EDITORIAL FlFI'EENTH ANNVAL MEETING, AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CHEST PHYSICIANS The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians wil...

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EDITORIAL FlFI'EENTH ANNVAL MEETING, AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CHEST PHYSICIANS The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians will be held in Atlantic City, June 2 through 5, 1949, under the Presidency of Dr. Richard H. Overholt. Those who have attended the past meetings know of the enthusiasm and interest which characterize these active meetings. Study of the preliminary program published in this issue of the journal of Diseases of the Chest will reveal that the high standards of the past programs have been maintained in both subject matter and participants. Popular features of the previous programs such as the round table luncheons will be repeated, while new features have been added. In general, the subject matter has been arranged under broad classifications, for example, the surgical session will be held Sunday afternoon while principal discussion of chemotherapy will be Friday morning. The always popular x-ray conference will be held Saturday afternoon under the direction of Dr. M. C. Sosman of Boston. A new feature of the program will be a motion picture session Friday evening, June 3. A group of films will be shown dealing with the many p)1ases of diseases of the chest. Of special interest will be a ten minute resume of the outstanding work of the year in each of the various sub-specialties of diseases of the chest. The resumes will be given by a leader in each field to brieny cover points of major interest as well as the advances made in his field during the past year. The program committee has been fortunate in having an unusually wide variety of subjects to choose from in preparing the present program. This is due to the scientific interest and investigative spirit of the members of the College and review of the program will give evidence of this clinical and research activity. This year's program has been integrated with that of the Section on Diseases of the Chest of the American Medical Association through the cooperation of its chairman, Major General S. U. Marietta, and its Secretary, Dr. Jay Arthur Myers. Members of the College are urged to remain in Atlantic City for the inaugural session of the new Section on Diseases of the Chest and to view the exhibits being prepared for this new Section. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the program committee, namely, Drs . Edgar Davis, Juan R. Herradora, Edwin R. Levine, Herman J . Moersch, Leo G. Rigler and Harold G. Trimble, for their fine cooperation in preparing the annual program of the College. Paul H. Holinger, M.D., Chairman, Committee on Scientific Program. 487