Formation of basic performance properties of wheeled vehicles in braking mode

Formation of basic performance properties of wheeled vehicles in braking mode

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Transportation Research Procedia 50 (2020) 130–135 Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000

XIV International Conference 2020 SPbGASU “Organization and safety of traffic in large cities”

Formation of basic performance properties of wheeled vehicles in braking“Organization mode and safety of traffic in large cities” XIV International Conference 2020 SPbGASU Dygalo*, Mikhail Lyashenko, Viktor Shekhovtsov FormationVladislav of basic performance properties of wheeled vehicles in Volgograd State Technical University, 28 Lening Prosp., Volgograd, 400005, Russia braking mode Abstract

Vladislav Dygalo*, Mikhail Lyashenko, Viktor Shekhovtsov Volgograd State Technical University, 28 Lening Prosp., Volgograd, 400005, Russia

When designing a wheeled vehicle, the designer’s task is to form its performance properties in various modes of movement. Due to the necessity to ensure maximum deceleration in given road conditions and, consequently, maximum (or relatively equal to maximum) braking forces on the wheels, the movement of a wheeled vehicle in the braking mode acquires a special status. It is Abstract known that such important performance properties of vehicles as braking dynamics, on the one hand, as well as stability and control, on the other hand, are in opposite conditions in terms of relative wheel slip. Thus, the improvement of some properties by changing When designing a wheeled vehicle, the designer’s task is to form its performance properties in various modes of movement. Due the relative slip leads to the deterioration of others. Therefore, when forming the performance properties of vehicles in the braking to the necessity to ensure maximum deceleration in given road conditions and, consequently, maximum (or relatively equal to mode, the designer faces the task of choosing a reasonable compromise, to achieve which it is usually necessary to sacrifice braking maximum) braking forces on the wheels, the movement of a wheeled vehicle in the braking mode acquires a special status. It is dynamics to ensure the required stability and control. The main task of forming performance properties is to determine to what known that such important performance properties of vehicles as braking dynamics, on the one hand, as well as stability and control, extent this sacrifice will be justified (without maintaining stability, it makes no sense to talk about braking dynamics). Thus, due on the other hand, are in opposite conditions in terms of relative wheel slip. Thus, the improvement of some properties by changing to the selection of the control structure on individual axles of a motor vehicle (especially for multi-axle cars and road trains), it is the relative slip leads to the deterioration of others. Therefore, when forming the performance properties of vehicles in the braking possible to ensure the required turnability and the formation of the performance properties in the braking mode, depending on the mode, the designer faces the task of choosing a reasonable compromise, to achieve which it is usually necessary to sacrifice braking operating conditions and design of the motor vehicle (mainly, the speed range and layout features). Studies show that almost the dynamics to ensure the required stability and control. The main task of forming performance properties is to determine to what same performance properties can be achieved with significantly fewer elements of an automated system, which certainly has an extent this sacrifice will be justified (without maintaining stability, it makes no sense to talk about braking dynamics). Thus, due economic impact. This is particularly important for multi-axle cars and road trains. One of the tools for control structure analysis to the selection of the control structure on individual axles of a motor vehicle (especially for multi-axle cars and road trains), it is is virtual-physical modeling technology possible to ensure the required turnability and the formation of the performance properties in the braking mode, depending on the Keywords: performance properties; wheeled vehicle; braking mode; anti-lock braking system. operating conditions design by of ELSEVIER the motor vehicle © 2020 The Authors.and Published B.V. (mainly, the speed range and layout features). Studies show that almost the This isperformance an open access article under CC BY-NC-ND license ( same properties can bethe achieved with significantly fewer elements of an automated system, which certainly has an Peer-review under This responsibility of the important scientific committee of thecars XIVand International Conference and economic impact. is particularly for multi-axle road trains. One of the2020 toolsSPbGASU for control“Organization structure analysis 1. Background safety of traffic in large cities”technology is virtual-physical modeling Keywords: performance properties; wheeled vehicle; braking mode; anti-lock braking system.

When designing a wheeled vehicle, the designer’s task is to form its technical and performance properties in various modes of movement. Technical properties include reliability, repairability, fuel efficiency, environmental safety, etc.; performance properties include control, autonomy, availability of electronic assistants, integration into the transport 1. Background When designing a wheeled vehicle, the designer’s task is to form its technical and performance properties in various modes of movement. Technical properties include reliability, repairability, fuel efficiency, environmental safety, etc.; * Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-905-334-84-55. performance properties include control, autonomy, availability of electronic assistants, integration into the transport E-mail address: [email protected]

2352-1465 © 2020 Vladislav Dygalo, Mikhail Lyashenko, Viktor Shekhovtsov. Published by ELSEVIER B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( * Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-905-334-84-55. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the XIV International Conference 2020 SPbGASU “Organization and safety of E-mail address: traffic in large cities”[email protected] 2352-1465 © © 2020 2020Vladislav The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER 2352-1465 Dygalo, Mikhail Lyashenko, ViktorB.V. Shekhovtsov. Published by ELSEVIER B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the XIV International Conference 2020 SPbGASU “Organization and Peer-review underinresponsibility safety of traffic large cities”of the scientific committee of the XIV International Conference 2020 SPbGASU “Organization and safety of traffic in large cities” 10.1016/j.trpro.2020.10.016


Vladislav Dygalo et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 50 (2020) 130–135 Vladislav Dygalo, Mikhail Lyashenko, Viktor Shekhovtsov / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000


system, etc. These properties also determine the safety and economy of vehicle operation and methods for ensuring traffic safety (Brylev et al. 2018, Danilov et al. 2018, 2020, Evtiukov et al. 2018a, 2018b, Ginzburg et al. 2017, Kerimov et al. 2017, Kerimov et al. 2015a, Kerimov et al. 2015b, Kravchenko and Oleshchenko 2017, Kuraksin et al. 2017, Shemyakin, and Kuraksin 2016, Kurakina et al. 2018, Marusin 2017a, 2017b, Marusin and Abliazov 2019, Marusin et al. 2018, 2019, 2020, Podoprigora et al. 2017, 2018, Pushkarev et al. 2018, Repin et al. 2018, Safiullin et al. 2016, 2018, 2019, Skorokhodov et al. 2020, Soo et al. 2020, Vorozheikin et al. 2019). Due to the necessity to ensure maximum deceleration in given road conditions and, consequently, maximum (or relatively equal to maximum) braking forces on the wheels, the movement of a wheeled vehicle in the braking mode acquires a special status. It is known that such important performance properties of vehicles as braking dynamics, on the one hand, as well as stability and control, on the other hand, are in opposite conditions in terms of relative wheel slip. Thus, the improvement of some properties by changing the relative slip leads to the deterioration of others. Therefore, when forming the performance properties of vehicles in the braking mode, the designer faces the task of choosing a reasonable compromise, to achieve which it is usually necessary to sacrifice braking dynamics to ensure the required stability and control. The main task of forming performance properties is to determine to what extent this sacrifice will be justified (without maintaining stability, it makes no sense to talk about braking dynamics). The permissible limit for reducing brake dynamics, compared to the maximum possible value, is defined by regulatory documents — Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 720 dd. September 10, 2009, Appendix No. 2 — and is equal to 75% (Government of the Russian Federation, 2009). The introduction and development of automated braking systems make it possible to use the φ(S) diagram optimally and perform braking of car wheels in the extremum area, thereby ensuring the ability of the wheel to take up a cornering force without sliding, while simultaneously striving to achieve the maximum adhesion coefficient in the longitudinal direction, which is the most important condition for ensuring stability and controllability when meeting the requirements of regulations (Government of the Russian Federation, 2009) for brake dynamics. One of the most difficult conditions for braking a wheeled vehicle is the uneven braking of the wheels on the sides, which leads to the appearance of a turning moment acting in the horizontal plane. It is usually caused, on the one hand, by the uneven action of the braking mechanisms due to various operational and technological reasons, and, on the other hand, by the transverse unevenness of the road surface’ adhesion coefficient (under actual operating conditions, we can speak only about the degree of this unevenness). 2. Solutions Previously, it was proved (Dygalo and Revin 2012) that by using different structures for controlling the braking moments on the wheels of a vehicle (IR, SLL, SLH, etc.), including flexible structures (MIR), as well as taking into account the driver’s ability to adjust the direction of movement in case of deviation of the heading angle or trajectory from the given direction, it is possible to achieve a compromise between basic performance properties. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the performance properties of a wheeled vehicle, such as stability and controllability, which are inherent in the design for normal driving modes, may change significantly in the braking mode. The main reason for this phenomenon is due to changes in turnability when implementing various brake control structures on the wheels of the same axles of a wheeled vehicle. Thus, the conducted research (Revin 2002) has shown that the use of a dependent low-threshold control structure (SSL) will ensure a greater coefficient of resistance to side slip, and, consequently, a smaller resulting wheel slip angle on the given axle. However, it reduces the share of the given axle in ensuring the braking dynamics of a wheeled vehicle as a whole. The use of an opposing independent control structure (IR), on the contrary, ensures maximum (following the quality of the operation algorithm) braking dynamics, but at the same time contributes to a decrease in the coefficient of wheel slip resistance, which leads to an increase in the wheel slip angle on the wheels of the given axle. Thus, due to the selection of the control structure on individual axles of a motor vehicle (especially for multi-axle cars and road trains), it is possible to ensure the required turnability and the formation of the performance properties in the braking mode, depending on the operating conditions and design of the motor vehicle (mainly, the speed range and layout features). Studies show that almost the same performance properties can be achieved with significantly


Vladislav Dygalo et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 50 (2020) 130–135 Vladislav Dygalo, Mikhail Lyashenko, Viktor Shekhovtsov / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000


fewer elements of an automated system, which certainly has an economic impact. This is particularly important for multi-axle cars and road trains. Interviews with representatives of automobile manufacturers indicate that the equipment of a vehicle with ABS or ESP and the selection of the brake control structure on the axles is entirely transferred to the contractor (manufacturer of the automated system), which, in our opinion, is a fundamental mistake since they focus on the operation algorithm of the automated system on the wheel and, as a rule, do not take into account the features of vehicle operation and the performance properties required in the braking mode. It leads to underutilization of the potential capabilities of a wheeled vehicle or excessive overload with automation elements. Therefore, the selection of the control structure for ABS on the vehicle axles to form vehicle performance properties in the braking mode is, certainly, the task of the designer. The ABS manufacturer must provide the required (in the opinion of the designer) characteristics of wheel braking (the ability to maintain the extremum of the φ(S) diagram and the range of changes in relative slip during regulation), which is primarily provided by the effectiveness of the implemented ABS operation algorithm (not to be confused with the control structure) and modulator characteristics. What means does the designer have to solve the problem of forming the performance properties of vehicles in the braking mode, if each trip to the automobile test site (following the requirements, tests shall be carried out under strictly defined conditions (Government of the Russian Federation, 2009)) is associated with significant time and financial losses, and also with troubleshooting at the early stages of design? The widespread use of modeling tools helps to solve this problem. However, when solving this particular problem, we can note the complexity of modeling the flow of the working fluid along the brake lines and in the modulator channels. When describing these processes, it is necessary to have a precise knowledge of a sufficiently large number of specific parameters of brake line elements to enable adequate modeling. Even minor deviations in parameters due to the manufacturing technology of modulator channels and valves may significantly affect the accuracy of describing the flow of the working fluid along the brake lines. Therefore, a promising direction is to replace the elements of the vehicle brake drive, which are most difficult to model, with a real object (including a prototype).


Vladislav Dygalo et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 50 (2020) 130–135 Vladislav Dygalo, Mikhail Lyashenko, Viktor Shekhovtsov / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000


Fig. 1. Oscillograms of operation on a test bench with real hydraulic units following the algorithm of emergency braking in a straight line from 100 km/h on a road with the transverse unevenness of the adhesion coefficient (µ = 0.9/0.45); RRW — right rear wheel, RFW — right front wheel, LFW — left front wheel, LRW — left rear wheel; WBC — wheel brake cylinder, MBC — master brake cylinder.

Such installations using virtual-physical modeling technology are called integrated simulators. They are successfully used both for individual solutions to improve the control algorithm based on models of the “wheel” class, and to justify the structure of brake control in a vehicle as a whole (models of the “chassis” class) — even with the participation of a driver-operator or analog (models of the “chassis plus driver” class) (Dygalo and Revin 2012). The implementation of such installations for a passenger car and the obtained oscillograms of the process of braking the wheels of a passenger car with ABS are shown in Figs. 1 and 2 as an example. 3. Conclusions In consideration of the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusions: • The basic performance properties of a wheeled vehicle in the braking mode can and should be formed with the use of a brake control structure (installation scheme). • The task of forming the basic performance properties of a wheeled vehicle in the braking mode should be the responsibility of the designer of the wheeled vehicle, and not the supplier of automation elements. • To reduce the time spent on the design of an automated brake system significantly, automobile plants should have modern test-bench equipment at their production sites, applying virtual-physical modeling technology and making it possible to test the automated brake system following an alternative method (adopted since 2016) in conditions as close as possible to real ones.


Vladislav Dygalo et al. / Transportation Research Procedia 50 (2020) 130–135 Vladislav Dygalo, Mikhail Lyashenko, Viktor Shekhovtsov / Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2019) 000–000


Fig. 2. Results of field tests on emergency braking in a straight line from 100 km/h on a road with the transverse unevenness of the adhesion coefficient (µ = 0.9/0.45); MBC — master brake cylinder.

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