Flavor research and food acceptance. Sponsored by Arthur D. Little, Inc. Reinhold Publishing Co., New York, 1958. vi + 391 pp. 15.5 × 23 cm. Price $10

Flavor research and food acceptance. Sponsored by Arthur D. Little, Inc. Reinhold Publishing Co., New York, 1958. vi + 391 pp. 15.5 × 23 cm. Price $10

888 J O U R N A L O F THE AMERICAN P H A R M A C E U T I C A L ASSOCIATION \'()I. s L \ . I I . Thhs Infra-red Spectra of Complex ilfolecules. 2nd...

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Thhs Infra-red

Spectra of Complex ilfolecules. 2nd ed. By L. J. BELLAMY.John Wiley &Sons, 125 pp. 11 s IIIC., New York, 1958. s v 21.5 cin. Price $8. This book presents a critical review of the data on which infrared spectral correlations are based, indicating the classes of compounds which have been studied in each instance and the known factors which can iufluencc the frequencies or intensities of characteristic bands. Groups of compounds containing common structural units are emphasized.


Atlas of Microorgunisms: The Pcnicillia. By SHICEO ABE. Kanehara Shuppaii Co., Ltd., Tokyo, 1957. xv 322 pp. 91 x 29.5 cm. This book, in English and Japanese, presents a classification of t h e penicillia, according to their growth characteristics, and gives concise dcscriptions of 6 8 members of t h e genus. Excellent black-and-white and beautifully reproduced color photographs of the plate cultures are included in the descriptions. This book should be available to teachers and students of microbiology.


A n Introduction to the Chemistry of Fats and Fatty Acids. B y F. D. GUNSTONE.John Wile). & Sons, Inc., New York, 1958. x 161 pp. 15.5 x 24 cm. Price 26. This book, intended as a text for students and teachers, presents a rather selective coverage of the subject. The text material is divided under the following main headings: T h e fatty acids, Chemical nature of fats, Physicdl properties of fats and fatty acids, Chemical properties, Synthesis and utilization of fats in living orgmisnis, and Chief technical applications of fats.


Manual of Pharnaaceutical L a w . 2nd. ed. By WILLIAM PETTIT. T h e Macrnillan Co., New 303 pp. 13.5 x 20 CIII. York, 1957. ix Price $4.50. This book is one of t h e few in the United States covering this phase of pharmacy. T h e text proper covers eight main areas: Powers to Regulate Pharmacy; Boards, Licensing, Stores; Control of Narcotics; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Acts; Other Drug Laws; Contracts of Pharmacists; Pharmacists' Liability for Torts; and Business Units and Applicable Laws. The appendix carries, for easy and quick reference, ( a ) the uniform and model State Laws (Uniform Narcotic Drug Act, Model Hypnotic Drug Act) ( b ) the important Federal Laws (Narcotic; Food, Drug, and Cosmetic, PHS Biological Products Act, and the Caustic Poison Act), and ( c ) a two page glossary of 46 of the more elementary legal words or terms. This second edition was undertaken to bring the text current with the many changes in the statutes occurring since the appearance of t h e first edition in 1949. Like t h e first edition, the text should prove of value t o student and practitioner alike who has need for specific legal reference material in the field of pharmaceutical jurisprudence. The text,


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quite obviously, is not intended, nor should it be so considered, as one t h a t is deeply complex in any of the legal areas covered, nor does it cover a l l arcas of legal interest to pharmacists practicing in specialized areas. For example, the laws affecting pharmacy services in hospitals such as thc Charitnblc Trust Imniunity Doctrine, etc., are not covered. In the opinion o f the reviewer, the purpose of the text is to give the lay person an insight to the complexities of law in many of the every day situations involving the practitioner o f pharmacy. T h e second edition is larger by some 130 pages than the last edition an d follows somewhat the same format.

Signs, Symptoms. and Treatment of Certain Acute Intoxications. By William B. Deichmann and Horace W. Gerarde. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, 111.. 1958. xv 154 pp. 12 X '73 cm. Price $3.75. This handy-sized book is designed for quick reference by the physician in cases of poisoning. The first part of the book (23 pages) reviews first aid procedures and materials. P a r t 2 is an alphabetical list of chemicals with signs, sqrnptoms, and treatment indicated.


The New Chemotherapy in Mental Illness. By H. L. GORDON,M.D. Philosophical Library, Inc., New York, 1958. xvii 762 pp. 15.5 x 23 cm. Price $12. This work reviews the multiple experiences with tranquilizing drugs of 167 medical experts. Their experiences in treating such psychiatric disorders as schizophrenia, maniac-depression. neuroses, mental retardation, senility, and man) others are presented in a n interesting manner.


Flavor Research and Food Acceptance. Sponsored by ARTHURD. LITTLE,INC. Reinhold Publishing Co., New York, 1958. vi 391 pp. 15.5 x 23 cm. Price$lO. This book is based on a series of four symposia sponsored by one of the pioneers in flavor research. I t furnishes heretofore unavailable information developed by various research centers in sensory testing, consumer testing, psychology, physiology, and chemistry applied to flavors. While i t is directed particularly to t h e food industry, there is much t h a t should interest those in the pharmaceutical industry concerned with flavoring medicinal products.


Separalion and Purification of ilfaterrals. By ROLT HAMMOND.Philosophical Library, Inc , New York, 1958. x 327 pp. 14 x 21 5 cni. Price $10. This volume covers sold-solid, solid-liquid, solid-gas, liquid-liquid, liquid-gas, and gas-gas systems. In a final chapter, preparation and purification in nuclear engineering are discussed. Particular attention has been given to atmospheric pollution both by sulfur compounds and by dust.
