Healing Passage: A Suturing Manual for Midwives. Fourth Edtt%“. By Ann Fw. New Haven, CT: Published by Labys Press and An” Fye, 1991.260 pages. $25.00, spiml-bound, softcover. SuMng Techniques for Midwhwa video Lea&me (VHS). c&x, sound, 126 mhutes. Pmducedby A”” Frye, 1991. Available in ‘&inch VHS videocassette. Distdbuted by Moont’!ava Birthing Supply, 2310 Wilderness Place, #D, Boulder. CO 80301. Telephone: l-BOO-462.47B4. Purchase mice for VHS: $45.00 for individu&: complete set (text and video): $65.00. $85.00 for institutions iwith viewing rights) Reviewed by: Patricia Aiktns Murphv. CNM. MS. Ass&tent Professor of &tcal I&sing (NurseMldwifey), Columbia Uniwtity. New York, New York. These unique offerings from independent midwife Ann Frye will be welcomed by mldwlfey students, ed“catore, and practitioners eveywhere. The textbook coverspertinent anatomy, basic principles of wound healing, and sterile and clean technique, as well as technical lessons in perineal repair. Ms. Fye presents complex technical material in a relaxed yet informative style; her 12 years of expedence are evident
puts together a three-dimensional model of muscle layers; this segment win augme”t a”y te?aor leehue. Knottytng techniques are ge”emlly well presented, but on occaeto” the canem faces Me. Fye as she ties knots, ratherthe” vtewingthepmcedwef the operator’s angle. As a result, it may be difficult for a notice to follow the hand maneuvers. This reviewer fcwid P awkward to dupf&e the steps of a” unfamiliar technique (tying twohanded knots) from the video lesson because of the camera ang!e; the dia. Qmms in the text were milch more helpful. The suturing lessonsare filmed using blocks of &am that Ms. Fye has altered fwttb colored pans and rolls of gauze) to Iwk in& like perineal anatcmy.Thesefhangesm&eitmuch easier to visualize deep muscle tears, tom sphincters, and labial lacerattonr. as rep&s are being done. They are a profound lmpmvement over the plain foam blocks (the fourth-degree and labial lacerations models are-&xticuladv intdaulns). Educators will undoubtedly want to add similar touches to foam blocks when instructing beglnntng students. All of the repairs covered in the text are done on videotape, and every stitch of the repair is shown. As aresuit, ttie ++deois GGL’BT two hours long; the fourth-degree repair accounts for a slzable proponion of the time. It should definitely be viewed in short
throughout. She has illustrated the bwk herself and, in a” interesting addition, provides diagrams tocolor and cut out so that a three-dimensional model of pelvic musculature can be constructed. Suture material and equipment are descdbed, their pros and cone discussed.She dixusses legal and ethical consideratiations of “cl& &otomy” (her carefully chosen term for what is generally termed eptetotomv) and euturinq. There is a ftne dtscussion of p&e”ti”g perineal damage, full of the clinical wisdom so prized-by students. The dlagmms of knot&&g. instrument technique, and various stitches are clear and easy to hollow. Step-by-step instructions for tjsessing perineal damage after birth and preparing for repair are pmvtded. The focus throughout is on the repair of tears, not episiotomiee, and Ms. Fye covers all types, from firstthmugh fourth-de&e teas to paiurethral. labiel. and cewial teas Even experteked mayfind the tips on managing skin tags, bleeding vessels, and a score of other situations useful. The text finisheswith advice on postpartum care and dealing with wound infections. Alternatives to traditional allopathlc thinking as well as practice are presented throughout, with many suggestionsfor herbal or homeopathic remedies. The video les.sonsfollow the text, beginning tith anatomy. Ms. Fye describes pelvic musculature as she
Joemat of Nwee-Mtdwifew
Vet. 38. No. 1. JanuawlFebruzey 1993