Glaxo-Wellcome merger and UK science base

Glaxo-Wellcome merger and UK science base

straints, to victims; "de-dramatising" humanitarian interventions and link- development needs and preventive strategies; empowerment of local peop...

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victims; "de-dramatising"

humanitarian interventions and link-

development needs and preventive strategies; empowerment of local people and organisations in responding to emergencies and to counter the impression that humanitarian work is done by whites from rich, stable countries to help poor suffering blacks. As a vital corollary, humanitarian needs in Europe and developed countries need to be recognised: prisoners, refugees, homeless people, abused children ing them


need action even around the shores of Lake Annecy. In addition, two neglected issues were raised-mental ; health interventions for victims,

especially unaccompanied children; and the safe and acceptable handling of cadavers. : At the end of the seminar, participants seemed reflective rather than optimistic and the academics were still struggling to give form to their research and teaching plans.



Ethics committee approval for German clinical trials The federal medicines law in Germany has, been amended to require ethics committee approval for clinical trials. Under this amendment, which comes into effect on Aug 16, approval for a clinical trial must be sought from an independent ethics committee set up according to state law. So far, it has been the regulations of the various state physician chambers that have stipulated that such approval be sought.

Timothy Harding

122 million tonnes of toxic waste, much Russia’s of which is dumped or stored with no regard for sanitary or environmental regu- ’, lations. Unless worn-out and obsolete A spill of some 16 tonnes of mercury from equipment is replaced and ecologicallya paper mill into the Northern Dvina river sound technologies introduced, he warned continues to cause anxiety to the health : recently, then Russia can expect a whole authorities of north-west Russia. Although series of environmental disasters. the main bulk of the mercury has now The World Bank and the European discharged into the White Sea, small Bank for Reconstruction and Developquantities of mercury ions continue to be ment have agreed to provide up to US recorded in the port of Archangel. At the $130 million to help clean up after the height of the contamination, the river leakages of upwards of 100000 tonnes of water in the Archangel area was found to oil from a defective pipeline in the Komi contain 7-4 I1g Hg/L, and the city health : Republic in northern Russia. A few weeks authorities were particularly perturbed to ago, the European Commission promised find mercury close to the main inlet for $14 million for environmental projects at the water supply of Archangel. There are Lake Baikal, currently under threat from still some 50 tonnes of mercury waste the legacy of the Soviet timber and cellustored at the plant, under clearly inadelose industry. Norway and Finland have quate conditions. Russia has no facilities long been involved in the clean up of the : for recycling and reclaiming Kole peninsula, exposed to fumes from wastes. : the nickel-smelting industry. But how long Toxic waste poses a major hazard in the West can and will continue to foot the today’s Russia. According to environment bill is an open question. Minister Viktor Danilov-Danilyan, in 1994 Russian industry produced some Vera Rich


News in brief

Further refinements to French blood system The final step in the reorganisation of France’s blood transfusion centres has been announced. Transfusion centres will be regrouped by specialist activity, such as screening or separation of blood. The preparation of therapeutic products will done by a laboratory under the contol of the medicines agency. To strengthen "haemovigilance" each region is to have a coordinator. In screening donor blood for HIV antibodies, only one sensitive test is to be used. No change in high-risk teenage sex in USA Despite campaigns to reduce highrisk sexual behaviour among high-school students, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report a survey showing that students’ behaviour has not changed (MMWR 1995; 44: 124-32). The percentage having had four or more sexual partners was 19, 18.7, and 18.8 for 1990, 1991, and 1992, respectively. Only condom use showed a significant improvement : 46.2% in 1991 and 52.8% in 1992 used a condom at last sexual intercourse. Despite these disheartening findings, birth-rate and gonorrhoea in this agegroup declined between 1991 and 1992.

AIDS/HIV. Job losses in these areas, he said, would not make up the shortfall; other research positions would also be at risk. : TB up in England and Wales About 8000 Glaxo’s attempt to take over the Wellcome The Wellcome Trust, the charitable more cases of tuberculosis were notified in Foundation has given the UK House of arm of Wellcome, has pledged its 40% : 1988-93 than would be expected if Commons Science and Technology Select in Wellcome Foundation to supholding previous trends had continued, possibly Committee sufficient cause for concern port Glaxo’s bid. Dr Julian Jack, chairman due to improved notification (CDR 1995; about the erosion of the country’s science of the Trust’s scientific committee, 5: 3R). base for them to convene an emergency expects the merger to yield £ 50 million session to examine the issue. : per year, sufficient, he said, for funding an Sir Richard Sykes, chief executive offiLemon juice for disinfecting drinking extra 1000 scientists. Asked whether the cer of Glaxo said that 2000-4000 jobs water During epidemics of waterborne deal was against the interests of Henry lemon juice may be a useful may be at risk, mainly due to overlaps in Wellcome’s enteritis, will, he said that the Trust had information technology and administrative to conventional means of alternative to act as a prudent man of business to staff. However, Mr John Robb, chairman water. The addition sterilising drinking of the after the interest look long-term and chief executive of Wellcome Foundaof 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to in about the Concern charity. holding tion, put the estimate at nearer 10 000 to Wellcome, with the possible a litre of water (concentration 2%) together 15 000. impact of President Clinton’s healthcare destroys Vibrio cholerae after 30 min (Bull Wellcome’s view is that Glaxo would reforms, had led its financial advisors to Pan Ana Hlth Org 1994 28: 324-30). have to cut costs by between 500 million gather information on potential rival Higher concentrations are needed if the and 1billion to make the merger work. water is alkaline (as it may be if it is pharmaceutical companies. The Trust, he Dr David Barry, group director of Wellfrom an underground source). The had not been its shares to said, hawking come’s research development and medical antibacterial effect is due to citric acid, the highest bidder. : affairs, said that the two firms have only 4 and applies only to drinking water-water drugs under development that overlapped used for disinfecting vegetables is likely to significantly-2 for migraine and 2 for Clare Thompson require a greater concentration.

Glaxo-Wellcome merger and UK science base