From 2 Gy TO 1 Gy per fraction: Sparing effect in rat spinal cord?

From 2 Gy TO 1 Gy per fraction: Sparing effect in rat spinal cord?

Inr .I Rndralion Oncology Bml Phys.. Vol. Pnnted in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. 14. ~0. 297-300 Copyright 0360.3016/88 0 1988 Pergamon $3.00 + ...

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Inr .I Rndralion Oncology Bml Phys.. Vol. Pnnted in the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

14. ~0. 297-300 Copyright

0360.3016/88 0 1988 Pergamon

$3.00 + .OO Journals Ltd.

??Original Contribution FROM


EMMANUEL K. KIAN ‘Department












B.Sc.,’ PH.D.~

of Experimental Radiotherapy, University Hospital St.-Rafael, Leuven, Belgium; and ‘Radiobiological Institute TNO, Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Recently published results, from this group, on rat cervical spinal cord, a late responding tissue, indicated no further sparing with lowering the fraction size from 2 to 1.8, 1.5, and 1.3 Gy. In the present experiments a small but probably significant rise in tolerance is suggested, when the dose per fraction was decreased from 2 Gy down to 1 Gy. This rise would however still be much less than what is predicted by the linear quadratic model, based on the experimental data obtained with fraction sizes larger than 2 Gy. Radiation tolerance of CNS. Fractionated irradiations, Isoeffect formula, Flexure dose.

when the fraction size was reduced from 2 Gy to 1.3 GY.~ Since this finding has important clinical implications with regard to the potential use of hyperfractionation in radiotherapy, a second set of experiments was carried out. The present communication shows the influence of reducing the dose per fraction from 2 Gy down to 1 Gy on the radiation response of the rat cervical spinal cord.

INTRODUCTION There is evidence that late reacting normal tissues benefit relatively more from increased fractionation than rapidly proliferating tissues.“,‘7 The fraction size region at which no further sparing of damage occurs has been described as the “flexure dose”, and estimations of this point were made for a number of normal tissues.8.‘2”6 The flexure dose is the expression of the limit of repair when increasingly smaller doses per fraction are used. The calculations of the theoretical flexure dose are based on the ratio cr/p of the coEfficients of the linear quadratic (LQ) cell survival model.’ It has been defined as & of the dose level at which cell kill induced by the N and by the p component are equal. It is expected that at this dose no significant contribution to cell kill by the 0 component can be detected.8,‘2 For late normal tissue damage the reported values for a//3 are quite small, indicating a large capacity for repairing sublethal radiation damage. For cervical spinal cord in rats a value as low as 1.7 Gy was derived from experiments using doses per fraction of 2 Gy and larger.4 Dose reductions below 2 Gy would therefore still lead to a significant increase in tolerance levels. However, recent studies on rat cervical spinal cord in our laboratory suggested no significant increase in total isoeffect doses




Adult (12 to 14 weeks old) male inbred rats of the WAG/Rij strain were used. Prior to treatment, the animals were transported from the specific pathogen-free facility to conventional housing. A broad spectrum antibiotic* was added to the drinking water to prevent respiratory infection. The animals were anesthetized? to allow accurate positioning during the irradiations. These techniques have been described previously in detail.2 The radiation treatments were carried out with a linear accelerator (18 MeV photons) at a focus-skin distance of 100 cm. A length of 2 cm cervical spine (C 1 to Th 1) was irradiated, with the remaining parts of the body shielded by blocks of MCP alloy.* In the present experiments, fraction sizes of 2 Gy and 1 Gy were used. The concept of partial tolerance,3 in-

Reprint requests to: E. van der Schueren, Department of Experimental Radiotherapy, University Hospital St.-RafaEl, Capucijnenvoer 35,300O Leuven, Belgium. Acknowledgements-The present work was supported financially by grants from the “Preuss Foundation,” U.S.A., the “Algemene Spaar- en Lijfrentekas” (A.S.L.K.), Belgium and the “Koningin Wilhelmina Fond?, The Netherlands. The techni-

cal assistance of Mrs. A. Camps and the secretarial assistance of Mrs. M.-L. Detienne are acknowledged. Accepted for publication 28 August 1987. * Tylan,@ llanco, Oraganon, Belgium. t Ethrane,@ Abbott, Belgium. $ Mining and Chemical Product, melting point 70°C. 297


I. J. Radiation Oncology 0 Biology 0 Physics

volving a constant top-up dose of 15 Gy delivered at the end of the multiple fractionation treatment, was used to allow for halving the number of irradiations. In this way the number of fractions ranged from 26 to 41 for 2 Gy and from 58 to 88 for 1 Gy per fraction, given in an overall treatment time of 4-6 weeks. The irradiations with 2 Gy per fraction were delivered daily, while the 1 Gy radiation sessions were given twice a day with alternatingly 4 and 20 hr intervals. Following treatment, the evaluation of the neurological status was performed weekly for at least 1 year. The endpoint of the experiments was fore-leg paralysis, due to demyelination and white matter necrosis as described previously.‘4,‘5 The incidence of paralysis, with reference to the various total irradiation doses, was used for calculations of the ED50 values (radiation doses leading to paralysis in 50% of the rats) by probit analysis.




In a further investigation of the amount of irrepairable damage in the rat spinal cord following hyperfractionated irradiation schedules, the fraction size was reduced from 2 Gy to 1 Gy. To avoid too large a number of fractions, a fixed top-up dose of 15 Gy was used in accordance with the concept of partial tolerance described previously.3 The total overall treatment time was kept within 4-6 weeks. It was previously shown in the same model that no time dependent recovery took place between 24 hr and 8 weeks.13 Similar to the observations made in our earlier experiments4 paralysis due to white matter necrosis (WMN) occurred within 6 to 10 months. However, as in the previous experiments with small fraction sizes, the present experiments showed that the WMN was occasionally accompanied by small hemorrhages. For both the experiments with 2 Gy and 1 Gy per fraction, a dose-response relationship was established using probit analysis.’ From these dose-response curves, the EDso values with 95% confidence limits were derived yielding 141.1 (127.0155.3) Gy for the 2 Gy per fraction and 159.1 (141.0177.1 ) Gy for the 1 Gy per fraction irradiations. These results are shown in Figure l.B together with the EDso values obtained in the earlier experiments4 with fraction sizes of 2.9, 2, 1.8, 1.5, and 1.3 Gy, respectively. The EDso value for the present experiment using 2 Gy per fraction was virtually identical to the value obtained in the earlier set of experiments (Fig. 1A-B and Table 1) confirming the reproducibility of the results in this model. Using the classical Fe plot’ of the reciprocal total EDs0 against the dose per fraction, the validity of the LQmodel can be tested indirectly. Based on the cervical spinal cord data of Ang et uI.~.~ involving all data related to

*D_ D ref

(culp + d ref) (aI@ + d)


February 1988, Volume 14. Number 2

fraction sizes of 2 Gy and larger (Fig. l.A), an o(/p ratio of 1.7 Gy was derived (correlation coefficient 0.9975). Using this a//3 ratio, in reference to a fraction size of 2 Gy and corresponding EDso of 140.5 Gy, the ED50 values predicted by the LQ-model for fraction sizes of 1.8, 1.5, 1.3, and 1 Gy were calculated.* These estimations for EDso are plotted in Fig. 1 (symbol x) and also presented in Table 1. They suggest an important increase in sparing of cervical cord even down to 1 Gy per fraction. In the earlier experiments involving doses per fraction down to 1.3 Gy4 no further sparing could be demonstrated for reduction of the fraction size below 2 Gy. The present results show a small increase in tolerance of about 12% at the EDso level when using 1 Gy instead of 2 Gy per fraction.” It needs to be specified that the confidence limits for both EDZO values are overlapping (Table 1). Using the same biological model, Hornsey et ~1.~ also reported some increased sparing as the dose per fraction is reduced from 2 to 1 Gy and to 0.6 Gy, the differences in tolerance doses remaining within the errors of the system. The sparing effect observed in our study ( 12%), is however much less pronounced than predicted on basis of the LQ-model (27%). Even when the EDso values were corrected for the possibility of incomplete repair of sublethal radiation damage for the fraction sizes given with 4 hr intervals (assuming a half-time for repair of 1.5 hr), there is still a difference of about 13% between the theoretical and experimental EDso values (Table 1). Our studies on repair kinetics have suggested the repair half-time to become shorter with smaller fraction sizes, but over the range of fraction sizes used (-4- 15 Gy) this proved not to be significant.’ If this trend would continue, however. for smaller doses per fraction of l-2 Gy as used in the present study, the correction for incomplete repair during a 4-hour interval could become even smaller. An analysis of the data for all doses per fraction below 3 Gy results in an (Y/P ratio of 4 Gy, which is similar to the result of an analysis of data obtained in experiments on repair kinetics using a direct method for analysis of quanta1 responses and an incomplete repair model.’ It can be concluded that the repair of sublethal radiation damage in the rat spinal cord actually measured in hyperfractionation experiments is less effective than predicted by the LQ-model for doses per fraction between 2 Gy and 1 Gy although probably not totally absent as was suggested earlier.4 These results suggest that the LQ-model does not adequately describe all experimentally obtained fractionation data. Therefore, our findings confirm the earlier warning for the use of LY/~ratio’s, that are extrapolated from data involving large doses per fraction, to design fractionation schedules with fraction sizes below 2 Gy.


200 150

100 60 t


5: 0 Y


d & I-


10 I












20 IGvl



> 2 :: D


160 -


100 I 1








Fig. 1. Isoeffect doses for induction of foreleg paralysis (due to WMN) as a function of fraction size. A. Experiments with dose fractions down to 2 Gy (O ref. 3,4 and 0 the present study); B. Experiments with fraction sizes ranging between 1 and 3 Gy (0 ref. 3,4 and 0 the present study). At 1.3 Gy per fraction paralysis occurred even at the lowest total dose tested, and thus only the upper limit for total isoeffect dose could be estimated (for details see ref. 4). The calculated values for isoeffect, based on an a//3 ratio of 1.7 Gy and a dose fraction of 2 Gy (ED50 = 140.5 Gy) are indicated (X) for comparison.

Table 1. Comparison

of ED50 values: Experimental

results versus theoretical


Total EDso (Gy) values for rat cervical spinal cord (WMN) 2.0 GyfF Estimations* (LQ model; cu/p = 1.7 Gy) Experimental data

Experimental incomplete hr intervals

data, corrected for possible repair during the various 4 (see text)

140.0 ( 129.0- 150.8)t 141.1 (127.0-155.3) -

* Reference dose: 2 Gy/F and EDso = 140.5 Gy. t 95% confidence limits.

1.8 Gy/F

148.5 124.4 (107.8-141.2)


1.5 Gy/F

162.4 137.6 (128.2-147.0)


1.3 Gy/F

1.O Gy/F

173.3 <150

192.5 159.1 (141.0-177.1)




I. J. Radiation Oncology 0 Biology 0 Physics

February 1988. Volume 14, Number 2

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