Immuno consequences of zidovudine (AZT) treatment in morphine and methadone dependent mice
Pharmacological Research , Vol. 22. Supplement 2.1990
Pharmacological Research , Vol. 22. Supplement 2.1990
IMMUNO CONSEQUENCES OF ZIDOVUDINE (AZT) TREATMENT IN MORPHINE AND METHADONE DEPENDENT MICE R.Pacifici, S.Di Carlo, N.Nyazema, S.Pichini, P.Zuccaro Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Clinical Biochemistry Department (Rome) A high percentage of HIV infected individuals may proceed to AIDS-Related Complex (ARC) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Several studies showed that zidovudine is a potent inhibitor of HIV replication. The highest rate of HIV-infection has been recorded in Italy among drug addicts. In a previous work we showed the depressive role played by morphine on human phagocytic and postphagocytic physiology of both polymorphonuclear (PMN) and mononu clear (MN) leukocytes. The aim of this work was to evaluate, in animal models, the role played by an antiviral drug like AlT on several immune functions in morphine and methadone-dependent mjce to verify the immunomodulating action of chronic therapy of AZT in a drug abuse immunocomprom ised population. The impact of AlT on the functions of the immune system was evaluated by the study of: a) subclasses of lymphocytes ( Tl ymp ho c y t e s , rate Thelpe v Tsupp~ esso~ ) by using mo~oclon21 an tibodies; b) phagocytosis and killing properties of pol ymorphonuclear leukocytes PMN ); c ) Natural killer (NK) cells activity; d) mitogenic and antigenic response of lymphocytes. The first results seem to indicatB a serious compromise on phagocitic functions due to a chronic AZT-treatment and AlT, morphine or methadone associated treatment Conversely acute and chronic AZT-treatment does not significantly modify a Thelper/Tsuppressor ratio. References: Tubaro E., Avico U., Santiangeli C., Zuccaro P., Cavallo G., Pacifici R., Croce C., Borelli G. (1985) Int.J.Immunopharmacology 7: 865-874 Pacifici R.,Di Carlo 5.\ Scardaci G., Zuccaro P. (1988) Pharw.acol. Res. Commun 20 (Sup. II): 281 Supported by a research contract from I.S.S.-AIDS Project 1989