Graphics to slides

Graphics to slides

SC generator A single-chip video generator has been released for production by UK firm Plessey’s semiconductor division. Part of Plessey’s teletext an...

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SC generator A single-chip video generator has been released for production by UK firm Plessey’s semiconductor division. Part of Plessey’s teletext and viewdata chipset, the MR9735 has been in existence since early 1983. It is designed to meet the European CEPT specifications for Prestel and teletext, and can replace up to three integrated circuits in currently available chipsets. generator’s The onboard character set can be programmed in any language, says the firm. The MR9735 is indirectly microprocessor bus compatible, with 13 bit of addresses and 8 bit of data.

One page of memory needs 1 k of external RAM. Composite synchronization outputs are provided. Output is compatible with the Sinclair Spectrum personal computer, but the parallel I/O used lets the generator interface do ‘almost anything’, says Plessey. The device can be customized (using computerized ROM placement) in several European languages. Plessey is currently working on a variant, the MR9740, for the US 525~line TV standard. In one-off quantities, the MR9735 price is 210.88. For lOOoff sales, the price is 57.14 per chip. (Plessey Semiconductors Ltd, Cheney Manor, Swindon SN2 2QW, UK. Tel: (0793) 36251. Telex: 44963 7) 0

SS cameras aid dimensional analysis Dimensional analysis based on solid-state cameras has been introduced by General Electric (GE). The US firm’s ScanVision system comprises a decision processor, linescan camera, optics and display terminal. ‘~Thr ScanVision systems are well suited to performing nondestructive test and inspection tasks which do not require complex algorithmbased vision systems,’ said Alex N Beavers .JI-, manager of the (GE: intelligent vision systems operation. -1‘he s! stem performs dimensional anal\,sis, object identification, pal-1 inspection and flaw derection. Yl‘lle user can interface 01‘ two IO:!4 X 1 linescan one

Graphics to slides DR 1)raw multi DK Graph software Kesearrh from 1II<, L;S Digital Comp;cn! has been combined with Polaroi(l’s Palette package in a tlarctM.;~r~--SoftMfare system called Prc\entatiorl Master. The system produces slides and prints from c0lour- graphics. Presentation Master is available f’ot- use’ with the IBM PC and PC/ ?(I‘. :\ version for the ACT .!pricot is also planned. 4vsten1 two .l‘hc comprises cameras (one 35 mm and one

cameras mesuring _ dimensional characteristics to an accuracy of 0.1 mm in 100 mm field of view, says GE. Onboard memory can store up to eight programs, adds GE. The linear scene analysis is done by a 16-bit microcomputer controller. Rates of up to 7500 parts per minute are possible, says GE. Serial I/O ports allow integration with offiline plant computers. There are eight opticall)- isolated output relays and three input program selector interrupts. The price of the ScanVision system is about $20 000. j(;enertli Electric Company, 101 Mrrrit 7, PO Box 5900, Norwalk, CT 06X56, USA. Tel: (203) 852 8200) n -__-~ DR (;raph, DR Draw, land), Polaroid Palette, documentation, a tutorial disc and two rolls of film. The US retail price is around $2000. Users (‘an create graphics, charts. text and drawings on the computer and turn these images into slides or colour prints. DR Graph and DR Draw can be used to design the graphics for each screen. These two packages then drive Polaroid Palette. (Oigital Research (1JK) Ltd, Oxfi& IIouse, Oxj&d Street, Neu~buvy, Berks RG13 IJB, ClK. Tel: (0635) 35304)

Canadian graphics cards for STD Colour and monochrome graphics cards for the STD communications bus have been introduced by Dy-4 Systems of Canada. The colour version of the DSTD-777 module gives RGB (or eight-level greyscale) output of 640 X 480 dots. The monochrome-only version has a resolution of 1024 X 768 dots. The card is based on a 7220 graphics processor. Functions include zoom, pan, vector, circle, arc, rectangle and fill. The DSTD77 also handles direct memory access transfers. The sync output of’ the controler can be configured for separate sync, composite sync, or sync on green. There is a display memory of 128 kbyte. The card has a crystal oscillator to regulate the timing. Alternatively an external source can be used for timing control. Graphics driver routines f’or the DSTD-777 have been written by UK distributor Dage Systems. These are available on a 5%-in disc. (II+-4 Systems Inc., XXN La& Ellen Place, Ottawcl, Ontario, Can& Kli! 5MI. Tel: (613) 7282711. (“K distributor: IIclge SytemJ, Rab~ns l.ane, Ayiesbu):1. Blccks HI’1 9 JR(;)


grrrphicc card from Canado