Improved sampling in coarse-grained soils (In Norwegian)

Improved sampling in coarse-grained soils (In Norwegian)

106A 853359 Sampling and bulking strategies for estimating soil properties in small regions Webster, R, Burgess, T M J Soil Sci V35, N1, March 1984,...

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853359 Sampling and bulking strategies for estimating soil properties in small regions Webster, R, Burgess, T M

J Soil Sci V35, N1, March 1984, P127-140 Optimal rectangular grid samphng configurations gwmg mmimlzed estimation varmtlons are described using geostatlstlcal methods For hnear seml-vanograms, square blocks are best estimated by sampling at the nodes of a centrally placed grid of interval equal to block size dwlded by square root of sample size The same configuration is nearly optimal for spherical seml-vanograms Bulking of samples wdl mcrease the precision for properties that can be measured on a disturbed sample Usmg the geostatlStlCal approach, true variances can be less than those apparent w~th classical theory, and the samphng effort consequently less

853360 Improved sampling in coarse-grained soils (In Norwegian) Johannessen, I, Kolstad, P

Norw Geotech lust Publ N150, 1984, P1 A solution has been reached, which solves some problems relating to deep sampling in sods contalnmg sand, gravel, stones or boulders, by systemizmg the experience from sampling, bormg technique and eqmpment

853361 Developments in drillhole logging Archer, J S, Taylor, F

Royal School Mines J N341988, 1984 Techniques and eqmpment, currently available and under development, for dnllhole loggmg are surveyed Conng and core analysis and the various methods of obtaming and interpreting information from open hole well logging are considered Particular emphasis ~s given to the new developments of the Repeat Formation Tester (RFT) tool and the development of Measurement While Drdhng (MWD) devices The history, development economics, and state-of-the-art technology of MWD systems under development, and the companies involved, is detailed

P h o t o g r a p h i c techniques

See a~o 853273 853362 Role of photo-interpretatmn and landsat image analysis for geotechnical studies-with examples Roy, A K, Bhattacharya, A

In: Engineering Geoseiences, edited by B B S Singhal P9-19 Publ Meerut, India Sarzta Prakashan, 1982 LANDSAT was used to survey several sites in India Remote surveying can provide geotechnlcal reformation and demonstrate accesslblhty of deposits, but the quahty of a deposit can only be determined by closer inspection

853363 Tectonic framework and structural evolution of parts of Deccan Trap province of Western Maharnshtra, India: a study based on remote sensing techniques Powar, K B. Patti, D N

In: Engineering Geosciences, edited by B B S Singhal P20-33 Publ Meerut. India Sarlta Prakashan. 1982 LANDSAT and aerial photography were used to survey the Maharashta region Major fault zones were exposed and attempts made to correlate the data with previous work in this area

G e o p h y s i c a l techniques

See a~o 853161 853364 Appraisal of the problem of direct hydrocarbon detection b~ seismic method Upadhyay, S K

In: Engineering Geoscwnces, edited by B B S Singhai P215226 Publ Meerut, India Sartta Prakashan 1982 The use of seismic examination as a low cost alternative to current procedures for oil detection is surveyed It is necessar) for further theoretical and statistical analysis to be carried out. including realistic situations, before the method can accurately detect liquids

853365 New algorithm for detecting reflection coefficients in layered media Arsene, G, Ceausescu. Z, Potra, F A, Timotln, D

Annales Geophysicae VI. N4-5 July-Oct 1983 P285-290 Problems in obtaining reflection coefficients of layered structures from the unit response were studied using an equwalent problem from the theory of linear operators in HIlbert spaces The resulting algorithm, which used the last term of the unit response and all other computed reflection coefficients, gave a reflection coefficient which seems to be fitted for controlling noise and for deep detection Preliminary results using real and synthetic data are described

853366 Microseismic monitoring at Faiconbridge Mine, Falconbridge, Ontario Davldge, G R

CIM Bull V77, N868, Aug 1984, P45-49 The mlcroseismlc monitoring system described is situated in a shaft room, 1200m deep and 25m from the ore zone in an area dissected by several faults The system is interfaced with a microcomputer and performs routine data evaluation The programs used are described and selected results are presented

853367 Significance of magnetic susceptibility measurements from the Lac du Bonnet batholith, Manitoba, Canada La Pomte, P, Chomyn, B A, Morms, W A, Coles. R L

Geoexploratian II22, N3-4, July 1984, ['217-229 Work undertaken at the Lac du Bonnet bathohth, Manitoba, Canada, revolved examining borehole cores using magnetic methods, measunng the magnetic susceptibility and its anlsotropy and the magnetic remanence The variation of these properties was used to estimate the geological properties of the rock Magnetic susceptlbihty has to date proved the most successful technique Different magnetic zones can be identified which indicate presence of fractured rock, degree of rock alteration and hthologlcal variations

853368 Crosshole audiofrequency seismology in granitic rocks using piezoelectric transducers as sources and detectors Wong, J, Hurley, P, West. G F

Geoexploration V22, N3-4. July 1984, P261-279 A high resolution borehole to borehole seismic system has been developed and evaluated Promising preliminary results indicate the range to be 100-140m in weathered, jointed or fractured Precambrian rock High signal to noise ratios have been achieved and existing equipment may have a range up to 300m, with range of 1km being attainable wlth a more powerful trans-