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HLA-DR PROFILES IN CAMEROON AND IVORY COAST C. Ginsberg, I. Quakyi, R. Mshana, 1. Ngogang and A. Johnson. Departments of Biology and Pediatrics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, the University of Yaounde, Yaounde, Cameroon, and IRISDA, Abidjan, Ivory Coast. African populations are very different from both Oriental and Caucasian populations at many polymorphic loci and exhibit many HLA alleles that are only or predominantly found in individuals of African ancestry. Here we report on the HLA-DR profiles observed in 252 samples collected in the rural village ofEtao, Cameroon and on 62 samples collected in a rural village outside of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The HLA-DR typing was done by PCR-SSOP. In both countries, the following alleles were identified: DRBI *0101, *0102, *1503, *0301, *0302, *1101, *1102, *1104, *1302, *0701, *0804, *0901, *1001, *1201 although the frequencies differed between the two countries. The most frequent allele observed in both Cameroon and Ivory Coast was DRB 1* 1503 (28 and 30% respectively). The absence of other DRB 1*15 alleles in these countries was striking. In contrast, in Cameroon, the DRBI *1301 allele had the second highest allele frequency whereas it was not observed in Ivory Coast. In contrast, in the Ivory Coast the DRB 1* 1303 allele was found to have the highest frequency of any DRl3 allele and was not observed at all in Cameroon. Our studies reported here document that differencies in the HLA profiles exist between the African countries of Cameroon (Central Africa) and the Ivory Coast (West Africa).
DISTRIBUTION OF HLA-DR4-RELATED DQB AND DPB HAPLOTYPES IN AFRICAN AMERICANS. DO McDaniel, C Nguyen, G Jones, R Summers, WH Barber, and LS McDaniel. Department of Surgery and Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson MS. DRB1 nucleotide sequence polymorph isms have been tested in 570 African American individuals from the Mississippi area. The relative distributions of HLA-DR4 related alleles were determined by analysiS of hybridization pattern of amplified DNA to a panel of sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes (SSOP). Frequency distribution of DR4 alleles was 9% as compared with 24% in Caucasians. DRB1*0405 allele was present at highest frequncy (35%) as compared with -*0401 (26%); -*0402 (14%); -*0403 (2%); *0404 (13%); -*0408(4%); -*0410 (2%); -*0413 (2%) and 2% unidentified. The relative distribution of the HLA-DQB and -DPB alleles were analysed in 52 DR4-positive African American individuals. There was no correlation between a specific HLA-DR4 allele and a particular HLA-DQB or HLA-DPB alleles. However, the DRB1 *0405 allele was correlated 64% with DQB*0301/0302/03032, and 30% with DPB*0401/0402. The relative distribution of HLA-DQB and -DPB haplotypes in relation to the HLA-DRB1 *04 alleles appeared to be different in African Americans in the MissisSippi area as compared to that found in other Southern regions of the United States. This genetiC deversity might contribute to the origins of African American population in the Mississippi area.