Forthcoming medical conferences1322-9

Forthcoming medical conferences1322-9

392 Announcements -- June, l9S9. 7th lnternatirxd Course on Advanced Hepato-Pancreatico-Riliary System, Lund, Sweden. Informati~m: Prof. Stig Bengma...

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Announcements --

June, l9S9. 7th lnternatirxd Course on Advanced Hepato-Pancreatico-Riliary System, Lund, Sweden. Informati~m: Prof. Stig Bengmak. HPB, Box 5121, S-220 05 Lund 5. Sweden. 1%17.&w, 1989. Falk Symposium No. 53: 1st International Lugano Symposium on Biliary Physiology and Disase: ‘Strategies for the Treatment of Gallstone Disease’. Lugano, Switzerland. Infoimrtion: Prof. Dr. G. Paumgartner, Medizimsche Klinik II, Klinikum Grosshadern, Marchionistraw !5, B-8000Miinchen 70, F.R.G. 21-24Junp: 1989. Holland Digestive Disease Week 1989: New Frontiers in Gastroentemlogy and Hepatlogy. International Symposium on the Occasion of the 73th Anniversary of the Du;ch Society of Gastroenter&S]. Amsterdam;Tbe Netherlands. 1nforme:i.w: QLT Conventior, Services/Congress, Keizersgracht 792, NL-1017 EC Amsterdam. The Netherlands. 21-24 June, 1969. International Symposium ‘Normal and Neaplastic Growth in Hepatology: Interface between Basic and Clinical Science’, Pugnochiuso Congress Ccnte:. Viestr, Italy. Information: Scientific Secretariat, C. Pauella, Department of Gastroenterology, University of Bari, Policlinico. Piazza Giulio Cesare 11, l-70124 Bari, Italy. 4-6 Judy, 1989. Second Irt.vm:aiwal Haemochmmatosis Symposium, Gold Coast, Queensland. Australia. Information: June W. Hnlliday. M.D. an; Luwie W. Powell, M.D.. Department of Medicine, Universily oi Queensland. Royal Brisbane Hospital, It-16

Y!-isbane 4023, .Australin.

6-8 July, 1989. Biology of Tumoun Symposium (satellite Symposium of the 31st International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Helsic!d, 9-14 July, 1989). Turk”, Finland. Information: Dr. Matti Laitinen, Turk” University Hospital, Central Laboratory, SF-20520 Turk”, Finland, or Dr. Eino Heitanen, International Agency for Research on Cancer. 150. cows Albert-Thomas, F-69372 Lyons, Cedex 08, France. 9-13 July, 1989. Ninth International Meeting on Proteins of iron Storage. Brisbane Queensland, Australia. Information: June W. Halliday, M.D. and Lwrie W. Powell, M.D., Department of Medicine. University of Queensland, Royal Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane 4029, Australia. 13-15 July. 1969. 14th International Update on Liver Diseases, Royal Free Hospital. Hampstead, London, U.K. Information: Prof. N. McIntyre, Academic Department of Medicine. Royal Free Hospital, London,NW32QG,U.K. 7-12 August, 1989. Therapy with Amino Acids and Analogues - 1st International Congress, Vienna, Austria. Information: G. Lubec, University of Vienna, Department of Paediatrics, A-1090 Vienna. Wlhringer Giirtel 18, Austria. 20-23 August, 1989. Third International Symposium on Lipofuscin and Ceroid Pigments - 1989 State of the Art, Maui. Hawaii, U.S.A. Information:E.A. Porta. M.D.. Department af Pathology, School of Medicine, Uoivcnity of Hawaii,

1960 Ea,t-West




HI 96822,


3OAugust-2 Seprember. 1989. 24th Annual Meeting of the European Arrociation for the Study of the Liver(EASL), Munich. F.R.G. Information: Prof. Dr. G. Paumgartner and Dr. A.L. Gerbes. Medizinische Klinik II, Klinikum Grosshadem, Mar&ouinistrasse 15, D-8000 Miinchen 70, F.R.G. 21-22 Sepambcr 1989. Swiss Asrod%;un for btudy of the Liver, Sian, Col!ege des Creusets, Switzerland. Informa:ion: Prof. E. Laizeau. Div. Gastroenterologie et Nutrition, Hopital Cantonal University, Rue Micheli-du-Crest, 24, CH-1211 Geneva. Switzerland. 28-30 Sepa’.ntbtv, 1989. 44th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Gastrocnterology. Maim, F.R.G. Information: Prof. Dr. M. Manns, Ist Medizinische Klinik und Poiiklinik Johannes-Gutenberg. Universil~t Maim. Langenbeckstrasse I, D-6.500 Mainz 1, F.R.G. -_ -~ Base1 Liver Week 1989 12-14 October, 1989. Falk Symposium No. 54: VIlIth Intemationnnl Congress of Liver Direares: ‘Infectious Diseases of the Liver’. Information: L. Bianchi. M.D.. Professor of Pathology, Department of Pxhology, University of Baqel. Schiinbeinstrasse 40. CH-4003 Basel. Switzerland. 15-I 7 October. 1989. Falk Symporium NJ. 55: ‘Proteins in the Regulation of Hepatic Gsnes’. Information: Prof. Dr. D. Keppler, Deutsches Kr&sforschungszentrum, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, D-6900 Heidelberg, F.R.G. 26-28 October, 1989. Third International Symposium on Hepatitis Delta Virus, Was’ington. DC. Sponsored by Georgetown University Medical Center (J.L. Gain), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH (R.H. Purcell) and Gspedale Molinotte, Turin (M. Riietto). Infomwion: Dr. J.L. Gain, Division of Molec-

ular Virology and I~mmunologj, Georgetown University, 5640 Fishers Lax, Rockville, MD 20852. U.S.!.. 28-31 Occobrr, 1989. 40th Annual Meeting of the A.merican Association for the Study of Live: Diseases (AASLD), Chicago, IL. U.S.A. Information: Slack Inc., 69iYJGrove Rd., Thorofare, ii; 060%. U.S.A.

19-21 February, 1990. 7:L Biennial Scientific Meeting of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APa%). Jakarta, Indonesie. Information~ Secretariat, Division of %patoIogy, Dept. Internal Medicine. Faculty r,i Medicine, Uziversity of Indonesia, P.O. Box 2584, Jakarta 1043p. Indonesia. 25-28 February. 1990. Internatir,nal Conference on Gallstones and their Management, Jew&em, Israel. Information: Gallstone Conference. Vered Catgws. 15 Weizman Street, Nes-Ziona 704OC1,Ie rael. 12-18 May, 1990. Digestive Disease Week and the 9lst Annual Meeting of the American Gasuoenterological Association, The Hyatt Regency, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. Information: Slack Inc.. 6900 Grwe Rd., Thorofare, NJ 08086, U.S.A. II-15 June. Z99ll. iii!! International Course on Advanced Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Surgery, Lund, Sweden. Information: Pmf. Stig Bengmark, HPB, Box 5121, S-220 05 Lund 5, Sweden. 26-31 Auglrst. 1990. The World Congresses of Gastroenterology: 9th Congress of Gastroenteroiogy, 7th Congress of Digestive Enduscopy, 4th Congress of Cola-Pmctology. Convention Center, Sydney, Australia. Information: Barrie J. Markey, Chief Executive, International Convention Management Services, P.O. Box 386, St. Leonards, NSW, Australia 2065. 6-9 Seprember 1990. 25th Annual Meeting for the

394 Exopeatt

Information: i&e,


Association for the Study of the Liver


Prof. J. Feher. 2nd Dept. of Med-

Semmelweis Med. University,


19yo. 41;t Atmz:!

?.4eeting of the

American Association for the Study of Liver Dis-


cases (AASLD),



u. 46, H-1086 Budapest, Hungary

Chicago, IL, U.S.A.

Slack, Inc., 6900 Grave Read, The-

rofare, NJ 08086, U.S.A.

-_ Hans

The Falk Foundation


Popper Award 1989

Freiburg i. Br.. F.R.G.

announces the creation of the Hans Popper Award

achiuwmcnts in research 01 iivrr diseases; the prize is US$ 25 000. It will be awarded ew!y three pars,


the first

time 01 Thursday, October 12, 1989. during; the Base: Liver Week. This prize is to recognise outstanditrg cotttributinss to clinical atld expsrimentai itepatology by scientists under the age of SO. Secrc!ary nf the Corr?!t?it!ee: L. Bianchi, M.D.,


Dasel. Schoenbeinstrasse 40. CH-4056 Bawl, Switzerland.



of Pathology, University of