GREEN-KUBO RELATIONS FOR LATTICE GAS CELLULAR AUTOMATA M.H. ERNST and J.W. DUFTY’ Institute for Theoretical Physics, Princetonplein 5, P.O. Box 80006, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands Received 17 February 1989; revised manuscript received 21 April 1989; accepted for publication 2 May 1989 Communicated by A.R. Bishop
Green—Kubo relations are derived for linear transport coefficients (viscosities, diffusion) in lattice gases using the correlation function description of transport in fluids. The only ingredients are the local microscopic conservation laws without any further specification of the microdynamical laws.
The use of lattice gas cellular automata as microscopic models for macroscopic fluid dynamics has been illustrated in many recent applications [1]. The correspondencebetween these dynamical models and those for real fluids extends beyond the macroscopic level. Consequently, it is important to develop more explicitly the relationship between hydrodynamic equations and the underlying microscopic dynamics for cellular automata (CA). Our goal here is to present an elementary denvation of Green—Kubo time correlation function formulae for linear transport coefficients in fluids from a unifying point of view, followingmethods used for continuous fluids. The explicit form of the local microscopic conservation laws (see eq. (2)) is the only required ingredient, without any further specification of the detailed microdynamics. Here we give an outline and several applications; details are given elsewhere [2]. For specific models scattered results exist for transport coefficients in terms of Green—Kubo formulae. Hardy et al. [3] introduced the very first CAlattice gas, defined on a square lattice (referred to as HPP-model). These authors obtained Green—Kubo formulae for the viscosity coefficient in their model using the Landau—Lifshitz method of fluctuating hydrodynamics. This requires the explicit construction of Navier—Stokes type hydrodynamic equations and
the addition of a fluctuating Langevin force. The same method has been followed by Frisch et a!. [1] to obtain a Green—Kubo relation for the shear viscosity in the so-called FHP-models, defined on a hexagonal lattice. For the same FHP-models Rivet [1] derived a Green—Kubo formula by a different method, also standardly used in continuous fluids. Starting from the local equilibrium solution of the Liouville equation he applies the Chapman—Enskog method. Our derivation is more direct and quite general. The diffusion coefficient ofa tagged particle in CA-fluids or CA-Lorentz gases as a time sum of the velocity autocorrelation function is a well-known result, also contained in the present derivation. Pomeau [4] and Katz et al. [5] also derived Green—Kubo formulae for respectively the heat conductivity and nonlinear conductivity, that are not contained in our method. The reason is that there the local conservation laws do not possess the simple form (see eq. (2)) required here as a starting point. The microstate oflattice gas models is specified by the set of occupation numbers n(c, r, t), with values 0 or 1 (“Fermi exclusion rule”), for the velocity state c at lattice site r at the integer-valued time t. The local conserved densities Aa(r, t) = ~ aan(c, r; t)
Permanent address: Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA.
are determined by the collisional invariants aa (c)
(e.g. mass aa(c) = 1, momentum aa(c)=c) and obey the local conservation laws: ~ a~(c)[n(c, r+c; t+l)—n(c, r; t)]=o. (2) No further specification of the microscopic dynamics is required, except that it allows an equilibrium state, uniform over all states {c, r}. Consequently, both stochastic and deterministic dynamics are included in the analysis. The equilibrium correlation functions of these densities, Gae(r’ 1; rt)