460 FACULTY OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF GLASGOW. with tl-t., receipt for the fee paid for the First Professional Examination, must be lodged, not ...

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with tl-t., receipt for the fee paid for the First Professional Examination, must be lodged, not later than 9 A.M. of the Tuesday preceding the examination day, in the hands of the treasurer..655s. will be returned to unsuccessful candidates. Candidates who have passed the First Examination of the College in Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry, and registered practitioners as defined previously, will be admissible to the Second Professional Examination on producing certificates of the whole course of study, of having passed their Preliminary and First Professional Examinations, and of having been registered. If any of the three subjects of the First Examination have been omitted, such candidates will have to undergo the First Examination on the omitted subjects ; and none of the subjects set down will be omitted at the Second Examination, even if some of them should have formed part of the First Examination by another board. The fee is £15 15s. Unsuccessful candidates under this regulation receive back £11 11s. Nocandidate will be admissible to examination who has been rejected by any other licensing board within the three months preceding his application to be examined. The Dental Diploma.-Every candidate for the Dental Diploma must have attended the general lectures and courses of instruction required at a university or an established medical school recognised by the College as qualifying for the diploma in Surgery. The speciat courses of instruction may have been followed in a recognised dental hospital or school, or by teachers recognised by the College. The examinations will be both written and oral, and be conducted in the same manner as the ordinary surgical examinations. Candidates for the Dental Diploma must produce evidence of having attained the age of twenty-one years, and will be required to produce a certificate of having passed the Preliminary Examination in General Education required for the ordinary licence in Surgery, or an examination equivalent to this, and recognised by the General Medical Council, except in the case of candidates who shall have eommenced their professional education previous to the 1st day of


August, 1878.

Candidates will also be required to produce certificates having been engaged dnriug four years in the acquirement professional knowledge, and of having been during that period, or at some time previous to their examination, engaged for not less than three years in the acquirement of a practical knowledge of Mechanical Dentistry with a practitioner registered under this Act. The fee for the diploma is £10 lOs.

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The Professional Examinations are held at four periodsin January, April, July, and October. The following are the dates at which the examinations will begin in 1884-85: Oct. 20tb, 1884; Jan. 13tb, April 21st, July 14th, 1885. No one is admissible to the Examination for the Single Licence of the Faculty unless he is registered as a Licentiate of one of the Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom or a Graduate in Medicine of a British or Irish University. Candidates who passed the Primary Examination of the Faculty before July 20th, 1884, will be admitted to the Final Examination on the rules in force before that date, provided they present themselves previous to December 31st, 1886, The Examination embraces the following subjects:Surgery (including Operative and Clinical Surgery) and Surgical Anatomy, Clinical Medicine, Midwifery, and Medical Jurisprudence. The production of the candidate’s diploma will be received as evidence that he has attended the curriculum of study required for the degree or licence which he halds; bnt if the curriculum of the Faculty is in any subject in excess of that covered by the diploma produced, to that extent the applicant will be called upon to submit direct evidence of study. A schedule in which to tabulate the course of study attended may be had on appli. cation. This schedule should be sent to the Secretary at least one week before the day of examination. The fee is fifteen guineas, of which the sum of eleven guineas is returned to the candidate in the event of his being remitted to his studies. The fee is payable at the time of entering for examination. Candidates rejected by another board are not admissible till the expiry of six months from the date of rejection. Certificate of Qualification in Public flealth.-Candidates may he admitted to examination before they have obtained a qualification to practise ; but in no case shall the certificate be granted till the candidate is registered under the Medical Act. The examinations are written, oral, and practical. The examination is divided into two parts. Part I. comprises Chemistry, Physics, and Meteorology; Part II. includes Medicine in its bearings on Sanitary Science ; Sanitary Law, and Vital Statistic:’. The fee is eight guineas, of which three guineas shall b3 payable on enteriug for the first part, three guineas on enter. ing for the second part, and two guineas on obtaining the certificate. The examination will be held on the following dates:First part-16th April, and 23rd July, 1885. The examination for the second part will be held two days subsequent to these dates.


KING AND QUEEN’S COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ROYAL COLLEGES OF PHYSICIANS AND IN IRELAND. SURGEONS, EDINBURGH. Examinations in the subjects of the First Professional The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and theExamination are held quarterly, in January, April, July, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, have made arrange-and October. Examinations in the subjects of the Final ments by which, after one series of examinations, the student Examination for the licence in Medicine of the College and may obtain the diplomas of both Colleges. The general jfor the licence in Midwifery are held in the week following principle of this joint examination is, that it shall be con-the first Friday in each month, except August and September. ducted by a board in which each body is represented in those Every candidate for a licence must return his name to the branches which are common to both medicine and surgery ; Registrar ] of the College, and lodge with him his certificates, but that the College of Physicians shall take exclusive bank (Royal Bank of Ireland) receipt of fees, and his charge of the examination in Medicine, and the College ofschedule, at least four days before the first Friday in each Surgeons of the examination in Surgery. The object of the month. Licence in -Iledicine. -Every candidate for the licence of joint examination is to give to students facilities for obtaining from two separate bodies, and at less expense, a qualifi-the College to practise Medicine must produce satisfactory cation in Medicine and a qualification in Surgery. Studentsevidence-1. Of character, from a Fellow of the College, or passing that examination successfnlly will be enabled tofrom two registered practitioners. 2. Of having passed an register two qualitications under the Medical Act-Licentiateexamination in general education, held by some one of the of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh andexamining bodies recognised by the General Medical Council, Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. 3. Of having been engaged during a period of four years in the study of Medicine. 4. Of having attended courses of on the following subjects, at schools recognised by FACULTY OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF lectures the College : Practical Anatomy, two courses; Physiology GLASGOW. or Institutes of Medicine, Chemistry, Practical Chemistry, B Materia Examinations in General Literature, in acMedica, Medical Jurisprudence, Practice of Medi. Preliminary c and Pathology, Surgery, and Midwifery-each, one cordance with the regulations of the General Council, will be cine c 5. Of having attended for twenty-seven monthsa held in the Faculty Hall during the session 1884-85 on the course. r following Fridays, commencing at 9 o’clock-namely, recognised Medico-Chirurgical Hospital, in which clinical October 17th, 1884, March 26th, June 25th, and October 1’lectures and clinical instruction in Medicine are given, the 8th, 1885 ; and on each occasion the examination will be aattendance not to be for more than nine months in any one six winter, and three summer months. 6. Of continued on the succeeding days. The fee for the exami- year-viz., y b nation and certificate is 10s. having discharged the duties of Medical Clinical Clerk during s The course of study is the same as that for the Royal Col. six months, or of having taken notes, to the satisfaction of t physician in charge of the case, and certified under his the lege of Surgeons of Edinburgh,