Human Embryology

Human Embryology

AMERICAN .JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOG'r eet. The book is well illustrated, particularly on the section on operative technique and postoperati...

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eet. The book is well illustrated, particularly on the section on operative technique and postoperative care. The completeness of the book is noted in a discussion ou the social and economic conditions effecting this phase of medicine, which includes a. section on the function •lf the medical social worker, and her part in the problems of Gynecologic Nursing. PHILIP F. WILLIAMS Van Ravensteyn has published a doctoral thesis ftom the University of Utrecht, conraining studies on follicle ripening.5 In the true doctoral fashion, he starts his bibliography 'Vith Hippocrates, and ends with Regnier de Graaf. The book contains a careful study of the development of the ovarian follicle, influenced c·onsiderably by the work of Moricard. Besides the histologic data, he has investigated tlw vitamin 0 content of the follicular cells in the preovulatory phase. He concludes with 1·eportR on war amenorrhea. R. T. FRAKK. This monograph6 deals with the iron metabolism of mother and child during pregnancy. The hemoglobin of the serum i~ elevated dming pregnancy over that of the nonpregnant avel·age, drops abruptly after labor, but within one week Teaches the nonpregnant norm. The 'Jlacenta acts as a supplementary spleen. This accounts for the increased hemolysis in pregnancy. Iron can traverse the placental barrier. The fetus' serum has a higher iron content than that of the mother. In the newborn, there always is a hyperbilirubinemia (indirect). Tf there is a reduction in blood volume, ace.orcling to the author, jaundice develops. R.. T.


the The second edition of Barbosa's Practical Obstetricsr which, in 1940, was Mme. Durocher's prize, has appeared after an interval of four years. This is a very detailed, simple description of every phase of obstetrics, normal as well as pathologic. The exposition 'ts very sequential and paragraphed in such a fashion as to be striking to the student or obstetrician. There are numerous illustrations, mostly schematic, simple, but very The additional new illustrations and the revisiou have brought the book fully up to date. R. T. FRANK. Human Embryology by Patten8 is designed for the medical student and practitioner. The text aims to show the great practical importance that a knowledge of embryology plays in everyday medicine. The continuity of development, sequence, and significance are Eeatured. The hormonal cycle, its change during pregnancy, and the consequent phenomena monsters, teratology, achondroplasia are are described. False implantation, placenta some of the subjects introduced. This method of treatmen.t keeps up interest and aids in c'emembering facts. 'Studies Over de Follil
Histologisch onderzoek over de follikel van de Graaf in

je praeovulatiephase, ldinisch onderzoek over de oorlogsamenorrhoe te 's Gr!\ in 1944 en 194ft, met een inleiding over de gescbiedenis van hct onderzoek van de folhkel van de Graaf.

Door Theodoor Leopold Willem Van Ravestevn, Arts. Geboren Te Eerbeek, Proefschrift. Ter Verkrijging Van Den Graad Van Doctor in ·de 'Geneeskunde Aan De Rijksuniversiteit Te Utrecht, Op Gezag Van Den Rector Magnlficus DL J. Boeke, Hoogleeraar In De Faculteit Der Geneeskunde . Volgens Besluit Van Den Senaat Der Universiteit Te. Verdedigen Tegen De Bedenkingen Van De Faculteit Der Geneeskunde Op Dinsdag 5 Maa.rt 1946, Des Namiddags Te 3 'Cur, 121 pages. Eduard Ijdo N. V., Leiden, 191,6. 6 Het I.izermetabolisme Bi.i Moeder en Kind. Door .M. J. Renaer. 159 pages. Uitgeversmij. N. V. Standaard-Bockhandel, Antwerpen, Brussel, Gent. Leuven. 1945. 'Obstetricia Pratica (Laureada pela Amvdemia. Nacional de Medicina com a Premia Mme. Durocher de 194(}). By Luiz Aguirre Horta Barbosa, Docente livre de Clfnica Obstetrica e de Clinica Ginecol6gica da Faculdade Naciona.l de Medicina da Universidade do Brasil. Assistente


and Rock-are pietured. The ductless glands as a group, The newest irrespective of embryonal development, are described. The various systems are described, fully, clearly, as in other texts. 'l'he illustrations are abundant (1,366, with 53 in color), very well drawn and reproduced. \. bibliography concludes this very satisfactory textbook. R. T. FRANK. The present volume, Contrib'tltiona to EmbTyology,u [rom the Camegie Institution o£ Washington, contains nine contributions. deAllenda, Shorr, and Hartman report the re~ contents of rhesus monkeys and women. These :mlts of a comparative study of the ~tudies have revealed a fundamental similarity between the vaginal secretions in the two during the menstrual cycle and under the infl.uence of exogenous hormones. Tlie authors note that fhe vaginal mucosa of the monkey is thickest at ovulation, whereas the human, the epithelium is thickest in the luteal phase. Dr. Streeter contributes another sec~ tion of his monograph, "Developmental Horizons in Ruman Embryos." In the current contribution, he discusses groups .L3 and 14 of the 25 developmental groups which are to cover the iirst seven weeks of embryonic life according to the state of development. He has diseussed the characteristics of the external form of embryos belonging to group 13, as well as iixed points in various systems in this age group. The period of indentation of the lens plate is an outstanding characteristic of group 14. The material for these studies has been. contributed from many sections of the United States; such cooperation should be continued to forward this important work of the Institution. and Rock contribute studies of two ova of the previllous stage having· developmental ages of seven and nine days; and with Heuser of two human embryos showing the removed sac. This material was discovered in earliest stages of deiinitive uteri. Wilson contributes the study of a sixteen~day (Rochester) ovum discovered in curetand Marchetti describes a previllous human ovum, also recovered from a curettage tage specimen. This ovum was considered to be about thirteen days old. Corner discusses the development, organization, aJ'!A breakdown of the corpus luteum in the l'hesus monkey, and describes the appearances revealed by routine histologic methods, He notes that the diagnostic signs of the age of the corpus luteum of the monkey apparently can be applied to human corpora lutea. Burns contributes two articles on the reactions of the phallus and the urinogenital sinus in the oppossurn to sex hormones. He shows that estrogenic substances have an almost exactly opposite effect on histogenesis of the phallus compared with those pro~ duced by androgens. 'rhe reactions appear to be highly specific. His :final contributions note the speci:tlc manner in which the tissues of the urinogenital sinus responds to treatments with androgen~, a reaction which closely parallels the experiments described for the pllallus, PHILIP



Miscellaneous Physical Chemistry of Cells and Tissues by Ri:iber with collabontwrstu u; a ;,erious and successful attempt to present ' 1 physiology as a branch of physical chemical science complex system, that may be subjected with life as a physical, though to scientific analysis like any other natural object.'' This is a presentation of the funda~ mentals and an analysis of the life of a cell by means of the tools of modern physics. In their preface the authors acknowledge that there are a great number of unsolved problems. 'l'he book is far beyond the knowledge of the average physician unless he has had a good training in physical chemistry. Starting with the atoms and molecules and deiining the •Contributions to Embryology, Volume 31, numbers 198 to 206. 175 pages. illustrated. and 42 color plates. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 557. Washington, D. C. 1945. lOPhysical Chemistry of Cells and Tissues. By Rudolf Rober, University of Pel;lns;vlvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pa., with the collaboration of David I. Hitchcock, Yale University School of Medicine, Laboratory of Physiology, New Haven, Conn.: J. B. Bateman, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn,: David R. Goddard, University of Rochester, Biological Laboratories, Rochester, N. Y.; Wallace 0. Fenn. University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, N, Y. 676 pages. The Blakiston Co .. Philadelphia. 1945.