may attend the practice there on the payment of a small additional fee. The practice is, however, free to medical visitors of the Army and Navy, and E...

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may attend the practice there on the payment of a small additional fee. The practice is, however, free to medical visitors of the Army and Navy, and East India Company. WESTMORELAND LocK HOSPITAL, Townsend.street, Dublin. - Extern Surgeon:Mr. T. Byrne, A.B., M. B.; Resident-Surgeon:Mr. R. Emerson, L. R. C. S. 1. & E. Pupils admitted to a course of clinical instruction.

Dr. W. C.


Hood.-Surgeon : Dr. W.

Mr. W. Lawrence.-Resident


ST. LUKE’S HOSPITAL FOR LUNATICS, Old-street.-Physicians: Dr. A. J. Sutherland, F.R.S.; Dr. Henry Monro.-Surgeon:: Mr. Jas. Luke.-Resideot Medical Superintendent: Dr. Stevens. Lectures on Insanity are delivered by Dr. Sutherland, and clinical lectures are given. Sessions of three ’months each commence on October lst, January 1st, May 1st. Fee for session, .633s.


QUEEN’S COLLEGE, CORK.-Clinical medicine and clinical surgery, at the North and South Infirmaries, by the physicians and surgeons of these hospitals. Clinical midwifery at the Lying-in Hospital. The fees and the regulations are nearly alike at all the Queen’s Colleges. Matriculated students are required to pass the matriculation examination, whereby they are declared competent to pursue the course of study, on completing which they are entitled to become candidates for the degrees or diplomas granted by the Queen’s University in Ireland. The examination for matriculation will commence on Tuesday, the 19th of October, 858. Each candidate, before being admitted to the matriculation

HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTION AND DISEASES OF THE CREST’.. Brompton. -Consulting Physicians: Sir J. Forbes, Dr. C. J. B> Williams, and Dr. Walshe.-Physicians: Dr. Hamilton Roe, Dr. Theophilus Thompson, Dr. Cursham, Dr. Cotton, and Dr. Quain.-Assistant Physicians: Dr. Pollock, Dr. Edward Smith, and Dr. Scott Alison.-Consulting-Surgeon: Mr. Fergusson.ResidentMedical Officer : Mr. Vertue Edwards. Pupils are admitted to the hospital practice. Fees : for examination, is required to pay to the bursar of the College, three months, oB33s.; for six months, £55s.;perpetual, £10 10s. the matriculation and College fees for the year, amounting Clinical instruction is given daily by the physicians and together to 10&. for each faculty or department of faculty. assistant- physicians. Clinical assistants reside in the hospital. Thesa fees will be returned to such candidates as may fail in Pupils are eligible to these appointments, which are held for passing the matriculation examination. Students of the faculty six months. Further particulars may be obtained of the resi-

of Medicine to pay on matriculation the whole of the fees of dent medical officer. the classes for which they enter. Matriculated students are LONDON FEVER HOSPITAL, Liverpool-road, Islington.required to wear an academic dress. In May and June are held general examinations in the sub- Physicians: Dr. Tweedie and Dr. Southwood Smith.-Assistantjects lectured upon during the session; and a sum of .6100 is Physicians : Dr. Jenner and Dr. Murchison. -Resident Medical awarded in prizes to the most distinguished students. Officer: Dr. J. D. Scurrah.-Resident Secretary: Mr. Cumming. Non-matriculated students may attend the professors’ lectures without passing any of the examinations, on paying to SEAMEN’S HOSPITAL, "DREADNOUGHT," off Greenwich.the bursar the regulated College and class fees, amounting Physicians: Dr. Barnes, Dr. S. H. W ard.-Surgeons: Mr. generally to £25s. for each course. Scholarships.-The examinations for scholarships will com- Busk, Mr. Tudor -Assistant-Surgeon: Mr. Croft.-Physicians’ mence on Tuesday, the 19th of October. Six Scholarships in Assistant: Mr. Corner. Medicine, of the value of X20 each, tenable for one year, will GERMAN HOSPITAL, Dalston. - Physicians: Dr. S. Sutro, be awarded to students commencing their first, second, and third years; and two Senior Scholarships of .640 each to stu- Tuesday and Friday, at two P.M.; Dr. Hermann Weber, Mondents commencing their fourth year. day and Thursday, at two P. M. - Surgeon: Mr. de Meric, Wednesday and Saturday, at two P.M. Hon. Assistant-Phy. sician: Dr. George Lichtenberg, Monday and Friday, at two QUEEN’S COLLEGE, BELFAST.-Laboratory pupalsThe labo- P.M.-Resident Physician: Dr. C. Fromann.-Dentist: Mr. D. ratory is open on five days in each week, during the College 1. Brenneis, Wednesday, at half-past three P.wL-Czcpper: Mr. session, from ten till four. Fee for working six months, £10; John Atkinson. Di.spenser: Mr. Th. Borchert. - Medical one month, £3. Officers of the Dispensaries : For the East of London: Dr. A. Six Junior Scholarships, X20 each, and two Senior Scholar- Rasch. For the West-end of London: Dr. C. Ed. Grasemann. ships, .640 each, are awarded annually. Scholars are exempted from one-half of the class fees. METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL, Devonshire-square, BishopsBELFAST DISTRICT HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. -ResidentPhysician: Dr. R. Stewart. Visiting-Physician:Dr. H. gate.-Playsician.s: Dr. Ramskill, Dr. C. T. Richardson, and Dr. H. Staveley King.-Surgeons: E. J. Chance, C. B. Childs, M’Cormac.- Visiting-Surgeon:Dr. James Moore. and J. Hutchinson, Esqs.-Dentist: Mr. J. Coleman.-Cupper; Mr. Atkinson. and Ex7tibitions. QUEEN’S COLLEGE, GALWAY.-Scholarships - --Six Junior Scholarships, of the value of X20 each, and six PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY, 17, Bloomsbury -square. - Cheexhibitions, of the value of X15 each, are thus appropriated ;- mistry and Pharmacy: Mr. Redwood, Tuesday, Wednesday, and to two Exhibitions students of the first, Two Scholarships and Friday, at half-past eight o’clock, A.M.-Botany and the second, and third years, respectively. Also, two Senior Scho- Natural History of Drugs : Mr. Bentley, Saturday and Monlarships, of the value of £40 each, and two Exhibitions, of the day, at half-past eight A.M.-The Laboratory for Practical Invalue of X25 each, to students of the fourth year. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, under Professor Redstructiou Scholars of the first, second, and third years are exempted wood, was opened on the 1st of October. The season extends from half the class fees. to the end of July, and pupils may enter at any period duringthe season. GALWAY COUNTY INFIRMARY.-Surgeon: A. J. Veitch, M.B. Fees.-Five months, X15 15s.; four months, £13 13s. ; threeMr. Simon Dr. Visiting Physicians and b’2crgeores: M’Coy, £11 two months, £9 9s.; one month, X6 6s. months, Richard Doherty, Dr. Chas. Croker King, Dr. Joseph N. Blake. Students not lIs.; registered in connexion with the Society pay a The TOWN FEVER HOSPITAL contains 30 beds, with a capabifee of one guinea for attendance at each of the courses of leclity of accommodating a far greater number when epidemics tures. prevail. Physician: Dr. Nicholas Golahan. Latin Class.-Mr. Braithwaite, principal assistant in the Besides these institutions, the Hospital of the Galway Union laboratory, will give instruction to an evening class, for two is available for instruction. -Surgeon: Dr. James V. Browne. hours twice a week, in the reading of prescriptions and the pharmacopœia. Fee, 10s. 6d. a month. The Board of Examiners.-The Board of Examiners meet on the third Tuesday in every month, excepting May and SepHOSPITALS AND SCHOOLS FOR tember, for examinations and granting certificates of qualifications to practise pharmacy. Fee for minor examination and __








registration as an assistant, X55s.; or if previously registered For major examination as an apprentice or student, .63 3s. and registration as a pharmaceutical chemist, £10 10s.; or if BETHLEM HOSPITAL FOR LUSATICS, St. George’s- fields, previously registered as an assistant, X55s.-Elias Bremridge,. Southwark.-Resident Physician and Medical Superintendent: Secretary. 360

QUEEN CHARLOTTE’S LYING-IN HOSPITAL, Marylebone-road. - Consulting Physician: Dr. Roget, F.R.S.--Consulting Surge011,8: Charles Hawkins, Esq., F.R.S.-Medical Officers for



In-Patieots: Dr. Blakeley Brown and Dr. Metcalfe Babington. Medical Officers for Out-Patients: Joseph Cholmondeley, Esq. The hospital contains 50 beds. Resident pupils admitted for three months on payment of thirty guineas, including board and lodging. ____


315, Oxford-street.



geons: Mr. R. W. Tamplin, Mr. W. Adams.-Assistant-Surgeons: Mr. B. E. Brodhurst, Mr. Holmes Coote.-Apothecary: Mr. H. Sequeira. Lectures are regularly given to medical practitioners and



CITY ORTHOPÆDIC HOSPITAL, Hatton -garden. - Surgeon Mr. E. J. Chance. -Assistant-Surgeon: Mr. N. H. Stevens.

BRITISH LYING-IN HOSPITAL, Endell-street, Long-acre. ST. MARYLEBONE EYE AND EAR INSTITUTION, 155, MaryConsulting Physician: Dr. Henry Davies.-Physician: Dr. R. Lee.-Surgeons: Mr. B. Brookes, Dr. J. Clarke.-Secretary: lebone-road.-Surgeons: Mr. Henry Obre and Mr. W. 0. Chalk. Mr. Edwin Phillips.-Matron: Mrs. Blake. Days of attendance, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at one o’clock. Members of the medical profession are permitted . ROYAL MATERNITY CHARITY, Office, 17, Little Knight to see the practice on presenting their cards. Rider-street, Doctors’ Commons.-Consulting Physician: Dr. T. L. Blundell.-Physicians: Dr. Hall Davis, Dr. S. Griffith, METROPOLITAN EAR INFIRMARY, Sackville-street, Piccadilly. Dr. R. Barnes. Open on Tuesdays and Fridays from nine till ten. -Surgeon:midwives are Thirty-five employed. James Yearsley, Esq.—Practical Demonstrations on the Surnumber of deliveries, 3860. Average gery of the Throat and Ear are occasionally given. Free to medical


and students.






CHILDREN, Waterloo-

CITY OF LONDON HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST, bridge-road. - Senior Consulting Physician: Dr.Copland.- Victoria-park.-Consulting Physicians: Dr. B. G. Babington, Dr. W. Hughes Dr. H. Consulting Physician (with ordinary duties): Dr. Peacock, Dr. J. Risdon Willshire.-Physicians: Dr. C. Hutton and Dr. W. J. Merri- Bennett,Jeaffreson.-Physicians: Dr. Birkett.-Assistant.Physician: Dr. Surgeon: Mr. W. C. Dendy.-Surgeon: Consulting Surgeon: Mr. Hilton.-Resident Medical Officer: Mr. J. Cooper Forster.-Sungeon-Derzt,ist: Mr. Alfred Canton. -Resident Medical Officer: Mr. F. Besly. -Matron: Mrs. Mr. J. W. Cousins. Besly. ROYAL SouTH LONDON DISPENSARY, St. George’s-cross, This institution is furnished with beds for in-patients. (recognised by the University of London for Practical MediAdvanced students in medicine, and l’uch practitioners as Dr. F. C. Jones, Mr. C. W. C. Otway, Dr cine.)-Surgeons: the of the instidesire to attend are it, may practice permitted Medical Officer: Mr. W. Hentock. tution gratis. If a certificate signifying such attendance, be W. E. Humble.-Resident Students entered the resident medical officer. by required, the sum of five guineas must be paid to the physicians and surgeons in ordinary conjointly. No certificate is Establishment for OutCANCER HOSPITAL, Brompton. granted for a less period than three months; and it is necessary for a student at his entrance to intimate to the medical Patients, 167, Piccadilly.-Prin.cipal Surgeon: Wm. Marsden, officers his intention, if it be so, of attending for a certificate. M.D.-Surgeons: Mr. Weeden Cooke and Mr. Alex. Marsden. The house-surgeon is permitted to take apprentices, to -Pathological Anatomist: Dr. Knox, F.R.S.E. Resident whom, with the concurrence of the physicians and surgeons, Dispenser: Mr. C. F. Draper. certificates of attendance on the practice may be conceded without fee. LocK HOSPITAL AND AsYLUM, Harrow-road, Paddington.SCHOOL OF OBSTETRIC MEDICINE, Harley-street, Cavendish- Physician:Dr. A. Sayer.-Surgeons : Mr. S. Lane and Mr. Ho Mr. J. R. Lane.-Apothecary: Mr.. square.-Swmmer Session, 1859.-Dr. Hall Davis, Physician Lee.-Assistant-Surgeon: Watson.-Matrons: Mrs. Clarkson and Mrs. Fuller. W. S. to the Royal Maternity Charity, and to the St. Pancras Indeliver his will annual course of Lectures on firmary Midwifery and the Diseases of Women and Children, at 11, Harley-street, PRIVATE TEACHERS. Cavendish-square. The course will commence with the summer term, and will be announced, as hitherto, in April. MR. POWER and Dr. POWER pursue their lectures and examinations, in the lecture-room, Exeter Hall, Strand, prethe various examining-boards. They have also a. HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, 49, Great Ormond-street.- paratory for class for the Indian medical examination. Mr. Power special Dr. and West Dr. Physicians: Jenner.-Assistant-Physicians: receives privately practitioners preparing for the degree of Dr. C. M. S. Babington and Dr. T. Hillier. - Surgeon:Mr. M.D., or College of Physicianshe also prepares by correAthol Johnson. spondence. officers attend nine o’clock A.M. The medical daily at Mr. F. J. GANT will commence, on Monday, the 4th inst., at Fee, for three months’ attendance, zC3 3s. ;perpetual, X55s. 33 P.M., at the Royal Free Hospital, a series of demonstrations. of pathological anatomy specially applied to surgical diagnosis ROYAL WESTMINSTER OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, Charing-cross. and operations. They will be continued each succeeding Surgeons: Mr. C. G. Guthrie, Mr. H. Hancock.-Assis- Monday. tant-Surgeons: Mr. Jabez Hogg, Mr. H. Power, M.B.-Housegives instructions to medical students in all Surgeon: Mr. George May on. the branches of their studies, at his residence, 2, SouthamptonThe hospital contains 30 beds, and during the past year 6077 street, Bloomsbury-square. out-patients and157 in-patients were treated. Dr. BARRON gives medical and surgical tuition for profesThe medical officers attend on Mondays, Wednesdays, and sional examinations, at his class-rooms, 15, St. Thomas’s-street, from two o’clock. one to Fridays, Operations on Friday, at half-past one o’clock; and lectures Borough. are delivered on the The Rev. J. B. BARKER, of Brunswick-house, Roman-road, Anatomy and Diseases of the Eye. Fee for the attendance on the practice and lectures, three Barnsbury-park, assists medical students in preparing them for months, .633.s.; perpetual, £55s. examination in medical classics. The office of house-surgeon is open to the competition of the Mr. D. MURRAY, B.A., continues to assist gentlemen in prestudents attending the hospital. paring for the matriculation at the University of London, College of Surgeons, and Apothecaries’ Hall. Address, 471, New ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, Moorfields.-Con- Oxford-street, 48, Broad-street, Bloomsbury, and 3, Palmersulting Physician: Dr. F. J. Farre.-Physician: Dr. R. Mar- terrace, Holloway. tin.-Consulting Surgeon: Mr. G. W. Mackmurdo.-Surgeons: Mr. CHRISTOPHER HEATH will give an evening course of Mr- J. Dixon, Mr. G. Critchett, Mr. W. Bowman, and Mr. A. demonstrations and examinations upon the dissected subject Poland.-Assistant-Surgeons: Mr. J. C. Wordsworth and Mr. at the Westminster Hospital, on Monday, Wednesday, and, J. F. Streatfield.-House Surgeon: Mr. R. H. Moon. Friday evenings, from 7 to 9 o’clock. 361 ____



