phase composition of the reaction products was identified by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD, Guinier-Ha¨ gg camera) with CuKa radiation and Si as the internal standard. The cell parameters of b-sialon were calculated by the PIRUM program. The z value of the b-sialon phase was the mean of za and zc calculated from the cell parameters by the equations [9]: a ¼ 7:603 þ 0:0296z ð—Þ

c ¼ 2:907 þ 0:0255z ð—Þ

The particle size distributions of b-sialon powder were measured using laser particle size analyzer (LS230, Beckman Coulter Co., USA). As shown in Fig. 1, it was obvious that the particle sizes were slightly reduced during the carbothermal reduction–nitridation reaction.

Fig. 1. Particle size distributions of Yixing kaolin and as-prepared b-sialon powder.


X.-J. Liu et al. / Materials Research Bulletin 38 (2003) 1939–1948

3. Results and discussion 3.1. Effect of reaction temperature and holding time The stoichiometric mixtures were reduced and nitrided at 1300–1550 8C for 2–6 h under N2 atmosphere of 2.5 l min1. The XRD patterns of the synthesized product were shown in Fig. 2. The resultant compositions at different reaction temperature with various holding times are displayed in Fig. 3, which were estimated from the XRD patterns. As was shown in Fig. 2b, kaolin phase disappeared when the mixtures were reacted at 1300 8C for 2 h, which demonstrated that kaolin had been transformed into mullite before reactive temperature of 1300 8C is reached. The major phases present were mullite along with b-sialon as the minor phase. The holding time did not change the composition of the reaction product but only their proportions (see Figs. 2b and 3a). Increasing the reaction temperature to 1350 8C (as shown in Figs. 2c and 3a) the amount of mullite decreased and that of b-sialon increased and further increased with the prolongation of the reactive holding times. In addition, trace amounts of alumina were present at 1350 8C. At 1450 8C, b-sialon was the dominant product with small amounts of Al2O3 and the b-sialon content increased with increasing reaction holding times (see Figs. 2d and 3b). The conversion of the reactant to b-sialon was complete and the resultant product was mostly b-sialon when the mixtures had been carbothermal reduced at 1450 8C for 6 h. If the reaction temperature was raised to 1550 8C for 2 h, a small amount of SiC phase was present associated with a large proportion of b-sialon, as indicated in Fig. 2e. The phase compositions at different reaction temperatures disagree with that of Cho et al. who reacted kaolin–carbon mixtures containing a stoichiometric amount of carbon at 1400–1500 8C in flowing nitrogen. They reported the product formed at 1400 8C contained the phases b0 , mullite, aluminum oxynitride, b-SiC, and 15R. At

Fig. 2. XRD patterns of the resultant product fabricated from kaolin at 1300–1550 8C for 2–6 h under nitrogen atmosphere of 2.5 l min1. That of kaolin also is present for comparison. (&: Kaolin, *: mullite, *: b-sialon, ~: Al2O3, ~: SiC.)

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Fig. 3. The phases at different reaction temperature with various holding times, estimated from the XRD results.

1450 8C, b0 phase was the dominant product with small amounts of aluminum oxynitride and 15R. At 1500 8C, the reaction product consisted of 15R, b0 , and AlN [14]. However, Panda et al. [15] have shown that mullite, silicon oxynitride and X-sialon phases are present at low temperatures (1550 and 1600 8C), while b-sialon, Al2O3, AlN, and SiC are present at high temperature (1650 and 1700 8C) in the carbothermal reduction of kaolinite under nitrogen atmosphere. The discrepancy of the resultant phase compositions between these studies and the present work might result from the difference in starting material and reaction temperatures. From these experimental results, it can be concluded that the carbothermal reduction reaction of kaolin is mainly completed when the temperature is held at


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Fig. 4. Nitrogen percentages refer to the theoretical nitrogen uptake of b-sialon synthesized at 1450 8C for various holding times.

1450 8C for 6 h, and higher temperatures lead to the presence of SiC phase. It seems from the results of the present experiment that the formation of b-sialon powder is more sensitive to reaction temperature than holding time and the amount of b-sialon rises from 31 to 92% when the reaction temperature changed from 1300 to 1450 8C for 6 h, as illustrated in Fig. 3c. All nitrogen percentages refer to the percentage of theoretical nitrogen uptake of b-sialon powders synthesized at 1450 8C for various holding times were given in Fig. 4, which showed the reduction–nitridation reaction of kaolin had been gradually finished and the nitrogen percentage was progressively close to the theoretical ones with increasing the holding time. b-Sialons are phases of hexagonal crystalline structure derived from b-Si3N4 corresponding to the formula Si6zAlzOzN8z, where z is the degree of b-Si3N4 solid solution, ranging from 0 to 4.2 generally [24,25]. At z ¼ 2, the formula is Si4Al2O2N6 and the theoretical nitrogen percentage is: N ¼ 30 wt.% at z ¼ 3; Si3 Al3 O3 N5 ; N ¼ 24:7 wt:% at z ¼ 0; Si3 N4 ; N ¼ 40:0 wt:% The chemical analysis showed that the nitrogen content of b-sialon prepared at 1450 8C for 6 h was 22.1 wt.% which was about 90% of the theoretical nitrogen uptake. 3.2. Effect of carbon content and nitrogen flow rate The effect of carbon content on the carbothermal reduction–nitridation of kaolin was investigated in detail under the same conditions (nitrogen flow rate of 2 l min1 and reaction temperature of 1450 8C for 6 h). When the carbon content was less 10% of the stoichiometric amount, the reaction product was b-sialon with a little mullite, which showed the carbon content was not enough to finish the reduction reaction. Mullite phase disappeared and the reaction was thoroughly completed at stoichiometry or when 5% excess carbon was used. The latter (5% excess carbon) produced a little more b-sialon powder than the former. With further increase of carbon content to over 10%, a small amount of silicon carbon (SiC) was present in the product along with b-sialon. The present results are consistent with that of Gilbert and Mosset [20]. They prepared b-sialon from coal-mine schists by carbothermal reduction

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under nitrogen and showed that the reaction led to mullite even at 1500 8C if the carbon percentage was too low (10 mass%). The preparation of b-sialon as a unique phase was possible with 30 mass% of carbon at 1400 8C. If the carbon content was too high (40 mass%), SiC was formed in large amounts, whatever the temperature and the reaction time [20]. These results together with the results of the present experiment indicate that a slight amount of carbon favors the carbothermal reduction of kaolin and excessive carbon results in the conversion of b-sialon to SiC. In the carbothermal reduction–nitridation of kaolin, the role of N2 gas is dual. A small portion of N2 takes part in the reaction as a reactant and the greater portion of N2 is used as a carrier to carry the produced CO(g) (see Section 3.3) away in order to suppress forming SiC phase. For rapid formation of b-sialon CO(g) must be efficiently removed from the sample. The flow rate of N2 can be controlled by gas flow meter to regulate the partial pressure of N2 in the system conveniently. The resultant products of 1450 8C for 6 h at different N2 flow rate were identified by XRD. At low flow rates, the concentration of N2 in the system is low, and thus, the reaction rate of kaolin reduction and nitridation is slow, which results in the reaction being not thoroughly completed and mullite generally emerging. Simultaneously, at higher reaction temperatures, lower flow rate of N2 would bring about the appearance of SiC, which results from higher partial pressure of SiO(g). The latter is one of the intermediate compounds for the fabrication of b-sialon from kaolin [9,14,16]. Zheng and Forslund show that an elevated nitrogen pressure effectively suppressed SiC formation [9]. At lower concentration of N2 gas, N2 can not remove SiO(g) efficiently so that the partial pressure of SiO(g) rises. To a certain degree, SiO(g) can be transformed into SiC phase as follows: SiOðgÞ þ 2C ! SiC þ COðgÞ The nitrogen flow rate not only influences the reaction rate, but also changes the phase compositions of the reaction products. In order to advance the syntheses of b-sialon and to prevent the presence of SiC, the nitrogen flow rate must be retained at higher levels, i.e. a high gas flow rate must be used. The experimental results showed the flow rate of N2 at 2 l min1 was appropriate to the preparation of monophasic b-sialon powder by the carbothermal reduction and nitridation of Chinese Yixing kaolin. 3.3. Formation mechanism and z value of b-sialon Kaolin, a formula of Al2O32SiO22H2O, contains two crystalline waters, which can be affirmed by its differential thermal analysis (DTA) curve. Cho and Charles [14] reported that kaolinite loses chemical water at about 450 8C to form metakaolinite. However, the present experiment shows from the DTA curve of kaolin an endothermic peak emerges at about 570 8C due to loss of one water molecular and an exothermic peak presents at about 980 8C due to loss of another water molecular, as indicated in Fig. 5. The process can be described as follows: Al2 O3  2SiO2  2H2 O ! Al2 O3  2SiO2 þ 2H2 O With increasing the reactive temperature, kaolin can be mullited: 3ðAl2 O3  2SiO2 Þ ! 3Al2 O3  2SiO2 ðmulliteÞ þ 4SiO2 ðcolloidÞ In order to confirm this, a mixture of kaolin and carbon black in stoichiometric proportions was reacted at 1300 8C for 2 h in Ar rather than N2 atmosphere. The XRD analysis demonstrated the produced batch was composed of mullite associated with heavy background spectrum (see Fig. 6), which indicated


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Fig. 5. DTA curve of kaolin.

colloidal SiO2 present. Above 1300 8C, the mullite product was reduced and nitrided to b-sialon having a lower z value. The reaction can be written as: 3Al2 O3  2SiO2 þ 10SiO2 þ 27C þ 9N2 ! 3Si4 Al2 O2 N6 ðz ¼ 2Þ þ 27CO or 2ð3Al2 O3  2SiO2 Þ þ 9C þ 3N2 ! Si4 Al2 O2 N6 ðz ¼ 2Þ þ 5Al2 O3 þ 9CO b-Sialon fabricated from kaolin at 1350 8C in our case had z value of 2, which agreed with that of Mukerji and Bandyopadhyay’s results [6]. The z value may depend mainly on the starting mixtures and their reaction conditions. Yoshimatsu et al. [12] prepared b-sialon powder having a value of z ¼ 3:0 by heating mixtures of Al2O3SiO22H2O and carbon in N2 at 1470 8C. Lee et al. [7] prepared b-sialon powder having a value of z ¼ 2:5 by heating mixtures of Korean kaolin and graphite at 1350 8C for 10 h in an 80% N2–20% H2 atmosphere. Mazzoni and Aglietti [16] reported that z values between 2.5 and 3.5 were obtained for the cyanite-andalusite minerals. The present study reveals the duration of the holding time contributes to the rise of z value and z value changes from 2 to 2.8 as the holding time varies from 2 to 6 h at 1450 8C, as illustrated in Fig. 7. This could result from the fact that b-sialon with

Fig. 6. XRD pattern of the produced batch at 1300 8C for 2 h in Ar condition.

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Fig. 7. The z value of b-sialon prepared at 1450 8C as a function of the holding time.

lower z value can further react with produced alumina to form b-sialon having a higher z value at higher temperature. The longer the duration of holding time is, the more the alumina is incorporated into the cell of b-sialon and the higher z value. The reaction that takes place is as follows: 3Si4 Al2 O2 N6 ðz ¼ 2Þ þ 3Al2 O3 þ 3C þ N2 ! 4Si3 Al3 O3 N5 ðz ¼ 3Þ þ 3CO

4. Conclusions Single phase b-sialon powder can be produced by carbothermal reduction–nitridation of cheap, natural kaolin at 1450 8C for 6 h, using carbon black as a reducing agent, under nitrogen atmosphere and a gas flow rate of 2.5 l min1. The reaction is sensitive to the reaction temperature in comparison with holding time. The reaction is finished when the reaction temperature is held at 1450 8C for 6 h, and the nitrogen content of the corresponding product is 22.1 wt.% that is about 90% of the theoretical nitrogen uptake. Excessively high reaction temperatures lead to the presence of SiC phase. A slight amount of carbon, e.g. excess 5%, favors the carbothermal reduction of kaolin and excess carbon, e.g. excess 10%, results in the conversion of b-sialon to SiC. In order to advance the syntheses of b-sialon and to prevent the presence of SiC impurity, the nitrogen flow rate must be retained at a high level, e.g. a flow rate of 2 l min1. The duration of the holding time contributes to the rise of z value and z value varies from 2 to 2.8 as the holding time varies from 2 to 6 h at 1450 8C. Acknowledgements Authors would like to acknowledge ‘‘The Science & Technology Development Foundation of Shanghai Municipality’’ of the People’s Republic of China for its financial support (Grant No. 015211068, 0152 nm 031). References [1] S. Dutta, Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 59 (6) (1980) 623–625.


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