A c l a metall, mazer. Voh 4Z, No. 2, pp. 485 498, 1995
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G R A I N SIZE EFFECTS ON THE T E X T U R E EVOLUTION OF c~-Zr A. SALINAS-RODRIGUEZ Centro de lnvestigacidn y de Estudios Avanzados, Unidad Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico (Received 14 January 1994: in revisedjbrm 18 May I994)
Abstract The texture evolution during the plastic deformation at room temperature of Zr 2.5Nb round bars was studied in specimens with two different ~-Zr grain sizes. It was found that during axisymmetric compression the strain producing mechanisms active during deformation depended on the grain size. In fine grained specimens there are two main phenomena characterizing the evolution of texture: (i) a rapid rotation of the grains about their (c) axis to form a <1120> fiber at strains below 0.20 and, (ii) a slow and progressive reorientation of the axes of the grains towards the compression axis to form a [0001] fiber texture tilted approx. 20'. The latter process takes strains larger than -0,80. In coarse grained material, the texture evolution is characterized by a sudden rotation of the axes to become aligned parallel to the compression axis at strains as low as -0.05. It is shown using a self-consistent viscoplaslic model of texture evolution that the type of texture obtained depends on the mechanism controlling slip acting as complementary deformation modes, control the texture evolution process. In coarse grained material twinning is responsible for the final texture observed.
INTRODUCTION During the plastic deformation of ~-Zr, glide on {10T0} planes of dislocations with 3<11_50) Burgers vectors is responsible for accommodating strains perpendicular to the axis of the h.c.p, crystallite. However, the number of available slip systems of this type is not sufficient to allow a crystallite in a polycrystalline aggregate to accommodate an arbitrarily imposed strain. Thus, other types of deformation modes, such as twinning and slip, must be activated to permit the grains in a polycrystal to deform parallel to <0001>. Reed-Hill [1] showed that, in coarse grained unalloyed Zr, {T012}<1101> "tensile twinning" and {1122} axis deformation. MacEwen et al. [3] have shown that the evolution of texture and residual stresses during the compression at room temperature of Zircaloy-2 can be explained in terms of the effects of {]'012}<1101> tensile twinning. The uniaxial compression of coarse grained Zircaloy-2, with a < 10]'0) initial fiber texture, causes a 90 ~ reorientation of the axes of the grains [1-3] resulting in the formation of a <0001 > fiber texture. The origin of this texture has been attributed to the activation of {10121<110l) tensile twins in grains 485
with <0001 } nearly perpendicular to the compression axis [1 3]. Tenckhoff [4] studied experimentally the mechanisms leading to the development of textures in coarse grained unalloyed Zr during plane strain rolling. This work showed that the final texture obtained, (0001)<10i0> tilted 30-40 about the rolling direction, was the result of the interaction of the reorientation tendencies produced by the activation of {T012} and {11_52I < i i 2 3 ) twins in conjunction with glide of ~<11~,0> dislocations. Recently, Tom6 et al. [5] introduced the Volume Fraction Transfer scheme to incorporate twinning systems into texture evolution simulations. This approach allowed them to predict correctly the reorientation tendencies observed in Zircaloy-2 deformed at room temperature. At temperatures higher than 850 K, 7-Zr single crystals deform primarily via glide mechanisms [6-9]. The reduced ability of the material to deform by twinning at high temperatures requires thc activation of slip systems with Burgers vectors of the type to accommodate the imposed deformation components parallel to the <0001> directions of the crystallites. Salinas-Rodriguez and Jonas [10] studied the high temperature texture development in Zr 2.5Nb using the full and relaxed constraints models of texture evolution. It was demonstrated that the activity of ( c + a ) slip systems, such as {i011}<1123>, was overestimated by these models. When the CRSS for slip was assumed to vary in the range 1-10 times the CRSS for slip, the activity of < c + a> slip dominated the texture