Geomechanics Abstracts
Properties of rocks and soils
Fracture processes See also abstract: 1430.
See also abstract: 1425.
Predrainage of coal seams by hydrofracture. IT,10R. COLLIerY GUABD .V224,Ng, SE~T. 1976, P461-£62. This is a brief review of published American, Russian and West German work on the hydrofracture of coal seams to induce more rapid emission of methane prior to working the seams.
PODNIEKS, ER Four factors influencing observed rock properties. IN,SOIL SPECIMEN PREPARATION FOR IABORATORY TESTING, ILADEI/~IA, ASTM, 1976,16P. esents a review of the effect of four factors in specimen preparation that influence mechanical property tests-moisture content, orientation with respect to rock fabric, fractures s and specimen tolerances-and discusses methods developed during various B u r e a u of Mines testing programs for controlling these factors. Bureau and other research is cited to present problems in obtaining suitable property data arising from these factors and to define solutions to the problems.
L322 ~BoV, NG '~ozen rocks of the Kamchatka peninsula. In Russian. ~N,REGIDNAL AND TF~4ATIC GEOCRYOLOGICAL INVESTIGAtIONS .NOVOSIBIRSK, NAUKA, 1975, P35-38. I
324 L~LIBURTON,TA 'ETRY,TM ~YDEN,ML [dentlfication snd treatment of dispersive clay oils. ~KLAHOMA STATE UNIV.R31~ORT,JULY,1975,170P.PB_248840. eports a study undertaken to develop a physical test mthod for identifying pots~tially dispersive clay soil. he test was used to evaluate the effectiveness of chemcal treatment in reducing erosion potential. Hydrated .ime, alumlnium sulphate and sodium chloride were all ound to be effective. 1325 PA ITHANKAR, AG MISRA,GB Critical appraisal of the Protodyakonov index. Technical note. INT. J.ROCK MECH .MIN.SC I.GEOMECH .ABSTR,V13, N8,AUG. 1976, P249-251.
Texture, structure, composition and density 1326 GORKOVA, IM ~%ysical and chemical investigations of dispersed sedlmentary rocks for construction purposes. In sian with English table of contents. 151R. COW. STRO IIZDAT, 1975,151P.
1328 GAY, NC W ITWAT~BSRAND UNIV, ZA Fracture growth around openings In large blocks of rock subjected to uniaxlal and bisxlal compression. 15F, 20R. INT.J.ROCK MECH .MIN.SCI. GEOMECH .ABSTR,Vl3, N8, AUG. 1976, P231-243.
Strength characteristics 1329 KOUTSOFTAS, D DAMES-~DORE, CRANFORD, NJ, USA FISCH~, JA DAMES-MOORE, CRANFORD, NJ, USA In-situ undrained shear strength of two machine clays. 16F, 16R. J .GEOTECH.ENGNG DIV. ,ASCE,V102,GTg,1976, P989-I005. Field testing was performed at an offshore site approx 4.5 km from the New Jersey coast, with water depths of 9.2 to 12.2m to evaluate the undrained strength of two relatively young (about 8,000yr old) cohesive marine soils; a stiff plastic clay (CH) and a medium-stlff, lean, slightly sensitive clay (CL). Nm~erous consolidation tests indicate that the relatively young Holocene sediments are precompressed resulting in overconsolidation ratios ranging from 3.5 to 6 for the plastic clay (CH) and between 5 and 25 for the silty clay (CL). The normalized undrained shear strengths from UUC tests and field vane tests were correlated with the overconsolidation ratios of these sediments and compared with the results of Ko-consolidated undrained triaxial compression, and d i r e c t - s i ~ e shear tests. Auth. 133o AJAZ,A NESPAK, LAHORE, IND PARRY,RHG CAMBRIDGE UNIV. ,GB Bending test for compacted clays. 12F,15R. J.G~DTECH.ENGNG DIV. ,ASCE, Vl02, GT9,1976, P929_ 9h3. A method of testing soll beams has been developed to investigate the behavlour of compacted clays under stress gradient conditions and total stress tension and compression. A two-point loading system is adopted and defor~tlons observed by dial gage and by radiographic means. Stresses in the beam are derived by a differential method not requiring the assu~tion of a specific stressstrain law. Auth. 1331 DE ALBA, P SHANNON-WILSON, BULINGAME, CA, USA SEED, HB UNIV. CALIF., BERK~TRy,USA CHAN, CK Sand liquefaction in lsrge-scale sim~le shesr tests. 15F,3TR.