Hydraulic handbook (5th edition)

Hydraulic handbook (5th edition)

BOOK R E V I E W S The application of modern physical techniques to tribology T. F. J. Quinn Newnes-Butterworth (1971 ) 253 pp, £3.60 This book is i...

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BOOK R E V I E W S The application of modern physical techniques to tribology T. F. J. Quinn

Newnes-Butterworth (1971 ) 253 pp, £3.60

This book is intended to meet the needs of engineers, metallurgist, physicists and physical chemists who wish to become more familiar with the various ways in which modern physical techniques are being brought to bear on typical tribological situations of interest to industry. Introductory sections on electron microscopy, electron and X-ray diffraction, electron probe microanalysis, radioactive tracers and interferometry are included so that readers should not require to refer to other sources for a basic understanding of the special techniques discussed. An introduction to tribology is also included in order to make the book as complete as possible. The author has based the book on university lectures and it reads as such. In his concluding remarks he states that the techniques with the most potential for tribological applications are those of scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis and possibly low energy electron diffraction yet only 7 pages are devoted to scanning electron microscopy, 5 pages to microprobe analysis and 1 page to low energy electron diffraction whilst 40 pages are devoted to electron diffraction, 90 pages to X-ray crystallography and 17 pages to the obsolete technique of reflection electron microscopy. Examples of the application of the most modern techniques are almost entirely drawn from the author's own research work principally using a pin and disc machine, a laboratory experimental apparatus, which is considered by many experts in the field not to be relevant to general lubricated service application. Practical tribologists with industrial problems have no great need for any understanding of the fundamentals involved in physical in investigational techniques. They require to know how these techniques can help to solve their problems. For example, comparison of micrographs of failed components with those of typical failures can often enable a diagnosis and satisfactory remedial measures to be taken. The book lacks information of this type and how the techniques can be used for trouble shooting and failure prevention. Besides the lack of illustrations or references to practical information on service components such as bearings, gears, cams, etc other notable omissions are the use of techniques in the examination of oils and greases. The most modern technique of surface examination, Auger spectroscopy, is not mentioned and the many useful techniques of particle size determination are not discussed. The book will be most useful to the student or research worker who wishes an introduction to tribology and the theory and uses of physical techniques of examination although many publications already exist which cover these subjects adequately. Less fundamental information and a more balanced consideration of the more practical applications of the techniques would have made the book more attractive for the engineer, metallurgist, etc for whom it is intended. By present day standards the quality of the printing, diagrams and illustrations are good at the price. D. Scott

Gearing in 1970 The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (1971) 232 pp, £11.00

This publication contains the proceedings of a conference, 'Gearing in 1970', organized by the Applied Mechanics and Tribology Groups of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on 17-18 September 1970 at Cambridge University. The contents includes the 23 papers, discussion and communications, authors' replies, a list of delegates and indexes. Most of the papers are of interest to the tribologist, in particular there is a very useful review by Professor Dowson which gives an account of the application of fundamental lubrication studies to gear design procedures. Also Professor Blok's paper covers recent theoretical developments in gear tribology, especially thermal and elastohydrodynamic considerations.

Hydraulic handbook (5th edition) Trade and Technical Press Ltd (1971) 876pp, £10.00

The latest edition of Hydraulic Handbook has been updated to include developments in industrial oil-hydraulics during the past four years. The first section gives data on various hydraulic components, including a chapter on fluids, followed by application details and a survey of equipment. The second section is devoted to technical data, and the final section is a Buyers' Guide.

M~thodes rapides d'analyse des huiles usag~es (Fast analysis methods for used oils) Editions Technip (1971) 180pp, 63F

Papers presented at a conference on 'Fast analysis methods for used oils' jointly organized by the Association Frangais des Techniciens du P~trole and the Soci~t~ de Ing~nieur de l'Automobile and sponsored by the Institut Fran~ais du P~trole in October 1970 are published in this paperback. The first four papers illustrate the viewpoint of laboratories and the last five of users; there is a linking paper by Professor Sibenaler.

5th Gas bearing symposium Universityof Southampton(1971) 2 Vols, £8 The proceedings of the 5th Gas bearing symposium held at the University of Southampton in March 1971, are now available. There are 2 volumes, 336 pages each, comprising the 29 papers presented, discussion and authors' replies. A range of theoretical and practical aspects of gas bearings are covered by the papers which will be an aid to anyone wanting to keep up with the latest developments in this field.

The cleaning, lubrication and operation of gas bearing gyroscopes Shell Research Ltd (1970)

The work reported in this publication was performed by Shell Research Ltd for The Admiralty. Part I, by Davies, Galvin and Morecroft, is entitled SINS gyroscope studies. Among the recommendations were: trying an a.c. vacuum

TRIBOLOGY November 1971