Intmduction There has beer: increasing interest in the application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMFU spectroscopy to the study of animal tissues and body fluids P-4]_ By means of NMR one can identify and quantitate a number of molecular species at one time, with or without such pr&reatments as extractisn and separation. In spite of its high sensitivity, the use of ‘H-PJlk%R study of animal tissues and body fluids has been li measuremenE of signal intensity and r&xation times with some exceptions 14%151. This has 1 al of substames other
hidden by a Iarge * ASPB asp in a
of water protons by hsmonu rapid to perform, has qua&t&on of metabolites in animal organs ami titl6srres. The present
the results of our experiments and discusses the possibility of using for estimation <;f post-mcctem time.
Female Wister rats. weighing about 250 g, were used. The animals were ~i~~~ by bleeding from the carotid arteries bilaterally under sodium pen~5~~~~~~~~ anesthesia and were allowed to stand at room temperature (17ram each of the tissues was removed and this was homogenized at 3000 rev./min for with a JEOL or 200 MHz in trometer. operating water, gatedective sat~rati~m of the water protons was m-e acquired by ~~~~~~ati~~ was made by ~Q~~~~~
of “W-signals Ealaquisitian them with the
spectra of D20 exiraets of the liver, ecrvely. In these Pamate, alanine
rhaps, proteins the resolvent also beta in Figs. ID-P. In Figs. IF: and F are found traethylgroup of lactate, alanine. p~;ruva~, and some
“H-signals of the al of giueose. In
in the low t
~~~t~ti~~ of lactate and pyruvate futwtisn of gasbmortem time. The and 3 and also in Tables 1 and 2. These