Growth factor requirements of normal human mesothelial cells

Growth factor requirements of normal human mesothelial cells

Meeting Abstracts 1774 -ofstaMrrgnucJmrsuspensions bivarlate ICi-67 antigen/DNAand analysis EEJWQ&dine/lrJA elaboratedto minimizecell.lossesbyE avd...

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Meeting Abstracts



bivarlate ICi-67 antigen/DNAand analysis EEJWQ&dine/lrJA elaboratedto minimizecell.lossesbyE avddanceoffixatiaIardwashirg,atdaxld be perfonnsdonlycn 104 to 105 flxxen cells/sanple.

RLathe(l), M.P.RieW2), I.Q1kani(3) ad

P.clStant(3) (1)~=andUl84-m, 11 RueI-Immnn, strasbaug; (2ma=w== =, 11 Rue de Molsheim, Strasbavg; and (3NJ273-m, Fart Valrose, Nice, France Many tzlmxlr cells present muel antigens. mmalr-specific antigens UsA) have been exploited in thediagncsisand inElgingofhumancarcirKlmanathe administra~ofanti~antibcdieshas lnetsanelEasureof swcessinthet7zea~ ofclinicaldisease. we haveilNestigated, in a mdel systm,the possibility that

expressia10flSAfm a live 3xmMmnt virus might stinulatethe hostitselfto mamtananti-~ilmnlneresponse. cells&lrlsformedbypolyarlavixus (PY) express tkeepzoteinspeciesfmthe Integratedviral genarre: LT, M1 a&ST. HcnR?vw,tlle~relationshipbetweenthe earlyPY protein spsciesrelmlnsmlear. we thus ccnstnlctedvaociniavixus recranbinantsseparately~singthethree PyInoteins. cell lines infectedwith tbe live reoarsxinantviruses e%presshighlevelsaf tbeTpmtelns althabgh cell surface flwrwcmce using anti-T swum was not detectd.Inallcases tberecaahinantT protdns exhibit biochemical activities associatedwiththeauthenticPYpmteins. Rats injected with syrrgeneic PY-transfcxadrat cells rapidlydevelop discretetlmulrs. Animlsjnocula~with tbevaccinla mtew==ing= failedto reject txansplanted tunmr cells whereasanimls previalslyvaazimtedwitb zwddnantsexpressingeitherMTcn:LT their tumnlrs. subsequently rejw Furtber,anilnalsalreadybearingtumaus cmldbeirducedtorejecttheirturour cells by vaccinaticm withtheappropriate reambinant. EFFECl?OFGRCWIRFACRXSONFIU4FllM s,M.~andl4o~


universitymkge,Galway,Eire Film



films, e.g. nitmcellulcee filter8, impinrcdents. sub6w 4sorbedtothe film can influemetlmxlr The cell-type of origin ofthe EzE' hasnot been UnesuiMcallY detemimdm Grwth fctors cbtaind fran different typesofcellweretestedonthis systmtoseE? iftberesponse vsriedwitb

tbs origin of the growth factQr. FiVe grcmpe of 50 female EAT.B/cmice were impl.anW subdmmmly with25 m filters bearing fibx&la& (0.1 microgram), eplaermal (0.2 microgram), interleukin 2 (2 units),nerveglmth factor (0.002mg) ard obeemedhwz?klyfor salinerespectivelY,and tmourgrowth. Theyieldof tlnmurineach was anparable to the amtmls,withtbe exmptknofxxxveamIintm&ukinfactms, whereyieldvariedby 25%. Differences were not statistically sicJlificant. GrmthfactorMiceTmrxrsTatal Mean weeksweeks of life of life/ Interleukin 2 47 Fibrcblast 49 culti 50

25 26 23

2194 2554 2615 2559

88 98 114 122



L.W.Law Natia-al Cancer Maryland, U.S.A. Tb -1y

Instltub, SMlar

Bethesda, TSTAS (Tlmlour

RejecticnAntigens) have been plrified to chenical halmpndty fran several chmically-Muted nurti saraxnas. p82, a uniqueantigen notprevialslydescribedana p86 antigen, shmdng hamlog~ with heat shcckprDtehs,are distinct entities lxt each ishighly immmgedc and specific for

thetulmur of origin. Methcdsusedfoa: extractial amI purification, biochemical ~es,clalingofthegeneenaxUngfcC of Pa6, ad imumgedc chsracteristica theSetlmmlrantigenshavebeeninvestigated addefined.

J.F.Iedmer(l), LAIa\Fedt(l), R.R.Rdbl(l


E.W.Qlsfelaan(2), 1, Y.Ke(l) and CC.Rarris(l


Meeting Abstracts

G&l.-, C.LQpxi Istitalto



aad P.Pani





ELiochMc!a,uni~itadicagliari,Italy whaven3centlyabownthatcell J&?ol.if~~lnaucedbythemi~lead nitratedoes not achieve Mtlaticn of &~~~WlPJ.~

fxypsinl3igedm lIlstbd, which yi&ied law CV-valmsban 5.4%. rame 3.13to 8.50). wewemabietoanalyZe a&t 90% of & tmmlr sanple9. Ane@ddyasdefinedbyan~ mA3M0x,wasseenin1/3ofthecase& Tebpudywas fa.ltdtobechara&mistic fornzs (presentin 53% ofcase8caupax& with 11% in other tlmurs,p

graz? riEE=

REmTIc%lsmPEmEmEM?RwmAL~ mxsANDEmRKE E.IdbWl

!themfm, m haveinvwstigatedtheeffect ofled-Wcell Rmliferaticnan the 1iG withLENA (200 l&kg) dtreetingtheaninml5witha~togenic &se of lmd nitrate(5 lnicmwles/lOOg, twiceanmtd). !Lbrats~samificedat 6arKl12rmthsandthe~~c ml79 identified leSiOll8 initiaeiig


zhsrlxd.tiiIrlicatethatdegpite lead,no incmaseintbesizeana/~rannber ofCm+foci, w MWacapared withthatofratstreatedwithn89Lalcne.

-@I, -(‘)t TJeiao(2),0.9.lhlUOliBd(2), T.Bakrla(2) and&Ah-=(3) T.-t?),

Ihestencellsoftera~,the (W, are mm nultipotentialcells, whichrmyproliferate asECcellsordifferentiateintoavariety ofdzinc&m.mshaa -tedthatE cellsammpcndtoacelltypeintheearly adsyo. nllinewiththis,the EL! cells differentiateinawaycqmrabletothatof thedxYcLa:cellscanbecbtaindfran participateinthefonmtialofthekissufB ofthefoetuso I?d&mze,theBccells sharemany biohmwd featureswithearly mhyocells. Atpresent,itthat lluuseBC~s repres&prMti~ectoaerm cellsofthemllseemtxyo. upondiff@rentiatial,the~dlsloee The ~&~m~~~~ with rapid chmgesin,e.g. cell surface mlecules and in the organizationof