Identification of Staphylococci in Nonfat Dry Milk by the Fluorescent Antibody Technique1, 2

Identification of Staphylococci in Nonfat Dry Milk by the Fluorescent Antibody Technique1, 2


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IDENTIFICATION OF STAPHYLOCOCCI IN NONFAT DRY MILK BY T H E F L U O R E S C E N T A N T I B O D Y T E C H N I Q U E 1.2 P. B. SMITH, 8 ELIZABETH McCOY, A~ri) ft. B. WILSON Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, Madison SU~X[~[ARY

An investigation was made of the applicability of the fluorescent antibody technique to the detection of staphylococci in nonfat dry milk. Procedures are given for the preparation of milk films and the staining of these films by the indirect fluorescent antibody procedure. Qualitative studies revealed that Staphylococcus aureus cells could be specifically identified in the presence of cells of Streptococcus lactis, Lactobac{llus casei~ Bacillus subtilis~ and other organisms which might occur normally in milk. Additional studies showed that cells of staphylococci could be quantitatively determined in milk films by this procedure, and that direct microscopic counts of these organisms correlated extremely well with numbers of S. aureus cells known to be present. The quantitative detection of staphylococci from nonfat dry milk which had been inoculated with S. aureus before spray-drying demonstrated that the heating and desiccation occurring during spray-drying did not affect the results of our tests. Advantages of the fluorescent antibody technique over conventional procedures are presented. The serious staphylococcal food poisoning outbreaks of 1953 and 1956 (2, 3) which implicated nonfat dry milk as the responsible food prompted investigations into new methods of detecting staphylococci in this product. The ideal technique would be one which would specifically identify staphylococci in small numbers and in the presence of morphologically similar organisms. I n addition, it should detect either viable or dead organisms, since most bacteria are killed during the manufacture or storage of nonfat dr), milk. The recent use of fluorescent antibodies as specific staining reagents in a number of other systems (5, 6, 8) was noted and considered as potentially applicable to the above problem. Because this technique uses a serological system and a microscopic system, it should be both highly specific and highly sensitive. Indeed, while the present study was in progress, Carter (4) reported that he could specifically identify coagulase positive staphylococci in smears from cheese and nonfat dry milk. The purpose of our investigation was to see if the fluorescent Received for publication December 13, 1961. 1 Published with the approval of the Director of the Wisconsin Agricultural :Experiment Station. 2 Supported in part by funds from the American Dry Milk Institute. 3 Present address: Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Georgia.

antibody technique could be applied to the qualitative and quantitative detection of staphylococci in nonfat dr), milk. Conventional staining methods of nonfat dry milk films do not distinguish between cells of Staphylococcus aureus and themnoduric cocci, but a serological procedure such as the fluorescent antibody technique might provide such a distinction. Also, this antigen-antibody system does not require viable organisms for a positive result, since killed cells will also be detected. METHODS

Preparcltion of milk films. Thin slides of any glass except Pyrex were thoroughly cleaned with Bon Ami and allowed to dry in air, after which they were wiped clean and stored in a dust-free container. A few minutes before use they were flamed and allowed to cool. Nonfat dry milk was reconstituted in water according to standard procedures (1) at a concentration of 11 g per 99 nfl of water. After the suspension had become homogeneous, it was diluted 1:10 with sterile water of neutral pH. Milk films were prepared according to standard methods and dried at 40-45 C for 5-10 min. They were then immersed in xylene for 2 min, air-dried, immersed in 95% ethanol for 5 rain, and dried again. The films were firmly fixed to glass slides by the following procedure of Olson and Jezeski (7). Each slide was immersed vertically in 2 .~ NaOH for 5 rain, then washed very gently 729


P. B. SMITH, E L I Z A B E T H ][eCOY, AND J. B. W I L S O N

by moving the slide vertically three or four times, in each of two beakers of water. Horizontal movement was avoided, since it enhanced disintegration of milk films. Slides were then drained and air-dried. Preparation of immune ant@era. Staphylococcus antisera were prepared by injecting rabbits intravenously with heat-killed whole cell preparations adjusted to an 0.D. of 2.0 in a Coleman Spectrophotometer (590 m~ X). An initial i.v. injection of 0.5 ml was followed foul" days later by 1.0 ml on each of three successive days, then four days rest, and the cycle repeated weekly through the fom-th week. Sera were collected ten days after the final injection. Titers of antisera ranged from 1:1280 to 1:5120, by tube agglutination tests, but only those with the highest titers were used for fluorescent antibody work. Fluoreseein-labeled sheep antiserum to rabbit globulin was obtained from the Sylvana Company. Staining with fl~orescent antibodies. The indirect staining method of Weller and Coons (9) was employed. Milk fihns were stained by flooding slides with a small amount of unlabeled staphylococcal antiserum and placing them in a moist chamber for 20-30 rain. Excess antiserum was removed, and slides were washed in either phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.2, 0.05 5J phosphate) or distilled water (pH 7), after which they were air-dried. The milk films were then flooded with a small amount of fluoreseeinlabeled sheep antiserum to rabbit globulin and the slide returned to the moist chamber for 20 min. Excess serum was renmved and slides were washed in phosphate-buffered saline (pH 8.0) for 15 rain, with occasional gentle vertical agitation. Again, care was exercised to avoid dislodging the milk film. Excess buffer was removed with absorbent tissue, a drop of bur-

£ered glycerol (nine parts glycerol; one part phosphate-saline, pH 8) was placed over the film, and a cover slip applied. Slides were then examined in the fluorescence microscope with an oil-immersion objective. ~or this work a Leitz Ortholux microscope equipped for fluorescence microscopy was used. The ultraviolet-transmitting filter BG 12, 4 mm thick, was used in conjunction with appropriate eyepiece filters and a Philips CS 150 high-pressure mercury lamp. Photographs were taken on Kodak Tri-X film through a medium yellow eyepiece filter to absorb ultraviolet light. CoT~trols. The controls used are shown in Table 1. These are grouped as A and B; Group A for specificity experiments in the absence of nonfat dry milk, and Group B for all experiments involving nonfat dlT milk. One other type of control might have been used in either group, and this would have employed a fluorescein-labeled normal sheep serum, e.g., as the second staining reagent ill control number B5. Quantitative st~tdies. Commercially prepared nonfat dry milk was recbustituted and inoculated with known numbers of cells of S. auret~s, as determined in a Petroff-Hauser chamber. Milk films were then prepared and stained as described above, and direct microscopic counts made of fluorescent staphylococci in each field. Other quantitative experiments were performed with experimentally prepared nonfat dry milk powders obthined from Dr. J. J. Jezeski, of the University of Minnesota, and having the following histories: Powder No. 1: prepared from skinunilk which had been heated to 93 C for 1 hr, cooled to 4.4 C within 30 rain, and held at this temperature overnight. Uninoculated. Powder No. 2: prepared from equM parts of milk used for powders No. 1 and 3. Re-

TABLE 1 Controls for the indirect fluorescent antibody technique Reagents "


Control No.




2 3

× :x X


1 2 3 4: 5 6



S. a~reus





},< X



a Legend : IAB = Unlabeled immune globulin to staphylococci; NAB = Unlabeled normal rabbit globulin; FAB = Fluoreseeindabeled sheep antl-rabbit serum.



a. Incandescent illumination




b. Ultraviolet illumination

FIo. 1. Fluorescent antibody staining of a mixture of Streptococclls a~re~s and Streptococc~cs lactis.

ported to contain 5 X 10 ~ staphylococci per milliliter of original milk. Powder No. 3: p r e p a r e d f r o m skimmilk which had been heated to 93 C for 1 hr, then cooled to 37 C. It was then inoculated with an enterotoxin-producing strain of S. aareas an'd incubated 18 hr. The staphylococcal population was reported to be 10 X 10; cells p e r nfilliliter of milk. P a r t of it was used to p r e p a r e Powder 2, above. These powders were reconstituted, fihns prepared on glass slides, and the fihns stained as described previously. Direct microscopic counts were made of the fluorescent staphylococci in each film. RESULTS

Specificity of staining. A variety of bacterial

species which constitute the normal flora of milk and some which might possibly he fomld in dry milk were used. They were BclcilIa.~ cereus,




a. Incandescent illumination


Aerobacte," aerogenes, Streptococc~s lactis, Streptoco('c~s faecalis, Lactobac~illas casei, and S. aarct~s. Smears were p r e p a r e d of both pure

cultures ~md mixtures of these organisms, and stained as above. Cells of each of these species nonspecifically adsorbed a small amount of fluorescent antibody, but cells of S. a~lreas stained f a r more intensely than did the others. Figures l a and b and 2a and b show the results on staining mixtures of S. aureus and either L. casei or S. lactis. The arrows in Figures l a and l b point to a mixed cluster of S. attretls and S. lactis cells which are nearly indistinguishable from each other under incandescent illumination ( F i g u r e l a ) . However, with ultraviolet ( U V ) illumination, it is a p p a r e n t that most of these cells are S. lactis, since they do not fluoresce ( F i g u r e l b ) , Figures 2a and 2b illustrate the same point with a mixture of S. at~ret~s and L. casei cells, the arrows indicating a chain of lactobacilli.

b. Ultraviolet illumination

FIO. 2. Fluorescent antibody staining of a mixture of Streptococc~ls aurvus and Lactobacilhls casei.







a. Incandescent illumination

b. Ultraviolet illumination

FIG. 3. Fluorescent antibody staining of nonfat dry milk containing staphylococci. Results such as these were typical of all of the mixtures, with the exception of mixtures of S. a u r e u s and B . cereus. The bacilli of this species, but not of the other species, adsorbed sufficient fluorescent antibody to fluoresce brightly under UV illumination. However, the dissimilarity in morphology between these cells and S . a u r e u s cells made differentiation possible. Preparations of nonfat dry milk which contained S . a u r e u s prior to processing were stained as described above, and Figures 3a and 3b demonstrate the results. The diagonally directed arrows indicate S. a u r e u s cells which are specifically and easily detectable by their fluorescence, but difficult to identify under incandescent illumination because of the presence of particles of milk constituents. Under UV light these particles usually were not visible, but an exception is denoted by the vertically directed arrows in these figures. These arrows indicate a particle which had adsorbed fluorescent antibody, and thus might give a false positive result. However, obseI~'ation of several such particles revealed that they always were uniformly fluorescent, whereas cells of S. a u r e u s appeared as doughnuts. With this distinction in mind, it was not difficult to differentiate the two, as in Figure 3b. Although the above experiments demonstrated that staphylococci could be specifically identified in mixtures with other organisms, only one strain of S . a u r e u s had been used. To see if the specific antiserum would also react with other staphylococcal strains, a collection of 72 cultures from cheeses, human sources, and bovine sources was made. When these strains were stained with fluorescent antibody, 12 strains did not specifically adsorb the labeled antibody, but 60 strains did react positively. The 12 strains which did not react had no out-

standing property in common, such as being coagulase-negative or all of bovine origin. The percentage of negative reactions (16.6%) was of interest because agglutination tests with the same antiserum, unlabeled, failed to react with 23% of 94 staphylococcal strains front the same sources, thus giving the same order of negative reactions. Q u a n t i t a t i v e s t u d i e s . The results of studies involving commercial preparations of nonfat dry milk to which known numbers of S. a u r e u s cells were added are shown in Table 2. I t is apparent that good results were obtained in all tests except those involving reconstituted milk with only 3.6 X 105 S. a u r e u s cells per milliliter. With this cell population, and because of the dilution factor involved in preparing nfilk films, only one staphylococcus cell per 14 microscopic fields would be expected, on the average. This is too low for accurate quantitative counts. Quantitative counts on nonfat dry milk powders in which staphylococci were grown prior to processing gave very good results. Examination of milk films prepared from Powder No. 1 revealed that very few bacteria were visible. A few large bacilli were seen, but staphylococci TABLE 2 Quantitative recoveries o f S. aure~s cells No. cells/ milliliter added to reconstituted nonfat d~" milk 3.6 × 10s 3.6 × 10~ 3.6 × 10B 3.6 × 10~

No. fluorescent cells/milliliter observed in microscope after staining w i t h fluorescent antibodies 2.3 × 108 2.8 × 10~ 4.5 × 106 Too few to count




were absent. Since this powder was prepared from uninoculated, unincubated nfilk, this is not surprising. Examinations of milk films prepared from Powders 2 and 3, however, showed large numbers of bacteria and resulted in counts of 6.05 × 10 ~ and 13 ×10 ~ fluorescent staphylococcal cells per milliliter, respectively. Although they were not counted, there was a fairly heavy concentration of large bacilli in these milk films, as compared with fihns from Powder 1. This might be expected, since bacilli of severai types are present in milk, and some sporeforming bacilli might survive the heat treatment and grow during the 18-hr incubation period. Thus, in milk films reported by Dr. Jezeski to contain 5 × 10 * staphylococci cells per milliliter by the direct microscopic count, we found 6.05 × 107 fluorescent staphylococci per milliliter and from milk films reported to contain 10 × 10 ~ cells per milliliter we found 13 × 10 ~ fluorescent cells p e r milliliter.





All of the controls listed in Table 1 are not necessary for routine use of this procedure as a diagnostic tool. Controls numbered B2 through B5 are essential ones, provided a positive control is also included in each day's tests. This might be prepared from a batch of nonfat dry milk which was either experimentally or naturally seeded with S. aureus cells. The photographs illustrating the specificity of the technique show that little difficulty should be encountered in identifying staphylococci in milk films, even in the presence of morphologically sinfilar organisms such as L. casei or S. lacti.~. I n addition, some evidence has been presented that a large majority (83.4%) of the strains of S. aureus which were tested could be detected by the indirect fluorescent antibody technique. This was approximately the same percentage as obtained by agglutination tests with the unlabeled serum. The results presented herein do not show that only coagulase-positive staphylococci react, since such results were not found to be true. To the contrary, and in contrast to the results DISCUSSIO~ of Carter (4), we found that both coagulasePreliminary experiments with milk films prenegative and -positive strains were stained. I t pared by standard methods showed that two major difficulties existed in the mechanics of should be pointed out, however, that Carter staining the staphylococci with fluorescent anti- used different antigens and that we made no bodies. The first of these was that prolonged attempt to produce antisera specific for coaguexposure of milk films to aqueous and saline lase-positive strains. Furthermore, our results solutions usually resulted in disintegration of have no immediate hearing on the detection of enterotoxin or enterotoxigenic staphylococci in the milk films. The second problem was that fluorescent staphylococci were nearly impos- nonfat dry milk. However, if a more specific sible to detect because of highly fluorescent antiserum can be produced, i.e., against such background material (milk constituents). Ad- strains of staphylococci specifically, it may be that it will be useful as a diagnostic reagent in sorption of fluorescent antibody preparations with both Dowex 2 chloride and acetone-dried the fluorescent antibody technique. The data from quantitative experiments show mouse liver powders, to remove unconjugated fluorochrome a n d / o r conjugated nonspecific that good correlation was obtained between antibodies, failed to decrease this background numbers of cells of staphylococci known to be fluorescence. The procedures which have been in nonfat dry milk and those actually emmted presented above under the heading Methods are as fluorescent in the UV microscope. This those which were found to be best for overcom- correlation is emphasized when one considers ing both of these difficulties. Thus, the brilliant the extremely high nlicroseopic factor (5 × background fluorescence was reduced by a com- 10 ~) introduced by diluting the reconstituted nonfat dry milk. Only the lowest concentration bination of diluting the reconstituted nonfat dry. of cells of S. a u r e u s was not counted quantimilk 1:10 with sterile water, and by using the tatively, but this does not mean that staphyloindirect staining procedure. cocci could not be detected at this concentraI n addition to eliminating excessive back- tion, or at even lower concentrations. Thomground staining, the indirect staining technique ason, Moody, and Goldman (8) have reported has the inherent advantage that only one fluo- that the bacterium M a l l e o m y c e s mallei could be rescein-labeled antibody is required for each detected with fluorescent antibody when only type of animal in which specific antisera are four cells were found on a snlear covering about being produced. On the other hand, the direct 1.5 sq cm. Thus, it would be possible theoretstaining procedure requires that each specific ically to detect a single cell of S. a u r e u s on a antiserum under study be labeled with a fluo- milk fihn, provided the entire area of the milk film were scanned microscopically. rescent compound.



The most valuable quantitative and diagnostic results were obtained from experiments with nonfat dry milk powders in which staphylococci were gu'own prior to processing. These results not only showed that S. aureus cells could be quantitatively counted, but that the various treatments given skhnmilk before and during spray-drying did not seriously lessen the staining of staphylococcal cells with fluorescent antibodies. The fluorescent antibody technique has some distinct advantages over conventional cultural methods of detecting organisms: (a) it is rapid; (b) it is as specific as the serological system employed; and (c) it will detect either viable or dead cells. Its nmjor advantage over conventional microscopic methods is that the fluorescent antibody technique employs a specific staining reagent (labeled antiserum), thus eliminating the painstaking and tedious examination of every stained organism. One glance at a microscopic field is sufficient to tell if fluorescent staphylococci are present, whereas one must often spend considerable time trying to differentiate conventionally stained staphylococci from morphologically similar organisms or from milk components. The major disadvantages of the fluorescent antibody technique, as applied to our purposes, are that (a) more expensive equipment is required for UV microscopy, and (b) specific antisera must be prepared and maintained, thus necessitating a small-animal colony. Both of these disadvantages might be minimized, however, by establishing r e~ o n al or cooperative laboratories to which all of the milk drying plants within a given area might send sampZes for testing.

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