Formulation of multiple-choice situations in linear programming models using binary coding matrices
linear prograrraning matrices D i e t e : B. P R E S S M A R UniversitSt Hamburg, Imtitut fOr Unternehmensforschung, Von-Melte-Park 5, D-2000 Hambu...
linear prograrraning matrices D i e t e : B. P R E S S M A R UniversitSt Hamburg, Imtitut fOr Unternehmensforschung, Von-Melte-Park 5, D-2000 Hamburg 13, Germany, Fed Rep.
Abstract: In order to reduce the mLmber of binary vm'fables in a mixed integer LP model, the principle of binary coding is employed for the formulation of various multiple-choice situations. On the basis of a given oxling matrix it is possible to find powerful constraints which define the binary coding procedure within an LP model. This procedure may be employed if the LP code available has not the potential to handle special ordered sets of type ! algorithmicaUy. Keywords: Optimization, integer programming, combinatorial analysis
sets of variables by treating these kinds of constraints algorithmically. A sur;ey of tb~se properties in cx~mparison with the principle of binary coding is presented in Section 6 of this artMe. Multiple-choice situations may occur in several varieties. Using binary variables k'~ the traditional way [1,81 that means without employing an $1 option of the LP code one has mainly to consider the following cases of an MCS with smax alternatives expressed by binary, continuous or semicontinuous variables: L Binary variables
u, E {0,1},
all s ~ (1,2 . . . . . smax},
u~ ~< 1. $
L introduction In linear programming models a multiple-choice situation (MCS) may be described by a se~ of variables with the property that exactly one: of them must be non-zero whereas all the otlzers keep the value of zero [1]. This is also called--according to Beale and Tomlin [21-- a special ordered set of type 1 (SOS1) or $1 set resp. A weaker charac!erization of an MCS may be given by the property that within the set of variables at most one of them may be non-zero; also these variables may be called an $1 set 13]. It is well known that some software systems for mathematical programming such as M I P / 3 7 0 [4], SCICONIC [5], APEXItI [6] or MIPIII [7] have the capability of solving LP-models containing $1 Received December1983; rew~sedSeptember 1984 North-Holland European Journal of Operatio:aal Research21 (1985) i06-1i2
If expression (lb) is taken as an equality we have the strong case of an MCS whereas an inequality defines the weak formulation of an MCS. IL Continuous variables
Let {ul,u 2. . . . ,u~ .... ,Usmax ) be an S1 set according to (la, lb) and ( t l , t 2.... , t s. . . . . tsmax } a set of nonnegative continuous variables which describe the alternatives of the MCS in question: t s ~ esu~,
all s,
where e, denotes an individual upper bound of the variables t s. If at least one of the expressions (lb) or (2) are taken as inequalities one has the weak formulation of an MCS. A strong formulation is obtained in the expresfions (lb) and (2) are simultaneously interpreted as equations. In this case the continous variables turn out to be biva!ent variables with values of zero or es alternatively.
Let (x1,x2, Xsma×} be a set o f variables with t h e property that each vari@le may obtain a value of 0 or any value within a]range of defined by c~ ~ %u~,